Silver Feathers



I was sitting at home with my son Grey and his sister Kaira. My husband was away for the moment. I was once a silver feather member myself but those days have long since been forgotten. My name is Aray. I like my husband have a special ability that no normal person posses. See back in the old days there were clans known as the silver feathers. These clans were part of the Wicca community. There were groups but they were different. See in the Wicca world there are seven different elements. Like on a pentagram the five points mean a different element including the middle section. To top is Fire like my husband, to the right of the top is water, I for that one, Next is Earth who is my husbands friend Kyle, then metal my friend Riley, then air who is my dear old neighbor Vivian, in the center which keeps us all as one single unit is couple Pain and Kyra. All of us had to work together in order to destroy the demon King and bring peace to the world which was over 30years ago, now we spend time with our partners and our kids whom have inherited our gifts and will one day be needed for this world..
Well now lets get back to the story. This story is not about me at all. It’s more about the future of the world, your world and the world of my children. This is their story but I’ll help with the beginning. Like I said it all started like this. I was watching my two lovely children when there was a thump at the door. “Hello” I called. No response. I was staying calm, but at some level I was nervous seeing as how I was not expecting anyone this evening.
“Hello, is someone there?” I called again. Another thump at the door. Then another and another and until the whole door was shaking with rage. I quickly grabbed my kids and ran upstairs. Grey sat laughing in my arm while Kaira was crying in my other arm. I tried to calm them down as I ran into my room and set them on my bed. I quickly shut the door as I heard my front door come crashing down. That’s when I smelled it.
The rotting, gut-wrenching smell of demon. Our noses are super keen to the smell. We can always tell when it’s a demon and when it’s human. Humans have a very faint smell to them while demons smell like crap. I could hear it hiss as it looked through the house. I heard pots and pans crash to the floor. It was in the kitchen.
“Grey, Kaira...” I whispered. The twins looked at me. They were 6 but I wanted to make sure they would live to see longer. “Listen closely ok, mommy has to see who’s there, so Grey you need to protect her, can you do that?” I asked. My little boy nodded at me. “Good. As soon as it’s gone I will come back to check on you, if I’m not up in 10 minutes you know what to do right?” I asked.
They both nodded in agreement. I always knew this day would come. If my dreams were true while I was pregnant with these two then this was the night we had been practicing for. See in my dream I was dead and these two flew to Pain and Kyra’s house. They knew about this also. The other part of it was that Grey’s memories had to wiped clean of ever knowing this night happened. Kaira was to be brought up as if she never had a brother where as Grey had to think that he was a juvenile delinquent. That way they could meet when they were both 16 in that building. Pain and Kyra knew of this half of the plan but the twins did not. I looked at them giving them both kisses and hugs. I turned to the door and opened it.
Thank the heavens that the kids could not see these tears. As I walked down the stairs, I scribed a note to Grey about everything. Once it was complete and good enough I set it on his bed. “Hey demon scum lets go!” I yelled at the top of the stairs. The demon whipped his head in my direction. He gave a low snarl and got in to a crouch position. “Where are they?” The demon hissed. “I will never tell you” I hissed back trying to make my voice intimidating as possible. It was a weak attempt. I was just to scared knowing that I’ll never see my kids again.
The demon hissed at me again. “I know there here” he said with a grin. “They’ll be gone soon enough” I replied. “Yes with me and you will lay lifeless.” He said with so much joy it made me sick to my stomach. “Shall we dance?” He asked. “Oh! So you know the dance of I’m going to kill you” I bluffed hoping to spare the twins some time. “No I’m better when it comes to the dance of it’s your funeral” He laughed. I shuddered in fear. Just like that he lunged at me. Within seconds he was on top of me. He had me pinned down with no way to escape. “You know what brightens my day, is that once you have kids you lose your powers and your silver wings.” He hissed. His breath stank and yes that is true. Now that I have kids who will be needed to save the world my kids have our powers while I can only teach them how to use them.
I sat there helpless. I tried to shove him but he was just to heavy. “Calm down I promise I’ll let you live if you just tell me where they are” he whispered. “No! Fly now kids, Fly now” I yelled. The demon looked to the door that was now stood open with Grey looking at everything that was going on. “Grey go now!” I yelled. “Momma..” Grey said tears in his eyes. “Grey go now take Kari with you, NOW! GREY! GO!” I put so much rage in those words so he knew I was serious. He quickly shut the door and I could hear a window open and the tears of my kids crying knowing this was the last time they’d ever hear my voice.
I listened to the sound of wings flapping off. “Dumb choice” the demon said as he kicked me in the side. He got up and ran to the room. I got up as fast as I could. I then ran at him and jumped at his back. He was huge. His stench was taking over my senses. He then slammed his back, with me on it into a wall. I screamed in pain and fell to the ground. He then turned to look at me. “This is now your curse. I will find them and when I do they will die like you are tonight. One other thing you should know. When the turn 16 years old I will find them and they will die. I promise you that. They can’t escape no matter how much you try to hide them. I will get them. This is a promise.” With that he raised his arm and it came down on me. In that moment my life flashed before my eyes and everything I knew was gone. I lived for a while thinking about them and praying we would meet again some how and some where. I then felt my soul leave my body. I floated and watched as he broke things and screamed and growled in frustration. He looked at me and laughed. I prayed silently to myself that when he found them they would kill him.

End Prelude.
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So this is silver Feathers but with a new name and will probably be re written. I hope you like it. I will be smart about this as to not letting it get ruined.