His Heartbreak, Her Daughter

New Troubles.

I stumbled to my feet, half expecting to already be rocking the tail and four legged look. But I still had my hands, human like and with thumbs. I looked in the mirror on the wall, No ears, no tail, no oversized teeth or excessive hair.
I tried to calm my racing heart as I paced in the room. I once been told hanging around vamps too much would wake up the gene, but I didn’t take it seriously, truth be told I had forgotten about it and I didn’t want to think about it. I had been having much too much fun with Edward and the others- I never even stopped to consider the consequences.
How could I have done this to myself? Why did I let myself… what, have fun? Enjoy life? Yes, what a terrible thing to want to enjoy life.
I sat on the edge of the bed trying to keep it together. I didn’t want to be a werewolf, I didn’t ask for this- So why did I have to suffer through it. I felt like I was going to pass out any minute and when I woke up… would I be changed? Will I wake up as a wolf and everything be okay?
No, Nothing would be okay again. I couldn’t, No, I wouldn’t be a wolf. I lifted my head, I just had to leave, To get away from all these damned vampires and the mutation in me would stop and then I’ll return home and it would all be okay.
I went to the door and took the handle, and froze.
But could I leave? Could I leave without saying goodbye to my friends, to my family? What about the Cullens? After all they’d done for me, for my family. The happiness I experienced when I was with them… Could I leave and never see them again? Could I sacrifice that?
When I woke up on the floor from passing out again, I was too scared to begin thinking again. I rushed out the door and flew down the stairs, only stopping in the rain.
It calmed my fever a little and I stopped in my tracks. Was this rational? When did running away ever solve anybody’s problems?
I was startled by howling and growling in the woods, I felt it deep in me, vampires were nearby and I finally decided I only had one option.

