Status: Completed

Wolf's Rain: The Albino Wolf!

The Albino Wolf!

Chapter 1: The Albino Wolf

Starts at... oh, I dont know... when they run away from the city into the blizzard, blah blah blah
Toboe, Tsume, Kiba, and Hige run off into the blizzard, all of them making their way farther and farther away from the city. Tsume glances back at the city, then looks away and continues running.
Toboe suddenly stops. He sniffs the air, smelling something unusual. Something that shouldnt be there...
"Are you coming, Toboe??" Hige asks. Toboe looks down and notices the pack had stopped for him.
"I smell something." he continues sniffing and realises that the smell was coming from the ground. "Dont you guys smell it? Hige, you have strong nose... It's very faint for me, can you smell it?"
Hige blinks and sniffs. He shifts his head from side to side with his nose in the snow. He walks several steps, then stops.
"It's coming from right here..." Hige moves away the snow with his paws. He dig a few inches, then stares in shock.
"What the hell is it?" Tsume asks.
He, Kiba and Toboe walk closer to Hige and looks closely at what he was digging.
"A wolf.." he exclaims, but didnt sound too suprised.
Toboe could see the neck of the wolf and grabs onto it with his mouth. He is careful not to bite hard enough to make them bleed. He drags them out of the inches of snow and onto surface. He puts his ear up to their rib area to check for a heartbeat.
"They're still alive." Toboe confirms. "We should get them out of this blizzard..."
"How are we going to get them out??" Hige asks. "It's not like we can drag them, that would slow us down till we're dead!"
Tsume creeps closer and nudges his snout under the wolf. He crawls under them and stands up, lifting them onto his back.
"I'll carry her." he says while walking again.
"Her?!" Hige seems to drop his jaw. "How do you know it's a her??"
"By how light weight she is." Tsume answers without looking back at them. They all glance at eachother and continue their walk out of the blizzard.
About 1 hour later...
The blizzard dies down and snow lightly falls. Then the snow stops and the sun rises to say hello for the day.
Tsume slowly tips to the side, dropping the white female wolf on the snowy ground. He turns around to face the wolf. The others catch up and stays atleast a foot away from her.
"Might as well rest here for a while untill she awakes." Kiba walks away from the group and lays down. Tsume walks the other direction about the same distance as Kiba went and sits. Hige curiously looks at the wolf he had sniffed out. Toboe nudges her with his snout lightly.
"Hey," he speaks to the wolf, aware that she might not be able to hear him. "Hello? Are you okay?"
He licks her cheek (or on the cheekbone) to try to get her awake. He could taste a drop of blood on her. He looks down to her arm and sees she is bleeding.
"Oh my god, she's hurt." Toboe licks the wound in where her shoulder should be (as human).
"She is?" Hige peeks behind Toboe. "Doesnt look that big of a wound, it's just bleeding a lot..."
The wolf winces and moves around slightly. Her eyes shoot open. She bolts upright and looks around panicked. She looks at the pack with huge eyes, which indicates she was scared, and edges away backwards.
Toboe and Hige take their human forms. Hige catches Tsume and Kiba already in their human forms in the corner of his eye.
"Dont be afraid, we just helped you escape the blizzard..." Toboe looks at the wolf with a worried face. She peers into his eyes and sees he really was just trying to help. She calms down, her eyes become normal, and steps closer to Toboe and Hige.
"Uhm... thank you for saving me from out there." she slowly takes her human form.
She wore a black tanktop which ended inches above her belly button and a big blue baggy jeans which seems to be for guys. She has bandages wrapped around her hands, up to her elbows and on her bare feet up to her knees (not that they could really see it). She sits down like they were and looks at them blankly. She holds the wound on her arm with one hand.
Her hair was black, but seemed red with the sun beaming on it. Her long bangs drop to her chin and reaches back to her ears. The rest of her hair was hung down to the bottom of her shoulder blades. Her eyes were the most stunning part of her. They were a crimson red color, which is probably the first thing you'd see on her.
"My name is Toboe, and this is Hige." Toboe glances at Hige. "Over there is Tsume and on the other side is Kiba."
Hige smiles. Toboe blushes slightly and looks at the ground. Tsume and Kiba glance over their shoulders to look at the girl for a second, then both turn away.
