His Heartbreak, Her Daughter


I woke up still feeling hungry. And I couldn’t move my arms or feet. Something was wrapped around my wrists and ankles.
“Alice insisted we take percussions for when you woke up.” Edward said from next to me.
My eyes opened and I couldn’t help but immediately find him, my heart skipping at the sound of his voice. Yet I couldn’t smile, feeling embarrassed and silly for the way I had acted. Being restrained to a bed and having someone watching over you is never a good sign.
“You don’t have to be embarrassed Aly,” He sat next to me, cupping my face and looking me right in the eye, “Becoming a vampire is no easy feat, becoming a vegetarian one is even harder. But we will be with you every step of the way, and if you can’t handle it we’ll be there to…” He stopped talking not wanting to say it.
“Stop my train of insanity with Alice’s righteous fist?” I asked.
His eyes adverted, leaning away from me he gave a sad, “Yeah.”
“Edward-” I wanted to sit up, out my arms around him and tell him it was okay, that my face didn’t hurt and they were right to do it, I was out of control and needed a good grounding.
“But it shouldn’t have gotten to that point.” Edward stood up to pace, I wondered if I could shake free of the chains, he seemed preoccupied with self pity. “You should have never gotten away the first time and the second time… I thought… I was foolish and naïve. You aren’t just a new vampire, you’re a new shape shifter too and you will need us and your Pack to teach you, to truly understand yourself-”
“Okay Edward, honey, I am all for talking about our screwed up problems and trying to understand them but if you could undo the restraints and point me to the nearest animal to hunt or even the refrigerator I would be a lot more likely to pay attention.”
“Oh, yes. I’m sorry Aly.” He came over and fished out the key from his jeans. “We went down to the blood donors for blood and the fridge is fully stocked. I do believe the others have been making fresh entrees around the clock waiting for you to wake up.”
Well, there went my guilt factor. I frowned, wishing I wasn’t so damned hungry, “They didn’t need to do that.” I murmured once again feeling bad. I was a guest in their house and all I ever did was be waited on and thank them by ripping up pillows and jumping out windows. Alice had probably been the one to redress me in a rather expensive original dress which cheap knockoff hung in my own closet.
“They want to do it. We want to help you.” Edward reassured me.
“Aren’t you guys mad at me running off, twice and destroying everything and-”
He kissed my lips gently, but it was enough to shut me up completely. And he said with cold breath on mine, “You’re back now. And you understand running away is not an option.”
“Boy do I ever.” I said captivated by his very presence so close to me.
“Come on, they know you’re awake. And Emmett baked you a cake.”
“Can’t keep Emmett waiting.” I leaned back into the bed
“No…” Edward said crawling up on top of me, “He can get quite impatient and unpredictable.”
“Probably use us as target practice.” I was tracing my fingers beneath his shirt, brushing my lips against his skin wherever they may roam.
“And not just with cake.” Edward murmured in my ear, turning my head away to kiss my neck.
Suddenly I found myself hungry for something very different.

No, we didn’t have sex. But this make out session was just as sensual as the first had been in the cave. But something stronger then Emmett’s short attention span broke us apart, my actual need for food. Through the floorboards and past Edward’s well, everything, I smelled the latest dish the other Cullens were making up for me and had to get down there immediately. I don’t think Edward had even gotten off the floor from where I pushed him before I’d reached the kitchen, mouth watering.
“Jeez Aly, take long enough.” Emmett said taking out a spicy smelling dish from the oven.
“I’m sorry for making you wait so long,” I said though my voice didn’t sound it as I was completely engrossed by the spread of various foods before me. I sounded like some sort of mono toned recording. I wanted to say how sorry I really was but right then I just couldn’t care and it took all my strength not to jump on the table right then and start gobbling down whatever I touched first, “I was feeling terrible about before- And I was really embarrassed and-”
“Just sit down and eat.” Esme said patting my shoulder.
“Thank you.” I got out before I dashed for a chair and lost all manors. Stuffing my face, there was the tiniest part of me still holding teenage vanity that was horrified at myself, but honestly my stomach ruled over all other emotions.
“Lucky we never threw out anything.” Rosalie said and brought me another glass of blood. I’d already had three. That fourth one really killed the craving and filled me up to the point of exploding. I had the chance to look around now.
I swallowed and dropped the glass. Every dish that covered the table was now empty, a few utensils broken in half from being bitten, I put my fingers in my mouth and pulled out a tiny shard of glass from a cup I’d accidently broken but never noticed while pigging out.
“Did I seriously…?” I begin to ask, completely mystified.
“Yeah.” All the Cullens said sitting on the other side of the table, looking amused.
I ran my tongue over the quickly healing cut in my mouth and tried to move but all the food in me kept me anchored, “I’m just going to… nap for a few minutes.” I rested my head down on the table and heard their chuckles.
“I’d think so after the meal.” Carlisle said.
“Just… leave the dishes and I’ll get to them after my stomach settles.”
“Don’t worry about it Aly.” Rosalie said, “Emmett’s happy to do them.”
“Why you always got offer my services?” he asked.
“Because I just had my nails done.”
“Of course.”
I burped, not a tiny one like I usually did but this giant belch that would put my dad and uncles to shame. The other side of the table went quiet.
I sat up with a apologetic, forced smile, “’Scuse me.”
The boys burst out laughing and the girls even let out some giggles. I flushed and dropped my head on the table to hide it, praying no more gas would escape me anytime soon.
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Someone reported this story. I don't know why, maybe whoever did it could explain to me what I did wrong. I've put off updating for a month and nothings changed so here ya go, hopefully I don't get in trouble so you guys can continue reading with out the drama of having to look for me again. xomelf