Silver Feathers


Chapter 2

Kaira took us to a house in the middle of the woods. “Where are we?” I asked. “This is the safe house” Kaira explained. “What’s the ‘safe house’?” I asked. “It’s where our things our, for when we we’re ready to receive them” Kaira said as she fumbled for the key that was hiding under the flower pot. “Like what?” I asked. “Like spare clothes and money and food and other things.” Kaira finished as she got the door open. We walked inside and I was in shock. The house was nice and stocked with supplies that would last someone a life time. “Nice, huh?” Kaira asked as she stood next to me in the living room. My eyes looked everywhere.
“I’ve been here before” I said. I have this was my house I remember, but not very well. “Yeah this is our home only upgraded to help us on this journey will be embarking on soon” Kaira stated. “Huh?” I was confused. “What journey are you talking about?” I asked. “Well we have to find the others” She said as she walked up stairs. I followed but was still lost. “What are you talking about?” I asked again. I know I sound pretty dumb but hey it’s like years I’m still trying to grasp all this. It’s still new to me I mean we just got here like an hour after leaving that place.
“Ok let me explain. We are part of this thing called the Silver Feathers hence why our wings our silver. Now we are the elements fire which is you and water, that’s me. Total there are 7 elements that are part of this. We have to find them and rid the world of demons. Like that creature that was after us this morning. Mom was part of this as well as dad. We were given these gifts to fight off the new reigning demon king. So the reason you can shoot fire out of your hands is because of this”
“Grey you have these gifts for a reason and now it’s time to full fill your destiny. Does that help?” Kaira finished. I sat in thought. So I’m that important. I just didn’t know what to think. “So how do we find them?” I asked as I stared into her eyes. “We just have to follow our instincts. That’s how we find them like mom and dad did years ago.” Kaira said opening a room door. “This is your room; it should be stocked with clothes that will fit. I’ll be in the room right across from it if you need anything ok” she said happily as she shut her door behind her. I walked into my room and layed my head down on the pillow. As soon as my head was rested I heard a paper crinkle. I quickly pulled my head up and turned to see a note addressed to me.
I quickly opened the note and read the following: “Dear Grey, this is your mom writing. I bet your wondering why I’m writing you this note, well that’s simple. I’m no longer around. I know it’s been a while. By now you know what’s going on with everything or at least you remembered by now. That night that demon killed me. I’m sorry for being so blunt. I wish I could see you. I’m sorry for not being there. Well anyway you know by now that you are a silver feather member, and you have the gift of fire. Use that power well. If you are reading this it means that you did not die in that building. Sorry you had to be put there. I just couldn’t risk you dieing earlier then intended. So defeat him for me, and find the rest of the members and rid the world of evil.
Love your mother.”
I finished with tears in my eyes. ~ So this is real~ I thought to myself. I then got up and looked around my room. I was never going to get used to saying that. Well anyway I went over to my closet and wouldn’t you know it, it was filled with clothes that I could tell were going to fit me all to well. I then just started grabbing clothes and seeing what I thought looked right. By the time I was done I wore a red t-shirt over a black long sleeved shirt and I put on some jeans and some nice white skate shoes.
I looked into the mirror that was on my wall and I looked pretty nice for just something put together. I then opened my door to find Kaira ready to knock.
“Hey your dressed, wow you look nice.” She commented. “I just threw it on, so what’s up?” I asked as I checked out her out fit. She wore a blue vest like thing with a long sleeved shirt under it. She also wore black baggy pants and white like boots. Her hair was up in pigtails. “Well I was just wondering, when you wanted to start on this journey?” she asked. “What if we started tomorrow” I replied. “Yeah that works I mean what’s the rush right. Plus you just got used to all this and I mean it gives us a chance to get to know each other” Kaira seemed to be rambling but I paid attention I mean she is my sister. “Well what should we do first?” I asked. “We should go out back and work on abilities” Kaira stated.
