Status: Completed

Wolf's Rain: The Albino Wolf!

Way Out

Chapter 10: Way Out
((Returned to Blue, found a dead soldier, blah blah blah...))
Hige and Kira
Kira wanted to pull away while Hige was off guard, but she didnt really want to leave him. She gently moved his arms off of her and layed on the ground. She curled up into a flat ball and closed her eyes as if going to sleep.
"...You." she whispered. "I know in the future, you'll love someone else... you'll end up leaving me soon, it might as well be now so we dont get any closer-"
"What makes you think that?" Hige fell to his knees infront of her and sat down. "You cant see the future, you wouldnt know... what if-"
"I saw it." she inturrupted him. "...When you found me in that forest. You saw the eye, and gems in my arm... Im able to see the future."
She covered her face with her hands, though she wasnt crying. Hige was silent. He didnt know whether to believe her or not... he knew she wouldnt lie to him...
((Or would she? Dum dum dum...))
"Are you sure that it'll actually happen??" he asked. "...I mean, it could... be wrong..."
Kira curled up her fingers into a fist and shook her head no. He looked down at her, then his bleeding arm, then at something shining from his wrist. It was the silver wolf necklace. He pulled it out slightly so his other hand could hold it tightly.
"Look," he stared at the red eye of the wolf. "...I love you now, and it hurts to see you just walk away from me..."
He looked away from the necklace and at Kira who glanced back at him.
"So how about this..." he tried his best to smile for her. "If I ever leave you, you can kill me..."
"Maybe Kiba would." he thought.
"...Or if YOU dont want to, you can have one of the others kill me... like Kiba or Tsume." he was able to smile now, and he smiled wide, revealing some of his perfect lined teeth.
Kira smiled back and sat up. She hugged him, but she did not give him a reply to his suggestion. He didnt notice. She couldnt answer. She would never kill him, or ask anyone to kill him for her. The hug felt like forever to the two, like they havent seen eachother in years.
Kira let go and frowned at Hige's arm she had bitten. She gently took it in one hand and took out a roll of bandages in the other. He rolled up his sleeve and remembered about the necklace as it fell out of hiding. He unwrapped it from his wrist and held it out for her.
"This is for you," Hige smiled. "I was going to give it to you earlier, but I never had the chance to."
Kira stared at it for a moment before reaching for it, he placed it in her hand. She observd every detail of the silver wolf, feeling the texture of the solid fur and ruby-like eye. She held it tightly in her hand and smiled back at Hige.
"Thank you." she pressed it against where her heart was. He nodded and his smile slowly dissapeared. Her smile also faded away, curious why he suddenly stopped smiling. She tilted her head slightly.
The two were silent for a long time and all they did was stare at eachother. Hige was the first to move. He slowly (very very slowly...) inched his face towards Kira's. She didnt move at all. He slowly continued to get his face closer to her's. They both quickly closed their eyes as their lips met...
"Damnit, they're all over this side too." Tsume grumbled. He was now on where Hige should have been, the north side. He decided to go find him if he was done looking around. He was bored anyways. He hopped from building to building to find him.
Tsume suddenly stopped and sniffed the air.
"He's near." he murmured, but froze when he could smell someone else. "Kira."
He hopped away to where he smelled the two. He stopped at the edge of a building. He looked over the edge and spotted the two...
Hige and Kira
The kiss still continued. Hige ran his fingers through her hair, holding the back of her head. Kira lifted her hands to his face, lightly holding his warm cheeks and the necklace dangling from her fingers. He put his other arm around her and pulled her closer to him.
Tsume frowned in slight disgust. He was about to jump off to another building but he ended up slipping, the edge crumbling beneath him. Before he had time to react, he was falling down towards the two...
Hige and Kira
Their kiss was broken by debris falling around them. They let go of eachother and glanced around.
The two saw a grey wolf suddenly fall onto the ground. It bolted upright and ran off without looking at them. Hige and Kira watched the wolf run off.
"Was that Tsume?" Hige blinked. Kira didnt say anything. Her expression was the same as Hige's. She shrugged.
She glanced back at Hige and lightly touched her lips with the tips of her fingers. He smiled at her, and she smiled back. She placed the necklace over her head and pulled it down to her neck. She looked at it for a moment before picking up the roll of bandages. Hige held out his arm as she wrapped it around his arm.