"My name is Kira. Nice to meet you all." Kira smiles and shifts her eyes to Tsume and looks at him unusually.
She glances back at the group. Toboe remembers the wound on her arm. He takes out a small blue piece of cloth out of his pocket and knee-walks over to Kira (cuz they were sitting down).
"Here, let me see your arm." Toboe sits next to her.
Kira removes her hand from her bleeding arm. Toboe wraps the cloth around it, not too tight, and ties it on her arm.
"I hope that helps." Toboe smiles and inches back slighly without Kira noticing.
"Thank you," she smiles back and reaches into her large jean pocket and pulls out a cloth pouch. She unties the string and opens it up. Hige watches closely, he could smell what was in the pouch. She pulls out a dried piece of meat (beef jerky I guess?) and holds it out for anyone to take.
"Would you guys like some?" Kira asks.
"FOOD!!" Hige creeps closer to Kira, indicating he wanted some. She hands the first piece to Hige, then the second to Toboe. She glances at Kiba and Tsume and wonders if they were hungry too.
Kira takes her wolf form and sneaks behind Tsume with a piece of dried meat in her mouth. She drops it in his lap.
"Get away from me, you!" Tsume growls and throws the piece of meat at Kira. She folds her ears back as she was hit in the head. She opens an eye to see if he was done and he was back to sitting the way he was before she came. She picks up the piece of meat again and sets it next to him. She walks away back to Hige and Toboe.
"You can help yourselves to more, I have plenty more where that came from." Kira digs her snout into her pouch as Hige was holding it. She pulls out another piece and sneaks over to Kiba. He glances at her from the corner of his eye.
"Thanks." he accepts the piece of meat. He holds it in his hand and stares at it. Kira was about to turn around.
"Wait," Kiba stops her. She turns her face back to face Kiba. He lifts his arm above Kira's neck, he looked like he was about to strike her. Her ears fold back and awaits for the hit.
"Hm? What's Kiba doing?" Toboe asks while chewing.
"Looks to me like he's about to knock her out." Hige says with a mouth full of dried meat.
"What?" Toboe gasps. Hige swallows what was in his mouth.
"Kiba, no!" Hige yells over to him and runs over to them in wolf form. Kiba places his hand on Kira's fur as if petting her. Hige skids to a stop and falls over. Kiba stares at him blankly.
"What is it, Hige?" he asks with his hand still on Kira. She was sitting down at this point. Hige lifts his head (human form).
"Nothing, Kiba." he drops his head. "Nothing at all."
Kiba stares at him suspisiously. Toboe runs over to Hige and drags him away back to the place where they were eating.
"Anyways," Kiba turns back to Kira (human now). "So your name is Kira?"
She nods.
"I see you're an albino wolf."
She nods again.
"How did you end up where we found you?"
Kira thinks and tries to recall what she remembered last.
"Uhhmm... Im a traveling wolf, Ive been wandering around from place to place for a long time..." she begins to explain. "I was headed to another place, I didnt really know where I was going. So I walked where ever I felt like going, hoping to run into a small town or city. And... I walked for so long, or it felt so long. I knew it was atleast over 4 days... Then that's all I remember."
Kiba nods while listening closely.
"I see." he glances at the blue cloth wrapped around her arm. "What happened to your arm?"
"A hunter," she sees the cloth is blood-soaked. "I was in a small town before I was headed off to a city I heard of , I got along with the city very well. They didnt know I was a wolf, I didnt know how they'd react if they knew I was one, so I never told them...
Kira sighs.
"I thought 'wow, I get along with the people here. They're so nice to me.' and I was making that decision to stay or head off again... Then a hunter came. He had a gun strapped to his back and wore a tan overcoat, and a hat on. He had a dark colored dog that he called 'Blue'"
She pauses for a moment.
"Go on." Kiba had all his attention on Kira now.
"...The hunter, he was like a guest to the small town. So the people welcomed him, even if he had a gun and a scary looking dog. I was staying with a friend I met there, about my age or so. She lived with her grandmother at a inn they owned. So the man decided to stay at the inn... He was sitting down at a table by the desk. I came out of the kitchen with a glass of water I was going to offer him...
"At the same time, my friend and her grandmother came in ready to help the man check in. He looked at my friend and grandmother first, then he looked at me. He looked like he was wasted and drunk, I was sorta scared, but I moved on and came closer to him with the glass of water. His dog's fur rose and barked at me, then the man... he stood up and aimed his gun at me...