Jacob’s head was swimming in a painless wonder. He’d been attacked, he knew that much and the others had saved him from being finished off. He remembered intense pain and Bella being there, but then everything else was gone. He opened his eyes to see a dim light on, but it was still too bright for his eyes. He grumbled uncomfortably, the surface he laid on was not comfortable. Neither was the smell. Must be at the Cullen’s.
He looked over at the duel voices, “Hey boys.” He got out, his voice gruff. They rushed over and hugged him, he felt the pressure but no pain came. Good meds.
“Sorry- we probably hurt you.” Barlie stood straight.
“It’s worth it.” He couldn’t quite reach his arm high right now so only patted his chest.
“How are you?” Chilly asked.
“Very fine actually. Say what you will about their stench, but that Doctor Leech is good.”
“We never comment on their smell.”
“Wait until the family gene kicks in, you’ll never come over again.”
The boys smiled.
“Where’s your mother and sister?”
The boys frowned.
“I think Aly’s upstairs, she fell asleep out on the deck earlier so Carlisle carried her up.” Chilly told him, “She was making all sorts of sounds in her sleep.”
“Eh, That girl expects too much of herself.” Jacob put an arm behind his head, “And you’re mother?”
They looked at one another, a look passing between them. Jacob caught it.
“Boys- Where is your mother?” Jacob demanded.
“They… There was…” Barlie couldn’t tell him, who could?
“Bella?” Jacob sat up.
“Dad, lie down!” Barlie commanded.
“Yeah- You’re gonna bust your stitches or something!” Chilly panicked on the other side.
“Jacob, You should listen to your sons.” Carlisle came inside the room, soaked and covered in mud, clothes tattered and looking wary. Esme was the same.
“Whoa! Did you guys get them?” Chilly asked.
“Get who-?” Jacob began, then realized he didn’t really care about that and asked, “Where’s Bella, Cullen?”
“We got them. You’re uncles are handling the rest of them. We should be safe.” Esme reassured.
“Jacob, I am going to give you some more sedative-” Carlisle began and Jacob slapped in out of his hand.
“Tell me where my wife is!” Jacob demanded.
Then the front door banged open and Alice’s voice called, “Aly!”
“Now what?” Chilly said annoyed.
Esme went to the other room, “The other’s are coming- What’s wrong?”
“We don’t know- Alice just had a vision and ran.” Jasper said.
“We assume it’s about Aly.” Emmett said and was glared at by Rosalie.
Bella dropped from Emmett’s arms and spotted Jacob awake. “Jacob!” She whispered and ran to him, nearly tripping but he caught her in time.
“Oh Jacob,” She cried against his neck, “I was so scared.”
“It’s alright, I’m fine now.” He told her, not completely true now, there was still some pain from all this sudden movement he was doing but he didn’t care and the fuzz in his head was getting easier to beat down now that he had Bella there.
"Aly's gone." Alice ran back downstairs, Edward trailing behind her, almost appearing to be in a daze.
"What!" Jacob stumbled to his feet, Bella barely supporting him.
"No, She can't be-" Bella asked hysterically.
“When was this?” Carlisle asked.
“It had to be when we went to catch those other vampires.” Esme said and looked to the twins, “Did you boys see her leave?”
“We thought she was still upstairs.” Barlie looked pale, as did Chilly.
Esme looked to Bella, "We're so sorry Bella, we didn't know- There was so much going on and-"
But Bella was looking to Alice, "Did they take her?"
Alice stared at her old friend and swallowed remorsefully, "No, She left on her own. She took one of the cars."
"No... Why would- She wouldn't! She knows it's not safe- She's not an idiot- She wouldn't just leave- Just look for her Alice! You can find her-"
Alice was shaking her head, "I can't." She whispered.
"What the hell do you mean?" Jacob stood before her, looking much more like the giant he was.
"She's been getting harder and harder to see over the past few days and now... It’s just so hard to look for her- But I’ll keep trying, I promise." Her eyes looked shiny, her voice sounded strained, She was afraid, she was remorseful and Bella just couldn't find it in herself to blame her or any of them. "I'm so sorry Bella-"
"It's not your fault," Bella said her voice surprisingly even, though her tears sparkled in her eyes, "I don't blame any of you."
"You should," Everyone looked back to Edward who wore a most chagrin expression, pain deeply embedded in his face.
"What do you mean?" Jacob asked with a suspicious glare.
"Aly was starting to... She was very..." He couldn't seem to find the words he wanted.
"Just get it out Edward!" Emmett said annoyed, apparently this was something he hadn't shared with his family.
Edward shut his eyes and then opened them to look Bella right in the eye, "Aly was started to develop feelings..." He found himself ashamed and had to look away, "Feelings,” He repeated, "For me."
Everyone was quiet nearly a minute, taken back by this.
"What did you do?" Jacob asked, or more growled.
"I couldn't..." Edward looked up and into Bella's face but she wasn't looking at him, she appeared to be a million miles away, "The things she was thinking about… I wanted to let her down easy."
Bella's eyes snapped back to his, a haunted pain in them, a pain that immediately reminded Edward of the day he said he was leaving her and not coming back, so many years ago.
"You tried to let her down easy?" Jacob sounded mad.
"I thought it would be the right thing to do..." Edward was looking at Bella, begging her to understand more so then ever, "She's confused, her feelings are... She just doesn't understand the complications of the whole situation."
"She doesn't understand... She's run away because of you!" Jacob shouted and moved quicker than the others anticipated, He already threw a punch that sent Edward flying back and into the dining room table, breaking it in half, the next thing Jacob knew his arms were held back by Emmett, Jasper was setting in a calming effect.
"Let go!" Jacob shouted and flopped out of Emmett's arms landing on his knees, he looked at Edward, "I'm gonna kill you fang..."
"Bella..." Esme hissed, everyone in the room knew Jacob was not bluffing, they could just tell by the way he spoke, the determination and hate in his face.
"No, Let him."Edward sat up, "I've deserved it, Every time I've come here I've ruined everything." He looked at Bella, "Your life would have been so much simpler if I had died."
She hadn't spoken for minutes, she had given no reaction to when her husband assaulted Edward, he truly thought she would give Jacob the ok to finish the job, not that he would care. He wanted to stop hurting people. Bella came forward slowly and then her hand whipped out and slapped him.
Edward's head stayed down from her slap, of course he had time to move out of the way, he could have left his neck stiff and had her break every bone in her hand, but he deserved it and she deserved to think she could cause him pain that she inflicted in a physical way instead of all the mental scars.
"You don't get it do you?" She said in a soft, angry whisper, her voice wavering, he could smell her tears, "You've never gotten it... All these years surrounded by humans, watching them, envying them for being alive and experiencing everything new until they die, jealous of their precious, temporary way of living... All the while you've sat back and hated yourself. Called yourself a monster when all you are is... human. You're just like them. And you think after over a century you would begin to think that happy endings do not exist- That you have to fight for what you want but no- One Bloodsucking immortality and you think that is the worst thing you can be- Well let me tell you- There are humans out there who do a thousand worse things then you've ever done. Humans who have no reasons to hurt people..."
She stopped, taking shaky breathes to calm herself and speak again before looking in her eyes, "When will you just learn to let go, get over yourself... And just enjoy the life you've been given?"
He stared up at her and opened his mouth thinking he had the answer but she spoke first, "And I swear to god, If you say you don't deserve to enjoy life... I will think of some harsh and unusual way of punishment for Jacob to unfold on you."
Edward shut his mouth and got to his feet, "Do I surprise you at all?
"No," Bella shook her head, "You're still the whiney vampire I've always known."
Despite everything they both laughed in a humorless, morbid sort of way and hugged, Bella the one inviting it. She'd barely touched him since the first night they came back, He didn't think he would again, especially after admitting he'd hurt her daughter.
"You're just going to forgive him?" Jacob asked.
Bella looked back and went to husband, "We need to find Aly and we can't afford to lose any of our friends."
Jacob frowned but didn't disagree. “Then let’s get started then.”
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Now what do you gotta say about that kids? comments are nice! xomelf