His Heartbreak, Her Daughter

Edward Comes To Prom

I had to admit. I really liked school dances. The bad music was tolertable as I had friends to drown it out with our laughter. I danced with each of them happily. Being in dance classes since I was three, I'd like to hope I'd accquired some talent with it. Matt had spent about three years of my twelve with me. He figured it was a good place to meet girls... Not that he'd ever had much trouble in that department. So when we danced, we really tore up the floor, doing our own thing and standing out from every other couple on the floor. It was great fun.
Then when slow dances came, Caleb always took me back. I was in complete bliss in his arms, you could also use the term melting or giddy... but not stupid giggly giddy. Stupid smile on my face giddy, hidden from his eyes as my head rested against his chest and listened to his heartbeat.
"You're good at this." I smiled.
"Darling, I am from Europe... It's an acquired skill." He answered with a smile in his voice.
"Ballroom dancing?"
"Mhmm," He murmured, kissing the top of my head and smelling my hair before resting his chin on my head. We just danced quietly, floating.
Then I spotted something across the floor. A familiar face, I think.
"Uh, Caleb, Would you excuse me a moment?" I smiled and walked away.
I kept my focus on the tall woman with long red hair. She kinfof looked like the chick in the picture Carlisle had shown me... No one at school had hair like that so it was more likely to be his friends then someone from school... But it also brough up the question of what the hell she was doing at my junior prom?
It was getting really crowded and I tried to not lose her but as people passed, she seemed to disappear with them. I looked and saw no red heads bobbing through the crowd, it would be easy as she was so tall. As I turned I nearly fell back from crashing into another tall figure. I looked up and further confusion plauged me.
"Edward?" I asked hoping I recalled the right name to the face.
"Hello Aly." He said looking over my head.
"Uh... What are you doing here?" I tilted my head.
"Doing here... I am..." He looked down distracted from his search.
"Are you looking for that read head friend of yours? Because I think I saw her-"
"Somewhere around here... Would you like help looking for her?"
"No!" He answered quickly so I kindof stood back. His expression softened to a more composed look, a forced smile on his lips, "I mean... No, its fine. I'll find her myself, You just go back to your friends now, Don't worry about me."
"Youre... kindof acting weird. Not that I know how you usually act but-"
"Please Aly, Do not have another thought of me tonight, Just go back to dancing and enjoying yourself."
"Uh... Alright." I turned and started to walk away then remembered I may not see him again. I turned mouth open to say goodbye and saw him already at the doors. Damn, he was quick... Impossibly fast... The oddity of the last few days continued.
"Oh my god Aly!" DJ, Gwen and Jeff rushed over.
"Who was that hot dish?" Gwen asked, we all gave her a stange look, "What? He was extrememly good looking."
"He's my parents friends son. And I'm just going to check up on him." I started to the door.
"But you have another hunk right...! Oh nevermind." Jeff said.
I went out the front doors, the parking lot was next to empty. I tried to recall the cars the Cullens had driven. But it had been dark when I'd seen them but none of these were close to the extravagant ones the Cullens went around in... Was Edward even old enough to drive? I wasn't sure... He looked old enough...
"Edward?" I called. Okay, so he'd moved faster then Superman inside but he had to be somewhere aorund here... Unless one of the others had come and picked him up... God this was all so confusing.
"Well hello there." A most enchanting voice behind me said and I jumped, it had been so quiet around me... Behind me was the woman from Carlisle's picture, who'd disappeared from the dance as quick as Edward had.
"Oh, hi." I put a hand over by beating heart, "You startled me."
"You're looking for Edward?"
"Uhm... Ya." I curled my bangs behind my ear but they only fell back over my face, "Ya I was he just... sortof seemed weird inside and I wanted to know he was okay."
"Hm..." She hummed, "You remind me so much of another young woman I once knew." She sniffed the air and a look I couldn't name came apon her face as she looked back to me and gave a smile.
"Right..." I said unsure, there was something very off abotu this woman that made my mind scream for me to start running the other way and never stop, but I pushed that fear away and forced a smile, "Maybe we can uhm... look for Edward together?"
She smiled, "That would be nice."
"Okay, great. Uh... Maybe he went-" I jumped as a snarl ripped through the night air as loud as a scream, sounding like a bear or some other predator animal, furious in the middle of a hunt. Not unusual for Forks. "What was that?"
"Oh nothing Aly." The woman said from behind and I straightened up, a shiver runnign deep down my spine and her lips were on my ear, "Nothing to worry youre pretty little head over."
And before I could take a step to run and answer the screaming in my head, I fell into darkness.