His Heartbreak, Her Daughter

What I Wanted To Hear.

Of course, I was forbidden to do anything on my own. Even the simple task of washing dishes. Which turned into a full on splashing attack that lead to mopping. Goofing around like that made me forget some weirdness that was me. Even though my senses were so heightened I could see the colours the bubbles from the soap were made of, I could hear the smallest of water droplets hit the ground, smell the difference between wet food and dry, I could feel the coolness radiate off any Cullen within a few feet of me. I wondered if I would ever get use to this. Hearing, smelling, seeing, feeling things I shouldn’t.
Speaking of hearing, I heard something outside. People talking. The others and a voice I knew better then my own.
“Aly, how about we go play a violent video game?” Alice said.
I saw the desperate hope I’d follow her into the living room for her attempt at a distraction. All I wanted to do was run outside but I knew I had to start showing control. My toes curled in my shoes to keep me from running.
“I think I can handle it Alice.” I said, as calmly as I could manage.
She looked at Rosalie, they had been left for my guard and they looked uncertain.
“Please,” I pleaded, the tears threatening to spill “I need to know he’s not mad at me.”
Rose looked back at me, “You can test his smell to see if it will drive you over the edge.”
I swallowed, imagining the worst, “That’s fair.”
We went to the front door and they held my arms so I couldn’t get away. The talking had stopped when we’d opened the door and began to walk into the forest. It seemed to take forever to walk the short way to the clearing where the others were. But there they were waiting and watching me. My father towering over all of them looking terrible. Like he’d spent the past week worrying over his stupid daughter, not sleeping or eating properly.
I stopped wanting to do nothing other than run to him, “Daddy.” I cried.
“Aly,” He stepped forward but Carlisle held a hand in front of him, Edward and Emmett each gripped his shoulder to keep him there.
“Is it safe Aly?” Carlisle asked.
I’d forgotten about the whole breathing thing and took a deep breath through my nose. Maybe it was because Dad looked so desperate for me to be ready to face him, or my own desperation on that matter, but I found myself totally okay facing him. Despite his hammering heart and flowing blood, it made my throat dry but only because I wanted to cry. I wanted to sob and him to comfort me, I wanted to be his little girl again. I wanted his approval for all the wrongs I did, for him to brush my hair and tell me bad jokes and protect me from the scariest of things. Which was now me.
“It’s-“ But I couldn’t talk I was crying to hard now, I just nodded and flew forwards as soon as Rose and Alice released me.
Dads arms were open for me, picking me up and lifting me well off the ground as I cried. He kissed my hair and I smelt his tears before I felt them fall onto my skin.
“Come,” Esme said, “Lets live them alone.”
They all left, of course Edward was hesitant to leave me but they all went back inside and I was left with my daddy, my big, strong father who began to bawl.

