Fix You

Fix You

Millions of shards lied on the ground, waiting for someone to put them back together, to be a whole once more.

Dave stared at those fragments of what he had loved, disheartened by what he saw. He regretted not saving her earlier. The once beautiful glass doll was now ruined, destroyed. The perfection he sought and loved lied broken on the cold earth and became a dirty, pitiful trash.

He crouched besides the pieces, and picked the nearest one to him. He studied the round, blunt glass piece. This piece was not transparent as it was supposed to. It was dull, and covered by cracks. Someone had been toying with her until she broke. Dave was devastated by the fact the doll—his beloved doll¬—tried to withstand the torment for her cruel owner. What had that guy ever done to steal the doll’s heart? He didn’t deserve it, Dave thought. He could see the idiotic owner tried to fix it, but only succeed in worsen the situation. Dave scowled in frustration, what a fool that guy was.

The boy pressed two perfectly matched pieces together tenderly, putting it away from the rest of the wrecked parts, and resume to find other matches.

Picking up his chosen shard, Dave examined it thoroughly. The fragment in his hand was the opposite of the first one. It was angular, and sharp enough to cut his hand if he wasn’t cautious in handling it. Small rainbow lights radiated from the crystal clear surface. It seemed to be normal, yet Dave knew better. He squirted his eyes for a clearer view, and spot what he was looking for. Blurry colors flickered in the depths of the glass, showing a distressed maiden.

Sadness washed away the anger he held for the clumsy possessor, sympathy filled his heart—sympathy he held for the maiden. He stared at the sobbing maiden, recognizing the images as the doll’s sorrowful past events.

He observed the girl carefully, ensuring he wouldn’t miss any detail. Dave marveled her beauty, though he had seen it for as long as he could remember. Each of her movement was graceful and elegant. Her pale hand brushed away the golden locks on her face gently, revealing the silver rivers streaming down from her azure orbs.

From the maiden’s tears, Dave could make out the stirring emotions within her. She cried for her lost precious, she wept for her wasted affection towards her lover. Yet, she gave her lover her entire heart regardless of he was irresponsive, or just merely throw it away, wasted.

Could it be worse?

Dave observed another selected shard held in his hand. Colors swirled inside as Dave gazed into the identical piece of glass. They blended together, finally settled on ink black. A shape appeared in the midst of the void. It belonged to the maiden the captured his heart, Dave guessed. She curled into a ball, reminding him of a lost, rejected puppy. He wanted to stretch his hand to the girl, to save her from the misery, from the emptiness of solitude. The girl was as fragile-looking as the doll itself, far too delicate, and not to mention breakable. He closed his eyes, the scene was still glued in front of him behind his eyelids.

So lost, so alone.

He let his imagination ran wild, thinking of how he would rescue her this time. He would not fail her again. Dave concentrated on the image of the broken soul, and saw beams of light started to light up the pitch black room. The girl turned her head, and searched for the source of the invading light. She stared at the silhouette with hope and hopelessness at the same time. A figure stood at the doorway, holding a luminous lamp in front.

Dave smiled when he distinguished the mysterious person.

He watched as his imaginary self approached the forsaken maiden, bringing light into the dimmed room with each step he took. The boy in the illusion shared Dave’s smiled while they stared at the girl’s innocent eyes. He took her hand in his larger ones, then helped his love to stand, and lead her away from the darkness behind.

Opening his eyes, Dave felt a wave of satisfaction, if only he could achieve his in the reality too…

He could, and he would.

Clicking the shattered glasses, he placed it with the first finished piece.

His fingers wrapped around the fifth one. Unlike the previous two shards, it didn’t have the multicolored shine, but there were ruby red and rose pink glow, tinting the picture within. The glow represented her loving heart and adoration towards the undeserving one.

The maiden leaned on her owner with a smile that surpassed the piece’s radiance. Dave could feel her genuine happiness, the picture showed it clearly, yet he sneered. He hoped he could say he was glad she found her love, but the words never made it pass his clenched teeth, sealed by his lips. Countless lies to congratulate the maiden formed in his head, but they dissolved on his tongue before they were pronounced.

Couldn’t his love see what her owner really was? She deserved someone far better. He wished she could be his, though he wouldn’t force her. If there was a person that would treat her as good as he would, or better, he’d wish them the best. She should’ve tried to let go and see what she was worth.

And she was definitely worthier than the piece-of-crap owner.

Dave continued to work on the broken doll. It was an impossible task, he knew, and he didn’t have a single clue how he would finish this three-dimensional puzzle without any help. He had to learn on his own. At times, the pieces refused to click together, stubborn like the maiden, and cracks would appear out of nowhere.

Not once had he thought of giving up, not once did he lose his faith. He was determined to put the doll back to its original state, and restore her stunning beauty. Dave didn’t mind facing obstacles and problems, nor did he mind using his lifetime to help the doll, because he knew it was worth it, even if she wouldn’t show gratitude to him. Dave didn’t expect anything from the doll since the beginning, seeing her to be whole once more was the biggest reward he could ever ask for.

He would become her light, and lit her way home. And he would try to fix her, and succeed.

I promise.
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