His Heartbreak, Her Daughter


After that mess, I didn’t want to go back to school, I didn’t want to go anywhere away from the body guards I had mocked to be an overprotective precaution. And they kinda couldn’t go anywhere because of this little problem of sparkling in the sunlight, It was weird but I couldn’t fixate on it, I was still in shell shock. I just sat next to Rosalie, head resting on her shoulder as she held me in comfort. Jasper and Alice sat a few feet away, we all sat quietly and every time I heard a noise, I jumped.
“It’s alright.” Rosalie cooed softly in my ear, “Nothing is there.”
I looked away from the empty forest to just lean against her some more. She was good at comforting me. I don’t know how long we all sat there but Alice was the first to suggest we leave.
“Aly?” She said, “Can we take you home now? The school is going to call your home soon and we don’t want to worry your mother.”
I just nodded, not wanting to speak, I still felt too tired and my brain didn’t even feel connected to my mouth. Rosalie helped me up and kept an arm around my shoulders.
“When should we tell the others about this?” Rosalie asked.
My brain seemed to wake up with that question, “We can’t.”
“Aly,” Alice said, “We can’t keep this a secret.”
I stepped out of Rosalie’s embrace, “Why not? My parents kept all of this from me.”
“It’s getting more dangerous out here,” Jasper said, “Victoria’s troops are getting more restless and now that you are a target-”
“I’m not a target- That guy was just crazy!”
“Aly,” Alice was frowning, “We can’t just ignore this.”
“I’m not saying we ignore this. I’m saying we can’t tell anyone.”
“How is that any different?” Rosalie asked.
“If mom knew they were coming after us she would give herself up in a heartbeat. I know what happened in Phoenix twenty years ago- She thought that other vampire had my grandma and she offered a trade- And I do not want to find out what she’ll do if she knew what those vamps are thinking of doing to me and my brothers.”
They were quiet, all staring at me behind emotionless faces, but they were thinking about it.
“She’s right,” Jasper said.
“Jasper-” Rosalie said, though in her eyes you knew she agreed.
“Bella will be more reckless now then back then. I don’t want to find out what she’ll do either.”
Alice sighed, ‘Fine… We won’t tell the others.” And she looked at me, “But we can’t take you back looking like that.”
I’m sure I did look a sight, my hair had twigs and stuck out every which way, my jeans ripped and hands scraped up, more bruises would begin to form soon enough and my jaw was aching.
Seemed I couldn’t go a week without some vamp beating the tar out of me.
“We’ll take you back to our house.” Alice decided.
“And tell them what?” Rosalie asked.
“I left school early because of stress and needed a break… Caleb and I broke up.” I said.
“Oh, this is a bad day for you.” Alice said.
I shrugged, truth be told, I’d barely given Caleb a thought since this all started and us calling it quits- even though there wasn’t much to begin with- didn’t bother me in the least as I’ve come to realize, I had much, much bigger problems.
“We can give you a makeover when we reach the house,” Alice said leading me towards the end of the forest where an expensive car no one else in Forks would be able to purchase- or even want to- waited. “It’ll go along well with the breaking up story… And we can make cookies.”
Despite everything, I felt a little joy, “You’ve never been there during a break up have you?”
“A human girl one… no. But I’ve seen all the movies about them.”
Jasper drove as I got into the backseat with Rosalie and Alice on either side, they were chattering away like birds, I think they thought it would make me feel better, I just tuned it out mostly.
We reached the Cullen household, Alice had already called my mother to say I wasn’t at school but not to worry because she and Rose would take good care of me and make me forget all about the nasty boy. Mom wasn’t worried, she had full faith in them to keep me happy and safe. The word safe seemed to make them quieter.
Once there I went straight to the bathroom and Alice drew a bath she went out to find new clothing for me with Rosalie in one of their closets. I was left to get into the overly large bathtub and be engulfed in the safe haven of bubbles.
The house was quiet, something I really couldn’t imagine as I’d always come when it was loud and full of life. The others were out elsewhere apparently, hunting, working, body guarding. It all sounded like the same thing.