When we finally both stopped crying, which must have taken a huge amount of time because the sun was well across the sky setting now and the last sun rays were coming through the trees and landing on my skin, giving it a glow more than a sparkle like the others had. Like the diamonds beneath my skin was actually a light, laminating from deep within. It had dad staring for quite a while.
“How did you know I was awake?” I asked finally when the tears were done.
“Cullens called us. When your mother-” He stopped as I’d looked at him and it must have been as painful as I felt inside because he had to look away, “I mean, we’ve made them give us hourly updates when we haven’t been on the phone racking up the phone bills.”
I looked at my own feet, “I’m sorry.”
“No honey, it’s fine. Gotta spend money on something- May as well be something useful.” He rubbed my back.
I put my head on his arm since his shoulder was too high. “How’s mom?” I asked in a whisper.
I looked up at him with my truth demanding look.
“She’s holding together Aly. She’d always wondered if you kids would catch the… er, ‘wolf fever’ to put it lightly.” He’d ever used air quotes, I had to give him a trooper’s brave smile, “And lord knows Bella’s always had a gift for accepting the weird… But this,” He looked down at me again, “You are something special Aly, something no one’s ever been before. Which means not even Carlisle is sure what will be normal for you and what is dangerous.”
I looked away to the sun, feeling those tears burn again.
“Awe, dammit.” Dad rubbed his hand over his mouth, “I’ve never been good at these pick me up chats. I always seem to kick ‘em downer.”
“No dad, It’s fine.” I looked up at him quickly, “Just having you here makes me feel better. You don’t have to say anything… but hearing your voice is really making me feel like this isn’t some huge problem and I’m not some huge freak.”
“Aly, you are many things but freak ain’t one of them.”
“I know what I am dad-”
“And I know what you are too. You are a fifteen year old girl, my baby girl, who is one of the best dancers I’ve ever known, never fails to point out my terrible fashion choices, is hoping for a really shiny car on her sixteenth birthday and has proven she’s braver then any one since she decided to go cliff diving, off the highest cliff her uncle’s wouldn’t jump until they were sixteen, at five.” He curled hair behind my ear and poked my nose, “With a heart holding so much love it could only be rivaled by her mommas.”
I smiled, that pesky tear escaping again, “You cheesy lame-ass.” I squeezed him in a hug and he hugged me right back.
“Correction, your cheesy lame-ass father.” He corrected with a kiss to the top of my head.
“Father,” I corrected knowing he had forgiven me without him even saying it. He loved me and promised to never stop. But if he knew… If he only knew what I’d done. I held what I’d done to Victoria in for so long, it was eating me up inside and… Edward said I hadn’t been wrong. That she had to be stopped and whichever method was used was insignificant, just so long as she couldn’t hurt anyone anymore. But Edward was only one person. And I needed to know my family, my flesh and blood one, wouldn’t still think I was a monster.
“I killed Victoria.” I said in a shaky voice.
“And you did a good job with it.” Dad said rubbing my back.
I pulled away, “Then why don’t I feel good about it?”
“Aly-” He started.
“You don’t know how I did it, you weren’t there. You didn’t hear her screams or see-” I felt sick just remembering it. My fingernails dug into my skull but the memory was so strong I barely noticed.
“Aly, stop it!” Dad ordered trying to pull away my hands.
I let go of my head, fingers digging into the ground instead, eyes squeezed shut and breathing in pants as I remembered all the blood.
“Aly, tell me what happened.” Dads voice slipped into the memory. “Tell me your pain…”
“She said such horrible things to me… She called me means names… And as soon as she saw what I was turning into… That disgusting half wolf human!” I cried hating that I’d ever looked as horrible as I had, “She called me disgusting and a thing. She said I was an abomination and then she tried to kill me.” My voice was shaking more from anger then anything but my body shook from the sobs.
“But I was an animal- A monster like she said.” I continued ashamed, “I wanted her to die. I wanted to kill her horribly. So I took my claws and I used my teeth and I began tearing at her… I started ripping her apart piece by piece. It was like nothing no horror movie killer could top. I just kept… And her blood… and then a candle fell over and… So much blood…”
“Shh… quiet now honey, It’s okay Aly.” He took me in his arms again and rocked me, calming me, “Somebody had to bring that bitch down. If you hadn’t done what you did she would hurt more people, you’ve saved hundred- thousands of lives. You saved your mother and your brothers and me. You stopped a torment, a ghost that had haunted us for twenty years. You did good-”
“Don’t tell me I did good!” I snapped straight up, he moved quick enough so I didn’t get him in the face and end up breaking it. “I killed someone! Does that mean anything to you? Haven’t you- the big bad wolf- ever killed anything?” I sat back on my butt, defeated, “And the way I did it- It’s been tearing me up inside! She’s gone but she’ll haunt me forever now.”
He was quiet then finally said slowly, “I have killed before. Because I had to. Because if I didn’t, those vampires would kill me. Victoria would have killed you and she wouldn’t stop after that.” He met my site, “In our world, this world we so desperately tried to keep you children out of, the rules are simple. Kill or be killed. The rules of man does not apply. We are all monsters.”
I sniffled, “Well it sucks.”
He chuckled in a humorless, morbid way, “Yeah, it does.” He pulled me in for another hug and clapped me on the back and said the one thing I needed to hear, “You’re still my little girl.”
I sighed, that huge weight lifted off my shoulders and I sat back next to him, beneath his arm to watch the sun just barely on the horizon anymore, “Thank you dad. That’s exactly what I needed to hear.”
“Well, I had to get something right eventually.” He said and I shut my eyes, his heartbeat enough to put me to asleep.
He kissed the top of my head again and rested his head there, “You think the… Cullens,” He was going to call them something else so I smiled and elbowed him, “will notice if I steal you away?”
I opened my eyes sad but didn’t look up, “You know I can’t go back yet.”
“I know, just hoping maybe you’d be up for a little hopeless scheming.”
“It’s not so bad here. The Cullens are real nice to me.”
“But you of course, would be home in a second if you had the choice.”
“Sure dad.” I said not really, entirely sure because home was… well, home. But here I had Edward.
“Oh come on, what does here have that home doesn’t got?”
I let it slip, “Edward.” And cursed in my head.
Dad snorted, “Edward…” He said it in a way that made me flinch, dad lifted my chin, curiosity heavy in his face, “Alybabe… You aren’t… you don’t feel…that serious about him do you?”
I bit my lip. I couldn’t lie to him. I couldn’t keep this from him. He’d have to find out sooner than later and… he was a werewolf… He’d understand the whole imprinting thing right?
“Oh god,” He made a face, “You aren’t in love with him are you?”
I licked my lips and sat back and straight, “Dad… I need to tell you something.”
Maybe it was something in my face, or maybe he’d already had a sneaking suspicion because the look on his face made it seem like he already knew I had imprinted.
♠ ♠ ♠
miss melf says: awe... now wasn't that a nice little reunion for Aly and her father? That is, until Jacob finds out about the imprintee. He's such a stick in the mud about it. Or Bella? She has a thing about people imprinting on her daughters. Yep mhm. Well, as always, a thousand apologizes for taking a month to update again but between everything in life... well, its fun thats for sure. I've read the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series finally as when I was ten I had a thing for greek mythology, this made me super, superhappy. Anyone else read them? If not, I insist you do. Its like Harry Potter, but funnier. Also my new fav band is She and Him. Anyone know them? Ah-mazing! Has a sorta... bohemian- beatles vibe. Anyways, talk to you later peeps, tell me your exciting summer adventures of camping or travelling or new jobs or new loves or spending weeks on end glaring at the computer sending me psychic urges to update.Peace and love darlings! xomelf

...also, I love Joseph Gordan Levitt.