His Heartbreak, Her Daughter

Big Change.

Safe. I was safe and only with Edward now. I had dinner with my family but as the twins had been there annoying selves, I managed to escape and take Edward away with me. He took me to the beach and I dragged him into the water. It wasn’t too cold out, he was the coolest thing there, but I didn’t count that as a bad thing. The night was perfect, everything was perfect.

Water splashed onto my face and that jolted me out of happy fantasies, jumping to my feet with a furious growl that bounced off the walls around me.

I collapsed back onto my belly whimpering. Why couldn’t I just have that one thing? Be sucked into the world of delusions and be done with it.

Running through the forest I sought for solitude and almost ran into Sean while looking for it. That would have been a very bad thing. If he had seen me then the others would have and… UGH!

All I wanted was to stay here until I thought of something better. I was a monster now, an outcast, I could never go home, they would never accept me. I could never accept me. Dying would be such a nice reprieve.

I don’t know how long I had been in the underwater cave, I just knew no one would find me. No one knew about this place and it was hard enough to get into even if you knew your way to it. The journey alone through the tunnels would leave any air breather breathless. I had discovered it when I was young, the waves had become much wilder since then, the tide higher. Damn global warming.

I watched the calm pool before me, the only entrance in, the waves tiny as they rolled up the rock and didn’t even reach my front paws. How I wish they would grow stronger and drag me away into the deepest depths of the ocean.

Suicide, I had never once contemplated it in my entire life but ever since Victoria bit me… Victoria.

I buried my head in my hands, I never wanted to think of her again, think of what I did. She had deserved it, I wanted to tell myself, She was a cold blooded killer who would have come after my family again if I hadn’t stopped her. But her screams… I squeezed my eyes tight, ran my paws over my head as I heard them again. I wanted them to go away, I wanted to forget.

It was all her fault! Her fault she died, she had forced me to do that to her- Her fault I had become this… thing.

I was staring into the water when I noticed a large shape coming towards me beneath, rising to the surface I rose to my feet, my brain figuring out what it was but my feet not listening to run. Then he was standing there before me and it was one long second of staring back before my feet finally listened to my brain.

“Aly, Wait!” Edward pleaded.

Stupid, idiot! I cursed myself running deeper into the cave, there was nowhere to hide but holes in the wall, I found one small enough for my flexible wolf self to get into, Edward would not be able to follow.

Of course he would find me, I had told him once I liked the caves and it’s not like he had the inconvenience of breathing to keep him from searching them. Stupid, stupid, stupid!

“Aly, come out of there,” Edward was at the end of my hiding spot, I knew his arm was too short to reach me, not that he would drag me out by my tail. I think.

“Everyone’s so worried about you, Please, come back with me Aly.” He was practically begging.

I squeezed myself as tight as I could manage, trying to get farther into the crack, hoping I could just disappear. I couldn’t see him, I hoped it was the same. His face from the day he found me came back and I cringed, it hurt me more than the rocks jabbing me, well, everywhere could.

“Oh Aly,” His voice was sad now, remorseful, “This is what you’ve run away for? Scared we all thought you were a monster?”

His words were soft, his tone pained.

“No one thinks you’re a monster. You haven’t turned into some ugly thing. Even if you did, no one would care-”

So it didn’t matter that I’d become this ugly half wolf girl? So glad to know they would stay by me.

“You aren’t an ugly half wolf girl.”

Damn mind reader.

“I’m sorry, Aly. I wouldn’t… But I can’t talk to you any other way. Just come out of there and change back and we’ll talk normally-”

What do you mean change back? I can’t change back! This is what I am now.

“No- Aly it isn’t. You aren’t any different from any of your family. You aren’t some half wolf… You are a werewolf.”

That… That cannot be right… My hand, it had been all deformed. I was so deformed- I kept seeing his face the day he found me.

“I was only in shock Aly- I don’t think you were hideous or a monster- I was just surprised- You were so… So much had happened…” His breathing was raspy, as if he was crying, but he couldn’t. “I don’t know what will happen to you, but whatever it is… No one will let you go through it alone. We want to help you Aly, just come out from there and change back.”

I wanted to believe him, I wanted to come out and change, but I didn’t know how to.

“I will help you Aly.” He promised.

I knew he would. I breathed slowly, calmly. I peeked back but didn’t meet his eyes, didn’t even look in his face, afraid to see that disgust again.

“I was never disgusted Aly. You are the most beautiful wolf I’ve ever seen.”

Flattery, it never failed. I slowly started to back out, he stepped away to give me room. I kept my face pointed down, eyes shut, I didn’t want to see my feet.

