His Heartbreak, Her Daughter

The Cullens

I was falling asleep again as Miss Towers drowned on about reviewing the civil war for the nine millionth time. Then that damned bell went off and I shot up in my seat, DJ giggled beside me.
“Oh, You sleepyhead.” She waved a hand at me and we got up.
“Shut up, that woman could put coffee to sleep.”
“There’s a image.” She scrunched her nose in thought and I laughed as we went to her locker, she would be late to come to Gwen’s house to discuss the shoe problems.
“Oh look who it is.” She sang looking over my shoulder.
I looked back, I should have known by the way she had sung her words, and saw Caleb McArthur, my date for the prom. He was talking to the art teacher. He was really good looking, one of those quiet art kids who are really talented but don’t boast about it because he’s not an attention seeking lame-oid. His hair was short brown and spiky, he was tall and thin with pretty blue eyes. We had gone out on a few group dates hanging out Sortof thing and everyone really seemed to like him. He was a year older but that was okay. And perhaps the best part? He moved here from France a few months ago and had an accent!
Come on, Was there anything hotter then an accent ladies? Back me up.
Caleb caught my eye and a little smirk pulled off to the right side of his mouth, making me smiling stupidly and nearly fall on my knees as they gave way.
I turned away quickly, and mock glared to DJ, “DJ you suck.”
“Just because I like to help your love life?” She smiled.
“My love life needs no help.”
“Are you kidding Aly?” Jeff came over to us. “You are so awkward around boys you’re ‘dating’ you trip over your own feet and get yourself into the strangest situations.”
“Well, no one asked you.” I said, “Besides, You guys don’t even have dates…”
“Untrue, We have each other.” DJ said, “And I’m only going with him because all the other boys in the school are idiots.”
“Ditto.” Jeff agreed.
We laughed and talked a little more before I was late for Gwen’s. I ran to Katy’s car where they waited, Katy subject to Gwen’s near insufferable blabbing. Before going to Gwen’s we went to Starbucks to pick up fraps, the thinking drink.
I sat in Katy’s car with Gwen as Katy went in for drinks, anything to escape the blabber. The Starbucks hadn’t been here long as Forks was a tiny town, but if they could have twelve in a decent sized town they could put one in our shrinky-dink town… And stick Native American folk art just to blend in all the more.
Starbucks, all about the little people.
After we were caffeinated we went to Gwen’s where we spent the next few hours discussing shoes, dresses, tuxes… whatever had to do with prom. DJ arrived from her swim practice and seemed to wish she had stayed in this mad fury of frills and stilettos.
We stayed longer then expected, Katy had made sure we’d done any homework after dinner of the healthy variety. Apparently we weren’t allowed to eat anything that may compromise our fitting into our dresses… which I got crap for not having one yet.
At ten thirty- after my curfew, oh no- we left and Katy dropped me off at the house. I thought I would be okay because all the lights in the house were off. Perhaps my parents had turned in early and wouldn’t know I was sneaking in late? Even then, it wasn’t like I’d been with a boy…
I unlocked the door and really hoped dad was sleeping, despite having better then phenomenal hearing, he could sleep through an earth quake. I shut the door quietly behind me as everything in the house seemed quiet. I turned and got a few feet before I found pain in my foot as I rammed it into the wall.
I hopped up and down and started a curse, “Son of a-“
“Aly!” My parents barked from the darkness, I screamed and lost balance, tripping over the carpet and back onto the couch upside down.
There was a deep chuckle rumbling from the darkness I suspected from father, he had a deep grumbly voice, but this wasn’t as rough as his. The light switched on and I found two strangers staring down at me, fighting their amusing looks at my stupidity. On my left was a man about dads age with soft golden hair and completed his old man sweater getup with a scarf, he was a really good looking old man. And on my right was a boy closer to my age with funny bronze coloured hair. Also extremely good looking.
