Silver Feathers

Earth Part 2!

Chapter 4
Earth Part 2

The three of us sat in silence for a while, I mean after you all have your sides burning from laughing it really starts to hurt. Kaira then broke the silence. “So Onyx why are you even out here?” Kaira asked. “I really don’t want to talk about it” Onyx replied. I noticed he looked to the ground and his tone of voice changed from light hearted to slightly upset. “That makes sense, I mean it’s not like we told you much about us.” Kaira said as she added more wood to the flames. “Well anyway let’s get back to more important things, Onyx would you be willing to join us. I mean you are a silver feather member and it would only make sense for the three of us to travel together” I said happily. “That would be ok with me” Onyx replied. “Then it’s settled, we are the beginning to the silver feathers...” Kaira started but then a loud piercing laugh made its way to our ears. “But you’ll for sure be the last.” Said a very deep husky voice yet at the same time you could hear an almost teenage voice to it like a boy whose becoming a man almost. We stood up and looked for where the voice had come from.
That’s when I spotted him. Or it. I’m not even sure what it was. He looked almost man except for his green skin and the fact that he had earth or almost plant like wings. He also carried a bamboo staff. “Who are you?” I yelled. He looked at me then laughed again. “I am Yaki the leader of all earth demons, not that it matters, you won’t live long enough to get to know me.” He chuckled. “Well anyway shall we get started” he then jumped from the tree branch he stood on and landed not 10ft away from us. “What do want?” Kaira yelled out. “Is that a trick question” Yaki chuckled. “I think it’s pretty obvious what and who and want...” he then lifted his finger and pointed at the three of us. “All of you, gone!” he finished. I looked over to see Onyx clench his jaw. I could almost see a flame burn in his body ready to demolish the whole forest. “Now how about a fight to in order to settle this” Yaki called. Then he raised his head back and roared a roar I’ve never heard in my life and one that I didn’t want to hear. Then out of the ground started to sprout these weird troll like creatures with plants swarmed all around them. “What are those?” I asked panic in my voice. “These are my kin, my minions, my family and they don’t take to kindly to strangers in their mists.” Yaki laughed that evil laugh. I stared in horror as the clearing we were standing in was now being run over with these weird creatures.
“What will we do?” Kaira screamed as the three of us were standing back to back in a tight knit circle. “All we can do is fight and hope that we win this match.” Onyx said putting his fists up. “Listen I’ll take Yaki you two just have my back” Onyx yelled. “Got it” I said getting my fireballs ready. “Kaira we can do this trust me” Onyx called to her. She looked at him with hope in her eyes trying to hold back tears and be strong. I was proud of her and also myself. “Begin” Yaki screamed and then he jumped in the air whipping out his wings and diving for Onyx. Onyx was faster as he snapped out his wings and flew towards the demon that was after him. I was watching his movements so intensely that I got punched in the gut by a minion. The thing chuckled as he went for another hit, but I was faster and I gave him an uppercut to the face. He stumbled back which gave me enough time to throw a fireball in his direction. He instantly crumbled to the ground and died. I then ran as three other minions chased me and cornered me to a tree. They lunged at me with their whips and vines. I then ducked at sent flames sweeping over their feet. They hoped around which gave me enough time to actually ignite them on fire.
They fell like the first and died instantly. I then looked over at Kaira. She was kicking some major butt. She was making her water into cyclones and catching demons off guard. Most of them died right after the others were too busy trying to find a weak spot. I then jumped in and started to get rid of ones that were attacking her open areas. “Thanks” she huffed running out of breath. “No problem” I said my own breath running out. I then looked to the sky where Onyx and Yaki were having their own battle. Form where I stood it looked like Onyx was winning. Just then Yaki whipped Onyx right to the ground. “Kaira catch him” I yelled frantically. Kaira then sent some water to catch his fall. He was then encased in a ball of water, which quickly descended to the ground keeping Onyx safe. Then as Onyx had landed safe and sound Yaki came dive bombing Kaira. “Kaira run!” Onyx yelled. But then it was like slow motion, everything just felt like it was slowing down. Kaira’s turn was slower then what I expected, her blood curdling scream, Yaki lifting her off the ground. All of it just felt too real. Yet so not. I then ran as fast as I could. I got there to late Kaira was now in the arms of Yaki. “Onyx stay here” I yelled with so much rage. My wings snapped out almost instantly. I then flew right at the demon that held my sister in his arms almost stroking her face. I then faced Yaki in mid air, hovering and keeping myself at the right height. Yaki chuckled in my face and looked at me almost mocking me.
“What’s the matter little boy?” he asked slyly. “Grey help me” Kaira screamed. She was kicking in his arms and pleading for me to save her. “Let her go” I yelled at him. He then took off higher and higher with me right on his tail. “Keep up little one if you want to save her” He mocked. It only invoked me to want to hurt him even more when I caught him. Yaki then stopped at a really high altitude. “Grey, this seems like the climactic scene in a movie. The brave knight must either save his beloved sister or defeat the dragon while he’s right there. So which will it be?” he asked. Then he dropped Kaira. She quickly descended to the ground. She kicked and flailed and screamed like crazy. I then dove after her. I was just about to catch her before she hit the ground when she disappeared. I scanned for her in the air but could see nothing. “Kaira” I yelled with so much rage it looked like the forest shook. I then turned and looked at Yaki; So much rage was focused on him that I charged for him.
I flew with all my might to reach him. I then connected with his stomach. He howled in pain. I then tore at his arm. He punched me in the face. Then he kicked me in the side. Then he unbuckled his staff from his back and smacked my face with it. Then it came down on my head. I then charged at him again and dodged his staff. My fist connected with his arm, and then my foot connected with his shoulder. He doubled over which gave me enough time to get his head in a vice grip. He started to choke. “Where is she?” I yelled more then asked. “Who are you talking about” He gagged the sentence. “My sister” I was enraged. “That pretty little thing well she’s right down there” he replied. I then followed his gaze and sure enough there was Kaira. She was fine but what was going on. what just happened. I was so confused. I then threw the earth demon scum away form me and flew full speed to my sister. I landed next to her and looked into her eyes. “Kaira are you ok?” I asked. “Grey what are you talking about?” she looked at me with confusion. I then started even harder into her eyes. That’s when I saw it, the hint of green that my sister never had. “Your not Kaira” I said quietly. I then sent a fireball at the earth demon imposter and it quickly died. “Grey what are you doing?” Onyx yelled looking over at me. “Onyx Kaira’s gone, that was a fake. We need to find her and fast” I said as more earth demons came at us. “Have fun” Yaki called as he flew away leaving Onyx and I to fight for who knows how long.

-End Chapter 4
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OK I'm getting more up!