His Heartbreak, Her Daughter

The Cullens Are Odd

We were driving home when I remembered those strangers I’d come home to last night.
“Dad, You know those Cullen people?” I asked.
His grip tightened around the steering wheel and his jaw locked, “What about them?”
“How do you guys know them?”
“It’s you mother who knows them sweetie. She went to high school with them.”
“With Carlisle and Esme?”
He blinked, “Oh, right, yes. With Carlisle and Esme, Yes.” He quickly changed the subject to something trivial. But it kept me distracted until we reached the house.
Dad groaned and muttered under his breath, “Why are they still here?”
I looked and saw a couple of very nice, very expensive cars parked before our house. “Who?” I asked.
“The Cullens,” He said mocking the name in a snooty fashion.
“Don’t you like them Dad?” I asked getting out.
“Just get into the house Aly.” He ordered warily.
I shrugged and went inside. The door unlocked I went into the house dad on my heels, in the living room the Cullens all stood around, they all looked to us as we entered. Mom seemed to be frantic in the middle of them all.
“Oh thank goodness you’re both home!” Mom ran at us and pulled us into a death tight hug despite her weak looking exterior, the woman could hug you to death.
“What’s wrong?” Dad asked, unaffected by the vice like grip that sent me gasping and I spoke at the same time, “Can’t- breath!”
“Oh sorry hon.” She let go of me and cupped my face, her face creased deep in concern, eyes examining every inch of my face.
“Uh… mom?” I asked cheeks squished together.
She let go, blushing, “Oh, I’m sorry, Aly… Just, You can go up stairs now.”
“Is everything okay?” I asked concerned as mom was never frantic about anything really. I peeked back to the Cullens who’d pulled their gaze to other places. Except Edward who kept his eyes on my mother… And that was kindof weird… She had been sitting beside him too... Weird boy.
“Yes dear. Go upstairs and do you’re homework.” She gave me a reassuring smile.
“Okay…” I went up and felt eyes on my back until I was completely out of sight.
I went to my room and hung the dress up in the closet, shoes on the desk. I began to do my homework then the twins came to bug me.
“Unusual aren’t they?” Barlie asked flopping onto the bed, Chilly right beside him.
“Get out, I’m doing homework.” I said focusing on the poetry before me.
“What you don’t want to gossip?” Chilly asked.
“Not with you two.”
“Come on, Aren’t you a little curious about them?”
“No.” I lied.
“Well we are.” Barlie said, “They stare at us like we’re… something.”
“Freaks?” Chilly suggested.
“I was thinking more like master pieces of art work, examining everything about us… Comparing us to mom and dad…”
“Well they are friends of mom.” I said indifferently.
“Oh sister, Do you use that tiny brain of yours at all?” Chilly said.
“They all do it- Even the so called ‘kids.’” Barlie said.
“And? Maybe they visited when we were little, before either of your tiny brains can remember.”
“Then why no pictures hm?” Chilly said.
“Yeah, If they’re such old friends of mom why have we never heard of them, seen a picture?” Barlie asked.
“Does it look like I have all the answers or something?” I asked, “How should I know? People lose contact of best friends all the time and randomly find them again-“
“And send e-mails. Use a phone… They don’t drive all the way to the middle of no where just to stop in.” Chilly said.
“Didn’t you notice the collection of cars outside worth more then both your lives?” I said mockingly, annoyed to be feeling the same things as my brothers towards the strangers. “They can probably afford to drive out here for weekend trips.”
“If I had money I definitely wouldn’t come here…” Barlie mused staring into space and day dreaming.
“Come on sis,” Chilly bounced on the bed, “You cannot tell me you aren’t the tiniest-“
“Fine, Yes I am curious and I feel like a freak show every time they stare at me but whatever it is there here for its clearly not our business so just shoo bro.” I snapped.
Chilly smiled, “You don’t want to go spy on them then?”
“No.” I got up and began shoving them out.
“You don’t want to go listen in?” Chilly barely struggled against me.
“We could break into their car.” Barlie suggested. Being raised by a mechanic had those benefits were you knew the magical skills of breaking into cars and hot wiring them by the time you’re eleven… Not that dad ever would allow us to pull such crap.
“And dad would kill us even if he doesn’t like them.” I sang as I gave a final shove out.
Chilly stopped the door from shutting and they stuck their heads in the door, “Dad doesn’t like them?”
“No now out!” I ordered and they didn’t go quietly but I won my peace and quiet again.