"My friend and her grandmother screamed and ducked. He yelled out 'God damnit, it's another wolf!!'... my friend was screaming for me to get down and hide behind the desk with her and her grandmother. I dropped the glass of water... He stood there, and said to me... 'We can do this right now, right here... or we can do it outside, so they dont have to clean up the mess.'
"I was shivering, I felt paralized and couldnt move. He knew what I was... and I was shocked that he did. I had to do something, but I was limited. If I ran over to my friend, I knew he would shoot and might hit my them... I could have ran out, but as human, I was slow... but if I took my wolf form, I was sure I could run fast enough to get out and run away... so that's what I did. I took my wolf form. But before I did, I took one last look at my friend and her grandmother.
"Then I just ran, ran untill I was out of the inn. But he followed me out and shot at me. One hit my shoulder, but I kept going... I didnt stop, I didnt want to. The whole town saw me run... they all probably know who I really am now because of that stupid guy..."
Kira frowns. She notices she was talking for a long time.
"Im sorry to bore you with my silly stories... I just got carried away a little..." she feels embarassed.
"No... it's alright. It was intresting..." Kiba still had the exprassionless face on.
Kira wonders why he seemed like that since she got here, or if he was always like that. She shivers as a chilly wind blows past them. Kiba sees this. He places his jacket over her. She looks at him and notices he was just wearing a white t-shirt.
"Arnt you going to be cold?" she asks.
"No." he replies.
Kira nods. She notices he was starting to eat the piece of meat she gave him. She pulls his jacket tighter on her and walks back to Hige and Toboe. They had already finished what was in the pouch. Hige lays on his back and stares at the clouds. Toboe was finishing up his last piece, but had 4 other pieces in his hands.
"Here," he holds out the pieces to Kira. "I saved some for you... uhh, I hope we didnt pig out."
"Nah, like I said, I have a lot more where that came from." she accepts the pieces and starts chewing on one. She continues to stare at Tsume. She notices the piece of meat she had left beside him was gone. She holds back a slight smile.
"Dont mind those two, they're like that." Hige says without looking away from the sky.
Kira nods. She felt warmth here, as if she had finally fitten into the puzzle after a long time of completing it. Even though half of them seemed like they didnt want her around, they were wolves and so was she.
Kiba sneaks up behind them. Kira swallows the last piece of meat she was eating. Hige sits up and Toboe shifts his attention to Kiba. Tsume doesnt move.
"We're going keep going now..." says Kiba.
"Oh, well I guess I should be headed my own way..." Kira starts but is inturupted by Kiba.
"Wait," he puts a hand on her shoulder as she was about to get up. "Before we go, I was going to ask if you'd like to come along with us. We're headed to Paradise... I guess."
Kira stares at Kiba with wide eyes. She has never traveled with others before, especially with her own kind. She thinks about it for a moment. She looks at Hige and Toboe who were anxious to hear her answer. She looks at Tsume who was still sitting there. She smiles.
"Sure." she gets up as well as Hige and Toboe. Tsume (wolf) was already ahead of them. He waits impatiently, his tail shifting from side to side.
"Hm." Kiba looks as if he was hiding a smile, or atleast a grin. He (wolf) runs off to catch up with Tsume. Kira (wolf, okay everyone a wolf now!!) looks back at Hige and Toboe. They walk up beside her and the three run off together and catch up with Kiba and Tsume.
End of Chapter one.
♠ ♠ ♠
I dont own any of the characters except Kira. And blah blah blah... (Characters: Toboe, Tsume, Kiba, Hige, Darcia, Quent, and Cheza)
NOTE: This fanfic might be confusing because I will not have Cher or Hubb in the story... leavin' them out cuz I hardly know what's going on with them, been ignoring it... sorrys if you're disapointed. This is going to be like a replay of the series but with another character... Hope you likes...
Pronouncing Characters: Im making a friend read this and she doesnt know the show or watch it (no cable... damnit...)... so skip if you know how to pronounce their names.
Toboe (Howling) - toe'boe'eh
Tsume (Claw) - su'may
Kiba (Fang) - ki' bah
Hige (Whiskers) - he, geh
Kira (To shine) - Ki'la (or Ki'rah, in english accent)