“Ok sounds good to me, so what am I practicing?” I asked. “Well the first thing you should know is how to call upon your powers and to watch your emotions. See emotions get in the way and make you do more damage then what was intended.” She said as we started to walk down the stairs. “I’m not sure I follow.” I replied. “Take the people you killed, you weren’t thinking straight. You might have wanted them to stop yelling at you but your emotions came out as killing them rather then explain your story. Does that help?” she asked. “A little but not a whole lot. Maybe this training thing is what I need.” I replied. “Not maybe more like really.” Kaira joked as we walked through the back door. I stood in the door way and just stared. It was a training field. There were ropes and platforms and a bunch of stuff to train on.
“This is our training field.” I said in amazement. “Yep now let’s get started.” Kari said as she pressed a light switch and things started to come to life. We trained for hours. My muscles got so soar. I couldn’t take it. Finally as it started to become night fall we stopped. I sat by the ropes course panting. Every bone in my body hurt. I held my hands over my ribs. “Kaira you sure got a mean kick.” I said as I got up slowly. “Well I’ve had to practice a lot since you’ve been gone.” Kaira explained. We then walked into the house and shut the back door behind us. I sat at our kitchen table and held on to my bruised side, Kaira was busy getting me an ice pack.
Then we heard a knock on the door. “Who’s that?” I asked. “I’m not sure, no one should know that we’re here” Kaira said handing me the ice pack. Then there was another thump on the door, then another. “What the heck?” Kaira said as bolts from the door started to fall to the ground. “Open up little pigs.” It was that demon again. I could now smell his stench and it hurt my nose. “Kaira we need to get out of here!” I exclaimed. “No we need to finish him here” Kaira explained. I then got up and stood by her side. “I’m with you” I said as we hugged not knowing if we’d live through this. Just then the door fell to the ground with a thud and there stood the demon. “Oh so you two are gonna come quietly now are you, well it’s too late for that. The boss man wants you dead. Seeing as how I’m the only one fit for the job I guess I can do it.” The demon then lunged at the two of us. Kaira then pushed me out of the way and shot a pool of water out of her hands at the demon. The demon was then slammed back against the wall. Kaira then made the water disappear as fast as it had come.
“So it’s a fight you want huh! Then let’s dance.” The demon hissed. He then ran at me. I then flung my hands in the air and a shield of fire engulfed me. The demon screamed as the fire licked his skin. He flew back wards falling on his but. The fire then disappeared like it had the water had for Kaira. “Grey you did...” but Kaira’s sentence was cut short as the demon jumped on her and pinned her down. Kaira screamed the demon lifted his claws. I then lunged at him knocking him off of her. I then detangled myself from the demon and ran to my sister’s side. She was up in a flash. The she sent a water ball out of her palm and hit the demon square in the jaw. The demon snarled and ran at us.
Kaira looked at me and it was almost like our thoughts were one. “Breka-Ryo-Dentha-Zenthos” We said together. Then by magic a stream of water shot from Kaira’s hand and a stream of Fire shot from my hand and swirled together combining into one. The new flow of magic hit the demon right in the chest. The demon fell to the ground and screamed in agony. Then right before our eyes he exploded into a cloud of purple dust. Kaira and I looked at each other. “We did it Grey” Kaira said as she embraced me in a hug. “One down a crap more to go” I replied staring at the purple dust that now lay on the floor.

-Somewhere Far below the Earth
The demon king was enraged with anger. “Pitiful minions. Die so easily. So weak they are. Yaki!” he yelled. Then another demon appeared. “Yes sire” he bowed in his deep voice filling the pit. “Your up next do not fail me.” The demon king said with a hiss. His eyes glowed red in the darkness as he was basked in the glow of his all seeing mirror. “Keep your eyes open around them, they are stronger then the ones we know” He hissed. “Yes sire.

-End Chapter 2
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Next one!