Although I usually preferred bathing alone, Alice and Rosalie came in to pester and annoy me, their words not mine. I actually felt a lot better not having to be alone, even if I was in the safest house in the entire world.
When they said makeover, they weren’t kidding. I tried to tell them it was okay, that I really didn’t need anything but Alice told me to shut up and pick which shoes I thought were better.
They dressed me up pretty in a silver dress, I took the flats over the scary looking heels. Amazingly they fit, Rosalie and I had the same large feet, which we laughed at. They covered every inch of my face with makeup, hated it, and did it three more times. Same with my hair.
Jasper had been downstairs, instructed for baking… he made a really good oatmeal and M&M’s cookie. Alice insisted chick flicks and sat on Jasper to make him stay… We all knew he wouldn’t reject that anyway.
We were in the middle of 10 Things I hate about you, it was wicked awesome and Heath Ledger was totally attractive. He was so robbed by dying so young. Then again… I suppose that means he’ll be cool forever.
“Romantic comedies were so good in the nineties!” I said.
“They ruled in the eighties and nineties, yeah, Now everything remade and complete crap.” Jasper said.
I smiled back at him, I was on a pile of various pillows on the floor, lying on my stomach, everyone was sitting behind me against the couch.
“You like chick flicks Jasper?” I asked.
He smiled gently, “Seventy years of this little monster and you start developing tastes and opinions on things of the non masculine variety…”
“I think it’s nice you have opinions on good movies and not afraid to admit you like them.”
“Its not like we live with any bullies who would make fun of me for it.”
“And if Emmett does try they duke it out in a most brutish fashion.” Rosalie said.
We laughed and looked back to the movie, as we were putting in a second movie, the others came home but I wasn’t told until Emmett mad e a very loud greeting that made me scream. He laughed and Esme smacked him, they stayed behind and the others decided to stretch their legs and went downstairs with Edward and Carlisle.
I sat in between Esme and Emmett, I refused to forgive him.
“You know, you may enjoy life a lot more if you just learn to let things go.” He told me.
I just eat more cookies and glared, Rosalie and Alice came back and I sat with the four vampires laughing and generally enjoying my time there, I don’t think I ever not enjoyed time with them… Well, besides the running for my life part but we won’t count that.
I was out of milk so told the others to sit because I could get it myself, besides sitting in one place after so many cookies I began to fill bloated.
I went down to the kitchen and hummed a tune as I poured milk. It was amazing how much food these people had when they didn’t even eat.
I saw the rest of the cookies on the counter, Okay, what were another three more? I grabbed them and my glass and walked out, then noticed Edward sat in the darkest corner of the room, eyes shut and looking peaceful. He could be asleep… Or dead. Boy, did he look dead- He wasn’t even breathing… And with his one arm flopped over on one side of the arm chair-
“I can hear you.” He said suddenly, barely moving his lips.
I nearly dropped my cookies, Of course he wasn’t dead- And he could hear my lameness… How does one forget about a mind reader in their midst?
Edward looked at me, he looked tired but his eyes weren’t black anymore, and yet he still looked tired… “Are you alright?” I asked.
He waited a second before answering, he appeared to be seriously debating something. “I’m fine.” He finally answered and faked a smile.
Liar. “Are you sure?” I gave him an eye, he knew I didn’t believe him.
“I’m fine.” He repeated.
“Fine, Fine, Fine…” I shrugged and turned, But if you feel like talking about it I’m not going anywhere. I’m not sure if he heard me but I said it in my head anyway, meaning it.
“Aly,” He said and I turned nearly falling off balanced, surprised he was actually gonna open up.
“Yes?” I said straightening up trying to look cooler, like someone you actually wanted to talk to rather than laugh at the fact they’ve just tripped and nearly got their milk all over themselves, which I thankfully didn’t.
He was smiling at my stumble, but was quickly unsmiling and sat back in his chair, not looking at me, “You look nice.”
Cue deflating balloon sound.
“Thanks.” I muttered, not interly happy even though I received a compliment because I much rather… Damn! I was thinking again. I went upstairs blushing, forever cursing my wandering mind.
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