Kiba ran back to the old bus. When he entered, he didnt see anyone around in it. He slowly stepped closer to the back of the bus.
"Boo!" Toboe suddenly poped out from behind a seat with Cheza. Kiba stared at his blankly, wondering what he was doing. Toboe's grin turned into a frown of dissapointment. He shook it off.
"So what now?" he asked.
"I'll wait till the others arrive." Kiba replied as he sat down in one of he seats. Toboe nodded and sat in the seat behind him. Cheza remainded at her spot.
A few silent moments later, Kiba heard someone running towards the bus. He peeked out the window and saw it was Tsume. He stood up and walked to the entrance.
"So how is it?" he asked while Tsume stopped infront of him.
"The place is covered. It's like we're surrounded." he replied while quickly catching his breath. "And Hige seemed to be enjoying himself making out with that Kira."
He smirked. Kiba blinked at him.
"What?" he said.
"Nothin', nevermind." Tsume pushed past him and sat in a seat close the the front.
Kiba shook his head and was about to return to his seat when he saw Hige and Kira returning to the bus.
"We're doomed." Hige sighed.
"What do you mean?" Kiba asked.
"We're surrounded. They've got like every street and corner in town!"
Kiba frowned. His plan dropped to F.
"Well in that case..." he said. "We're going to have to go through the Forest of Death."
"The Forest of wha??" Hige blinked.
"The Forest of Death." he grinned.
"Isnt that a forest where if someone goes in, no one comes out?" Toboe said while shaking. Kiba shrugged.
"It's a rumor."
Later that night...
A couple soldiers were spying on them earlier, listening to their plans. They had reported it back to their captain and planned to attack the bus while they were asleep...
"Go, go, go!" he ordered as several soldiers ran into the bus. They shot at the lumps under blankets, but soon they discovered that they were just shooting at piles of garbage.
((Ahhh... so sleepy... cant keep eyes open... eyes... sticking together... cant... pull apart... z...zzz...zzzzzzz...))
"What?? They're gone!" one of the soldiers yelled.
Back at their base (I think)
"What? They're not there? Impossible! We never saw them come out..." the soldier held a radio and yelled at the soldiers.
Hige suddenly popped out of nowhere.
"Looking for me?" he grinned and tapped his shoulder. The soldier looked shocked.
"What?? They're here!!" he pulled out his gun but Hige knocked him out cold before he could fire. Then suddenly, soldiers began coming out of their tents and shooting at him. He began attacking them. Tsume, Toboe, and Kira jointed seconds later.
Kiba took Cheza and ran to a tall pile of rocks and jumped over it, escaping the base.
The others continued to fight off the soldiers and when it seemed clear for a second, they bolted towards the wall of rocks and jumped over it, meeting Kiba and Cheza.
"Let's go." Kiba nodded.
Quent searched for Blue in the town. He suddenly saw Toboe as he came to the corner of a street. His eyes widened.
He grabbed his gun and ran after him, but when he turned the corner, he saw an injured Blue. She limped towards him.
He crouched down to her as she came to him and fell down infront of him.
"Those damn wolves!!" Quent growled and stood up.
((Ack... Im so sleepy I cant type... my spelling is going weird... I thought I could finish but... must... sleep...))
He lifted his gun and was about to run off to kill the wolves when something tugged his coat. It was Blue. He looked back at her.
"Dont worry, I'll be back." with that said, he tugged away and ran off.
The wolves and Cheza
The wolves were closer to the forest now, they continued their way there. Suddenly, someone was firing at them. It was Quent. The wolves dodged the shots quickly.
Cheza suddenly tripped over a small rock. She fell down hard and paniced slightly as she saw Quent's gun aimed at her. Kiba ran infront of her to protect her. He was shot in the shoulder (or where his collar bone is around). He winced from the pain, but didnt move from his spot.
Quent lowered his gun slightly to get a look at him. He was in slight shock.
"He protected her..." he murmured. He lifted his gun and aimed for his head. He didnt fire immidiatly. His mind was wondering whether to shoot him or let them escape... no, he wouldnt let them escape.
Click. Click click click.
"Damnit!" he was out of bullets. He dug into his pocket, pulled out another load, stuck it in and looked back at the wolves, but they were gone.
"Nooooooooo!!" he screamed and fired in random places in fury.
Quent returned to where Blue was, but she was gone. All that was left was a large puddle of blood.
End of Chapter 10.
♠ ♠ ♠
NOTE: Im going to probably lose a lot of readers for this... Im going with Kira/Hige because... Hige and Blue dun' make a good couple. Plus, Blue and Kiba make a good couple soooo... yeah. Sorrys for those who wanted Tsume/Kira... Hige won the votes anyways...