Silver Feathers

Fire and Water

Chapter 1
Fire and Water

10 Years Later

I woke that morning feeling different. As I looked around my room and realized that this was not my room. I looked around not understanding my surroundings. I sat up on a bed that felt flat as a rock with covers on it. My walls were white cement squares. I looked up at my window and it had bars that covered most of the window. I could barely see the sun filled sky out of my window. I looked over at the sink which had a toilet connected to it. I was so confused. It was so bad that I couldn’t even remember my name, which was really weird. I then walked over to the mirror and looked at my face.
I looked strongly into the mirror taking in the face I saw back. I had nice facial features, an average nose, my lips looked ok, what got my attention the most were my silver eyes. I had flat black hair which looked well groomed; my body was in good shape. I was muscular like I’ve been training for something. I wasn’t fat and I wasn’t anorexic just in good shape. I was wearing these gray sweat pants and a white t-shirt with some nasty looking socks. ~What kind of outfit is this~ I thought to myself. ~Where am I~ I thought. As I sat in thought while looking in the mirror I jumped at the sound of someone tapping on my door.
I walked over to the metal door and looked through the little window to see who it was. It was a big guy I’ve never seen before. He was a little on the fat side. Ok I lied he was a lot on the fat side. He was hairy around the face. He wore a white t-shirt under his black polo. On the side of the shirt read the words “Shurden County Juvenile detention center” Then he wore blue jeans, and some running shoes. ~Like he could run anyway~ I thought to myself. He tapped on the window again. “Hey kid what’s your name?” he asked in a husky voice. I thought trying to remember what it was, but nothing came to me, it was like starting life all over again.
“I…I’m.Not.Sure.” The words just came out of my mouth. “Don’t lie to me, what’s your name?” he asked again with a hint of frustration in his voice. “I’m telling you I don’t know” I told him again hoping he would believe me. “Look kid I’m tired, hungry, and I don’t have time for your jokes. SO TELL ME YOU’RE NAME.” He yelled the last sentence at the window. “I told you I don’t know” I replied with anger in my voice. I could feel it rising in my chest and my emotions everywhere. Then out of my hand shot a fireball right at the window, penetrating the glass stabbing the man in the face. He died instantly and I just sat there and gawked at what had just happened. Just then an alarm went off. I didn’t care my thoughts were else where.
~How did I do that? Is something wrong with me? Am I dreaming? What I did was different and no other person can do that right? ~ These thoughts lingered in my head as a crowed of people stamped into the room. A woman in the group screamed at the sight of the body that now lay lifeless on the floor. I was still behind the door only now I could smell fresh air. “What happened?” another women in the group asked me. ~I wish I could tell her how this happened but I don’t even know~ I thought.
I then told her the story of everything that happened. “That’s a lie if I ever heard one, fire doesn’t come out of your hand everyone knows that. So tell me the truth” She hissed. Again my emotions got the best of me and fire shot out of my hand again catching not only the door but also the women in front of it. The lady then burned to death screaming in pain the whole time and my door melted into a puddle. The staff then screamed and ran away and I was left alone again.
I then walked over the bodies and walked towards the door that they had left open. I entered a really white corridor and started wandering the halls. I felt like I was in a maze I went this way and that never knowing if I would find a place out. Then out of nowhere came footsteps behind me. I stopped and the person behind me stopped. “Grey where are you going?” it was a girl who asked this question. I quickly turned around. “Is that my name?” I asked. The girl was about six inches shorter then I and she stared at me with intense hazel eyes.
Her facial features were similar to mine, almost exactly like mine, only hers were slightly smaller. Her hair was the color of silver with some gray in it was the same color as my eyes, and she was dressed in the same out fit as I was. “Is that natural?” I asked skeptically. “Like your eyes yes it is.” She replied in a cool tone. “Do I know you?” I asked now even more confused as ever. “Grey I’m your twin sister Kaira” she replied. My legs started to shake and I could feel them give way but I kept cool and stayed as strong as I could. We sat in silence for a while. I could tell she was letting me take all this in.
Then I smelled something putrid. It was so rotten. “What is that smell?” I asked. “Demons are coming, hurry we need to get out of here” Kaira said as she grabbed my arm and we started running the way we had come. “Demons, what are you talking about?” I was so confused now I was even more lost then I started. “Listen I’ll explain everything later right now we have to get out of here.” Kaira explained. The smell was gaining speed and stench. It was right on our tail I knew it. As we turned the corner we ran into this thing. It was munching on bodies of the staff. It turned to look at us.
“Hey kids” it said menacingly. It was gross. It had the head of a lion, body of a human, with bat like wings and scorch marks all over it. “Kaira what is this thing?” I asked in a whisper. “That is a demon” She replied. “Grey don’t you remember me?” The demon asked me. Then it all came back to me. That night when my mom died, my life as an outcast, the flying, all of it flooded my memory. “Kaira run!” I yelled. We then pushed past him and fled for a flight of stairs that lead up. We were heading for the roof.
“Grey where are we going?” Kaira screamed. The demon was still behind us. “I don’t know just run” I pleaded. We then burst through the roof door. It slammed on the demons face as it swung shut. We were at least 10 stories up. We looked all around the roof for a safe way down. Then the roof door busted open. The demon came charging through. He stopped 5ft away from us. We we’re backed up to the edge. “Now come with me” He yelled. The wind whipped all around us. Kaira’s hair was flying all around. That’s when it came to me. “Kaira how do we fly again?” I asked in a hush voice. “Think of a pair of silver wings coming out of your back” Kaira replied in a hushed voice. “What are you two saying?” The demon growled. I then focused all my energy on my back and it hurt so badly. A sharp siring pain erupted through out my back. As if I was being whipped with a thousand whips at 200 miles per second.
Then I heard the demon gasp. “How did you...” he started but the rest of his sentence was cut off because we were flying. “Grey we did it” Kaira screamed. “We did” I called back. “Now where too?” I asked. “Follow Me” She screamed. We then flew off into the horizon the sky bright with blue and freedom.

-End Chapter 1
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Here ya go!