“I think seeing your self would help.” Edward said, standing away to give me my space. “I promise you won’t see anything you won’t like.”

How would seeing it help? I asked him, if anything it would make me run away again.

“Accepting what you are… It makes everything easier, trust me.”

I did, so I moved forward slowly, focusing on my breathing. I stood at the edge of the water and took a deep breath in before opening my eyes, fearing the worst.

But I did not find the worst staring back up at me. I just saw a wolf. A wolf with silver fur that shimmered like starlight. And was definitely in need of a good dog groomer. I wasn’t ugly, I wasn’t a monster. I had freaked out over nothing- And I still fell back on my bottom to cry from relief and exhaustion.

Where was Edward? I needed someone to lie to me and tell me I hadn’t been stupid. And a hug. I most definitely needed a hug.

“You aren’t stupid in the least.” Edward sat next to me and I turned into him, my body shaking from the tears. Even my thoughts were muffled by sobs too hard to understand.

He comforted me as I cried, I had sunk down to his lap and he stroked my back telling me how okay it was going to be, that I should let it all out and that I wasn’t stupid because I kept denying it.

Then something snapped in me. I went rigid and felt my insides changing, bones snapping and cracking. I began to gasp as I began the change back into human. It was painful, but the end result would be worth it.

Edward couched me through it. Changing his comforting words to encouraging ones. I was almost there, just a few more seconds, how good I was doing… I felt him lie cloth across my back, his shirt I suppose.

Then, it was over. I opened my eyes and felt my smile spread across my face as I saw my hand. It was long pale, and human again. I could feel my legs, tired from all the running I had done folded beneath me, the rough ground against my skin. My hair was long and black again, hanging down into Edwards lap. The coolness in the air didn’t bother me much more than it had when I was a wolf… oh crap I was naked!

Edward snorted above me, or began to, he had caught himself.

I put my arms through the shirt holes he had laid on top of me, quickly doing up the buttons. While I had just thought of becoming human again, Edward had plotted ahead and given me something to cover me. Smart boy.

“I’m not looking.” He said, “I’ll go-”

“No,” I grabbed his hand, my voice more desperate then I wanted it to be. “Stay with me. I’m human now.”

I looked up and saw he was in fact not looking at me that was until I found myself unable to look away, he looked back to meet my sight in disbelief. I felt as if I was blindsided, totally caught off guard. The ground beneath me disappeared and nothing but him existed, would ever exist. No wonder I had felt so comfortable around him… That of all his family I could gravitate too, he was the one I always found myself running too no matter what. But… what did he feel-

Before I could even finish the sentence he pulled me to sit up straight, pulling us together, his sight holding mine. And with that single serious soul searching look, I knew he felt okay with this.

“Better then okay.” He murmured, curling my hair back from my face with a hint of a smile.

My sigh was shaky with relief and I touched his face, not surprised I had already memorized every corner of it. He chuckled at that and looked down, but I pulled his face back up and asked him something I wanted to do for a very long time. He examined my face and that crooked smile grew, then he took the initiative.

He had his hand deep in my hair, bringing his face to mine and kissing my lips in a gentle way that made me sigh and melt. But I needed a better taste and we both knew it. He tried to be the dominate one as I tried to be, it was fire versus ice. He was cold in my mouth and I was heat in his, his aggression answered my own and made me sure he had wanted this as long as I had.

“Longer.” He said against my mouth, out of breath despite needing none.

“Doubt it.” I answered holding him against me, tasting him oh so sweetly.

Nothing had ever felt so good in my life, knowing I had found my soul mate. Edward and I had imprinted.


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MISS MELF SAYS/ NEW MOON REVIEW: hahahahahahaha... though know that I think about it that would have made a great ending... why didn't I think of that? Oh well, more terrors to come I'm sure. Evil face >:D haha ya. So I finally saw new Moon. I know, so on top of things. My verdict: better then Twilight (not like they could do any worse -.-) which makes me glad cause its my fav book in the series though Bella actress still sucked so that sucked... note to self, need to learn more words for sucked. But Aro was good and made me laugh and that very important to me cause he was my favorite 'villian'!!! Yes... And that is my review. LOL OH! And Harry! I loved loved loved Harry. charlie: "I don't have to go finishing today" harry : "yes you do." Laughed my ass off at that part. One day I will go to Jacob's house... considering I live around where they filmed it you think I would have seen one of the Twi-crew but noooo celebrities never want to meet me. I must smell or something. just kidding! I hope... I mean its kinda hard to smell yourself... except for when you really really smell after working out or camping for a week. ...I mean thanks for reading the story guys, can't wait to get my loveanhate mail. Who saw the imprint thing! ...I'll go now. ttyl children! xomelf