His Heartbreak, Her Daughter


I wasn’t entirely sure on the last days events so I reviewed them, again, in my head.
I had decided to leave Forks, my home, to outrun the disease inside me. I took one of the Cullen’s cars, it’s not like they couldn’t afford losing one and Edward ran through them so quickly it would be rarely missed. I drove fast as I could, as long as I could, I was well out of the state of Washington and drove all night. When the sun started coming in I had to stop and take a nap, my throat was like sandpaper from crying so I went to a Starbucks for water. Once comfortable enough I rested in the backseat and slept, the fever was still on me and knocked me out quickly.
When I finally came to again, I knew I was in trouble. Outside the window it was dark, I had slept right through the day and felt no better. And in the front seat I saw a man, whose heart lay unbeating in his chest. Vampire.
I couldn’t escape, in my fever he had tied my hands and feet. He seemed happy to see me awake, said it was much nicer then talking to an unconscious person. He told me how Victoria was his sire and he ran when the flanks got too big. Never was much for people, he told me. Before he left though he had gotten my scent and in my side trip for water he caught my scent and was disappointed in the lack of fight to bringing me down.
I wasn’t sure why he brought me to Victoria, but he did and the smile she wore when she saw me, barely able to stand and thrown at her feet, it would haunt me for the rest of my days. Which, I could only assume was days, maybe hours.
She bickered with her fledgling about his reward for her prize, I could barely pay attention and passed out from the pain flaring up my spine.
That’s how it went for days, I would sleep and awake for a little while then slip back. Sometimes I woke up and Victoria was there, sometimes she wasn’t.
One time she was sitting before me, stroking my hair and smiling, speaking to me in her all too sweetly voice, “No one can find me when I am with you my darling, You are quite the godsend. But what to do with you? So many years, plotting against those who destroyed my life, my reason to live… And they all so adore you. After a while of watching… I figured out it was always you I wanted to take. To use against them. They’re all going mad looking for you… And I will eventually send you back to them. It’s just a matter of how they will find you that’s my problem. So many methods… So many ideas and only one pretty girl to bestow them on.”
She kissed my forehead and I shivered, her touch was like acid on my skin. Not only for the ice it felt like on me or the stench of her in my nose, but just because of her. She was a pathetic being. An empty shell. The true definition of monster.
“You’re scared aren’t you sweetie? Afraid of what I’m thinking, of what I’m going to do… That is very smart of you. I won’t lie, I know you are a big girl. I am going to hurt you, maybe I’ll kill you before I begin the massacre as a mercy to you, After all… I’m not a monster.”
Next thing I knew my head slammed against the concrete as I had hocked as much spit as I could muster in her face.
“Stupid child!” Victoria roared, shaking before me, “Are you so insolent you cannot comprehend the deal I was giving you- What?”
I had tried to speak, but it was hard and she was screaming. I looked up to her as she towered over me. Not afraid, but weary of this fight, just as I knew all my friends were.
“I said,” I spat blood and looked her in the eye, “You’re wrong. You are a monster. A blood sucking murderer hell bent on the masochistic pain of others. And I’m not afraid of what you’ll do to me, I’m not scared of what you’re thinking, I already know you’re a pathetic, psychotic bitch.”
Her nostrils flared and her eyes narrowed and widened at the same time, her cheek twitching and clenching her fists so tight if she could bleed, she would have been.
Then she had me up against the wall, eyes burning into mine and hand so tight around my neck I could not squeeze a breath through me.
“I am going to hurt you in the worst possible way any of them can imagine. It will destroy you in the end, and you will destroy them. And I will be there, to witness the destruction your beloved family started twenty years ago…”
With that, she released her grip on my neck with her hands, and replaced it with her teeth.

For the first time in three days, they had a lead. The last vampire they had seen through Alice’s vision with Aly. The stolen report they had put out of the car Aly had taken had also helped in tipping them off. The vampire had kept in once he dropped Aly off to Victoria. Now they just needed to find out where the drop off point was. When they got there though, Victoria had long since left with Aly.
“Think carefully Mark.” Jasper told their hostage, “As hard as you can, where would Victoria take Aly?”
“I don’t know man, She never had a pattern for these things.” Mark answered.
“That doesn’t sound like a suggestion friend.” Emmett forced his arm back in a awkward and painful angle, even to a vampire.
“He doesn’t know anything Em,” Edward said, as bleak as he ever had been since Aly had gone missing. He blamed himself and was obsessed with finding her to making things right.
“You never know Edward.” Rosalie said, “He could be hiding something in that head of his.”
“I’m not I swear-” Mark started but at another arm wench he started spouting places.
“He’s just giving us empty answers.” Edward said.
“Well it doesn’t hurt to keep looking.” Bella said.
Alice had a vision then that changed Edward’s expression to horror.
“No.” He breathed.
“Oh,” Alice gasped, heart aching.
“What is it?” Carlisle asked.
Alice looked to them sickened, “Victoria’s decided what to do with Aly. She means to make her into a vampire.”
“Not if we can stop her.” Edward started out the door.
“But we don’t even know where to look!” Esme said.
“I know where she is.”
“So that means I can go right? No harm, no foul.” Mark said.
“No leech, I say we have a big foul.” Jacob told him and nodded to Emmett, who finished him off quick.
“Edward, “Alice followed, “it’s too late- She- We can’t get there in time- And it- It was my last- I know that was the final vision of Aly. I don’t want to believe it-”
“Then don’t.” He told her.
♠ ♠ ♠

I've added an option on the poll over on Quizilla, the old one is deleted so I need to ask you to take another minute out of your time to re- vote. If you had before and if not... Maybe the third option makes you much happier over all of this.


So I'll add an extra day for the opening of the poll, march the second will be when it closes and you can expect an update after that.

Thank you for your time, again.



You know I always take your guyses thoughts on my stories into considersation so hear I am now asking what you guys want to become of Aly.

Victoria may mean to turn miss Aly into a vampire, but that doesn't mean she can be turned, we must consider the shewolf in her.

So my question in, Which would you prefer- Aly to be a werewolf, or a vampire?

A poll is up on quizilla (link below) , I request you vote for it and if you don't, well then you just may not get the outcome you'd like for Aly, so vote!

It will be up until the first of March, a monday. That gives you a week to vote. Plus a day, just cause I feel like it.

There will be no updates until after that when Aly's fate is chosen by you, my beloved readers.

So vote for your team. Message your thoughts, I always love hearing and responding. Makes me confident, makes me want to write more, makes good for you in turn.

Thanks for sticking around and reading this, you guys are the coolest!