“Oh god,” I quickly flipped myself over completely onto my knees and then jumped to my feet, eyes wide in horror at embarrassing myself, that damned Swan blush setting in deeply. “I am so- so sorry- I didn’t mean to- It was dark.” I quickly panicked for a apology.
“Quite alright.” The blonde man smiled.
“Apologize to them?” Dad asked so I turned to him, “What about us? You broke curfew young lady.”
“I know, I’m sorry we just all got so caught up in everything and-“
“Oh calm down Aly,” Mom rolled her eyes, “He barely even noticed your absence.”
“Oh… Cool.” I said breathing calmer now. I looked around and saw five more strangers in the house. Five more of the most beautiful people I’d ever seen in my life. They all had pale- more so then mom or I- skin, flawless in every way. Another shared feature was their golden eyes and of course the insane beauty. There was a couple in their mid thirties everyone else appeared to be in their late teens or early twenties. They all watched me, like they were examining me and it was a little unnerving to be being judged by so many people obviously more gorgeous then yourself.
“And… uhm, I apologize for interrupting your little… group.” I had no idea what to call it.
“It’s okay honey, We’ve been waiting for you to sneak back in so we could introduce you.” Mom came over to wrap an arm around my shoulders, beaming so proudly at me. “Everyone, This is our daughter, Aly.”
“Hi.” I did a little jerk of a wave and then shoved my hands back to my side, scared to make any sudden moves.
“Hello.” They all said smiling brightly. They seemed… excited for some reason to meet me. It made my uneasy feelings all the uneasier.
“Aly, These are our old friends the Cullens, Rosalie and Emmett,” Mom said and directed my attention to a pair on the couch, The girl was blonde and was clearly Venus, the goddess of Beauty… or was it Love? Either way my confidence shattered. Beside her was a mini hulk with dark hair and I decided right then to not piss him off and get my head squished between his fingers. “Alice and Jasper” The girl was adorable, tiny with a dark pixie haircut… and I just adored her boots. The boy was tall, lean and blonde, his skin almost looked silver in some parts and he looked most curiously to me, “And lastly Esme, Carlisle and Edward.” The woman was the eldest of their group- but not by much- with wavy light brown hair and reminded my so much of my own mother I felt a little bit better about all the staring. The other two were the guys I’d had fallen between on the couch.
“Good to meet you.” I said trying to not look too embarrassed.
“And it’s so nice to meet you.” Esme said, eyes sparkling.
Emmett laughed, “No way is this Bella’s daughter- Did you see that flip?”
I blushed, mom shared in it. Rosalie slapped Emmett’s head.
“She’s a dancer Em, Look at the trophies behind you.” Alice said rolling her eyes.
He looked and turned back grinning, “Still, Wouldn’t have believed it until I saw it.”
“Anyways,” Dad rolled his eyes, “Now that you’ve met everybody, Aly. March your butt upstairs missy, you got school tomorrow.”
“But-“ I looked at him.
“Do you still want to go to you’re prom- dance thing?”
I sighed and started walking out, “Fine, Fine, Fine. Night parentals. Night Cullens.”
“Good night Aly.” The Cullens all chimed in a angel like chorus.
“Aly, You’re tracking mud.” Mom called.
I turned on the stairs, out of sight from everyone and kicked off my sneakers, they landed messily by the door.
“Thank you.”
”Sure, Sure.” I rolled my eyes as I’m sure she did at the same time and went up to my room.
I got into my pajamas and plugged in my Ipod to do the last of my homework and rock out to whatever came onto the shuffle mix. I sat in the my bay window and looked outside as the rain fell then noticed something strange in the driveway.
There were no cars in the driveway or down the street. No vehicles or bikes, any forms of transportation whatsoever for my parents friends.
“Huh.” I said and looked back to my book. Maybe they liked to walk… But it had been raining all night and they were all dry.
I just shook my head and decided to do my homework before I got to distracted.