His Heartbreak, Her Daughter

Finding Aly.

The Cullens and the Blacks raced to the location of Alice’s vision for Aly. The sky was darkening and from far off the country road the smoke could be seen.
“What the hell…?” Emmett sat forward from the back seat.
“Drive faster.” Bella ordered Alice. They had taken two cars and both were racing to get there as quick as they could.
Coming close they saw it was a old farmhouse on fire, the same from Alice’s vision. Those who could jump out of a moving car without consequence, did and raced to the building. Leading them was Edward.
“Edward!” Carlisle grabbed him, “You must think clearly about this son-”
“Aly is in there Carlisle!” Edward said trying to get away.
“And if you catch fire you won’t be able to do anything to help her.” Emmett pointed out, Edward growled.
“Do you hear that?” Jacob said, Just getting out of the car, still tender from nearly having his insides pulled out .
“What?” Rosalie asked.
Beneath the sounds of the fire crackling and things popping there was a ripping sound, and gargling. It was faint but there.
“Aly isn’t in there… Is she?” Bella asked.
Jasper and Alice had run around the houses perimeter and rejoined them.
“There’s only one trail going in- Victoria’s. None coming out, none going.” Jasper said.
That was enough for Edward, he feinted right so Carlisle faced the wrong way as Edward ran into the house, crashing through the window and right through the rotted floor. He got to his feet and looked around.
“Aly!” He called not worried about anything as silly as choking on smoke, catching fire though…
He didn’t focus on that and called for Aly as he made his way through the smoke infested room filled with so many different scents, one so familiar he stopped dead.
A vampire was burning here.
“Edward!” Emmett landed next to him, “We need to find Aly and-” His nostrils flared as he recognized the scent. “Is that-?”
“I believe so yes.” Edward couldn’t hear any other thoughts but Emmett’s and then, a faint beating. He went the opposite way and came to a door, flaming debris began to fall and he crashed through the old door a second before it squished him. Emmett did not follow.
There he found her. She was curled up in a corner, knees up and head tucked in, her clothes looked torn and she was bleeding and bruised, but her heart was still beating and that was all that mattered, no matter how quickly or irregular it was doing so.
“Aly,” He breathed and her head snapped up, he nearly fell back when her eyes met his. They were completely black, not just the iris but the whole white part too, they reflected pain and fear.
“Edward,” Her voice seemed so harsh and… almost inhuman. She choked on his name and he saw her teeth were longer- pointier- then normal.
All he could was stare in horror- Not of how she looked, but the thought of how she got this way, what was happening inside her. She was covered in bruised and scratches, perhaps self inflicted by those sharpened nails that looked more like talons on the end of her fingers. She was sweating and Edward could have sworn her skin rippled from beneath, but that both could be because it was four hundred degrees in there and the smoke was getting to his eyes. Then there was her heart, it beat fast like Jacob’s, but in a stranger pattern that had him doubting his brain perceiving it over the actual hearing of it. She smelt like nothing he could recall, she looked like nothing he could imagine… What had Victoria done to her? What was happening to her? A werewolf couldn’t survive a vampire bite… Carlisle, Carlisle would know what to do.
“Edward, Edward…” She repeated in her strange, mangled voice, her hand reached out to touch him and then she saw it, the oversized nails and the fear in her face maximized. She began to hyperventilate, hiding her face in her lap again, squeezing to her smallest size possible.
“Aly,” Edward took a first step and she snarled- A snarl worthy of a vampire and werewolf both.
He caught her throats, they were jumbled just as her voice had been. She didn’t want him to see her like this… She didn’t even know what was happening… Only that it hurt, that it wouldn’t stop hurting… She wanted him to go away, She hated what was happening to her… She didn’t want anyone to see…
“Aly… I’m not going anywhere.” Edward came slowly to her, “We need to get out of here, the building- I don’t know how long before it will fall down…”
Then as if on cue, the ceiling above groaned and Edward’s full attention was on Aly, cowering in the corner. He heard the crack above and could have moved out of the way at last second, but instead Aly’s head snapped up and she flew at him, knocking him back to safety. It was so fast, he had barely processed it.
“Aly,” He sat up, she rolled off and he picked her up from the ground, her white skin wasn’t just bruised, it was burned. He needed to get her out of here. She needed medical attention.
He had been so caught up in his panic of Aly he hadn’t been aware of Emmett destroying the wall behind him. Emmett poked his head through and saw them.
“Holy crap she looks like hell!” Emmett said and stepped through, taking Edwards elbow to help him out, “Let’s get out of here-” More debris fell, blocking their way behind them.
“Dammit, Rosie!” He called and from behind them the wall shuddered, another couple of seconds and there was another hole in the wall, leading to the outside. Their names were called and they rushed over, not even needing to jump out as arms reached in and pulled them out.
“Emmett, You idiot!” Was their first greeted made by Rosalie, who threw her arms around his neck.
“Someone had to follow this idiot.” Emmett smiled sincerely enough at Edward.
“I don’t have anything to work with- But our first priority is getting her to fresh air.” Carlisle said. “She was unconscious when you found her?”
“No.” Edward said, trying to make sense of it all.
“What the hell is wrong with her?!” Jacob was well aware of her smell.
“What do you mean?” Bella asked in a panic.
“She doesn’t smell like a wolf- She smells like a vamp and a wolf! And listen to that heartbeat-”
“Jacob, I promise I will find out what has happened to her.” Carlisle said as Edward laid her down. “Except I will not fully understand until I get to entirely examine her- For now all I can do is make sure there is minimal damages so we can move her to a more appropriate place.”
Carlisle began to quickly go over her, his main concern was burns at this point- and that over racing heartbeat but that could hardly be fixed now. Bella collapsed on her knees near him, and took all her will power not to cry- She had her daughter back- no matter what was happening to her- and she knew it was something- She had her back.
“Oh Aly…” Bella cried and stroked back wet hair from her forehead. As soon as her fingers made contact, Aly’s eyes shot open and that caused Bella to jump, falling back and Jacob knelt beside. All the vampires attention fell back to her, Carlisle even stopped. Edward was relieved to see them back to normal. The white of eye no longer black.
“Aly… honey?” Jacob said in shock.
Her eyes fluttered and her breathing came out in short pants, as if she wasn’t breathing.
“She’s not breathing!” Bella cried.
“No- She- She is.” Carlisle stared, going through every medical tactic he knew trying to figure this girl out.
“Muh… Muh… Muh…” Aly kept repeating.
No one else understood but Edward caught the jist of it. Aly had felt a pulse in Bella’s fingers the blood pumping beneath the skin which made her throat dry. Though she was in too much pain still to really put Bella in any danger. That hunger though, it ripped in her throat fueling a new pain inside her, her fingers dug into the dirt and her back arched as she breathed deeply and let out a pure pained human scream.
♠ ♠ ♠
MISS MELF SAYS: Well, I like it. I don't know about you lot... I suppose I'll hear about it soon enough, hopefully. I do apologize for the serious lapse of time it took to update though, I didn't want to bring out anything half assed to you my lovely readers. Hybrid won in the poll by 63% and if you aren't careful with it, well it could come out sounding dumb. I also aged during my hiatus, to the very old age of twenty. Although everyone who found out I'd hit twenty still thinks I can pass for sixteen and I am very proud of that :P lol! ...Ya, I still hold the mental capacity of someone half my age, more loling slash hystarical sobbing as I become like, the oldest person on quizilla. lolSOB.
Anyways, hope to hear your critisms darlings! xomelf