Status: Completed

Wolf's Rain: The Albino Wolf!

The Memories of The Claw

Chapter 11: The Memories of The Claw
Forest of Death
Someone's stomach growled. The wolves and Cheza looked behind them at Hige.
"What?" he glanced around innocently. "Okay, okay, Im hungry... you dont have to always look at me..."
"You're always hungry." Tsume smirked.
"No Im not!" Hige growled.
Toboe was suddenly suprised by a skull he tripped over. A giant cockroach the size of their heads suddenly poped out from a tree and jumped at him.
"Aaaahh!!" he screamed, but Tsume had caught it before it got to him. It squirmed in his hand.
"What the hell is this?" he sniffed it. "Doesnt look like any bug Ive ever seen before..."
"It's HUGE!" Hige's eye's widened. Kira giggled.
"Here," Tsume put the bug close to Hige's face.
"If you're hungry, eat this." he grinned.
"Uhhh..." Hige backed away from the bug. "How about..."
He grabbed the bug out of his hand and walked over to Cheza. He held it out to her.
"Why dont you eat it, Cheza?" he grinned, but Kiba quickly slapped it out of his hand, killing it in the process.
"Cheza does not eat bugs." he snarled. Green stuff oozed out from the bug. Hige frowned.
"Then what does she eat?" he asked. It was silent for a few moments.
"Ya'know, Ive never really seen Cheza eat." said Toboe.
"Yeah. Do you even eat?" Hige asked. Cheza shook her head.
"This one only drinks and basks in moon and sunlight." she said.
((Sunlight too right?))
"Of course, she's a flower!" Toboe smiled.
After that, it was silent for a while. Kiba turned and continued to walk along the in the forest. Everyone else followed.
Tsume was thinking, of his past. Far past when he was probably Toboe's age, still a pup. He was playful as ever, like any other pup, but now he was diffrent...
He was curious why he had changed so much, from a sweet and caring guy to a cold attitude bastard. He shoved his hands into his pockets and frowned.
"Why..." he thought and glanced over to Kira, who was looking at Hige happily. "Was it her?..."
It slightly saddened him to see her like that. The way she looked at Hige... it was the same look. The same look she had always given him before, when they were once together.
Tsume sighed as he fought to keep those memories from attacking him. It had always haunted him since he saw Kira again. Always. In his dreams when he was asleep. When it was all silent between the group. When he was fighting and attacking the enemy. Always. They were there, no matter how hard he tried to keep them stored away...
"Maybe that's why I changed so much..." he thought. "What happened on that day... maybe I became such a bastard because... I was trying to put those memories aside... I became frusterates because I couldnt..."
He swallowed hard. He could feel his face beginning to warm up as he fought back several tears. He glanced over to Kira again. She was staring at him curiously, but he didnt notice it.
He wondered what would have happened if he hadnt "accidently" caused her to lose her memory. If he hadnt punched her in the face and caused her to hit her head on the boulder...
He could have told her now, this moment while they stared at eachother. He knew doing this would make her memories come back. She would remember him, Kiba, and... herself.
Kira's lips parted slightly, making a thin crack in her mouth. Her eyes. It was like she had just suddenly realized about them and about Kiba. About the past of all three of them... Oh, he felt like walking over to her and placing a kiss on those cute lips... But Hige had stolen her away from him. That ass hole...
Tsume suddenly realized he was staring at Kira for a long time. Kira was blushing slightly. He remembered the last thing he thought...
"NO!" he growled and held his head. It echoed through the forest and inside his head.
His head throbbed in pain, a headache. He felt like tearing himself apart with his bare hands. He wanted to kill himself... right now. Right then. No. Hige wasnt an ass hole. He hadnt stolen her from him, no...
"" he slammed himself against a tree. Splinters flew everywhere. He dragged himself down and sat down on the hard ground. A tear escaped his left eye and almost trickled down his cheek, but he had wiped it away quickly before anyone saw.
By now, everyone had stopped to stare at Tsume. No one had a clue of what was wrong except Kiba. He was afraid this would happen soon, it was just a matter of time. He walked over to Tsume and whispered in his ear.
"Just dont look at her." he whispered. No one heard but the two.
"I cant..." he mumbled, still holding his head and his eyes shut tight.
"Let's take a break." Kiba suggested to the others.
They were silent for a while, confused of what was going on, but agreed to it.
Tsume remained in place as well as Kiba. The others sorta crept away from them, giving them privacy. Kira had a hard time doing so. She didnt want to leave him like that, whatever was on his mind. She just couldnt. It was like she liked him, but she didnt. No, she loved Hige... right?...
Kira turned away from him, a sad face swept across her face as she turned. Tsume saw this. His eyes where wide as if they would just pop out of their sockets. It wasnt because of what he just saw. It was because of the pain in his head. The headache. It hurt so bad...
"Calm down." Kiba sat beside him. He sat cross-legged and his arms on his knees.
"I just..." he began to calm down slightly. His eyes were no longer trying to escape their sockets, but he continued to hold his head.
"I want my past back..." he murmured. "I want to be with her again. I want to love her and I want her to love me back. I..."
Kiba chuckled.
"What's so funny?" Tsume growled. He was beginning to regain his self again.
"You." he grinned. "You want my sister back. But now?... Heh. Her heart belongs to Hige."
Tsume frowned.
"But..." he looked down. "What would happen if I told her now?"
Kiba shrugged.
"Maybe she'll love you again, but after what you did..." he trailed off.
"She killed my best friend, that's why." he growled.
((Taketo tah'keh'toh... or something like that.))
Yes... ol' Taketo. He was his closest friend ever. Friend. Kira was probably closer, but not anymore. She killed him and it had built anger inside of him. That's why he had punched her... It was inside of him, the Tsume that smirked at the weak, always kept his cool, and only saw flames. The other him was kind, caring and smiled happily... he couldnt smile "happily" after the day he lost his love. He could still smile, happy that an enemy was dead or something, but that was more of a smirk...
Kiba sighed and stood up.
"I dont care if you tell her." he said. "I just thought if I told her I was her brother, she'd remember her past, of not only me but you... but if you want to tell her, now's your chance. Im planning to sit here and rest for a bit."
With that said, he spun around and walked over to Cheza to sit by her and Toboe. Tsume glanced past him at Kira, who was cuddling cutely with Hige... just like she used to do with him...
He sat up but only ended up falling on his hands and knees. He lifted his head to look at Kira, but she was gone. Hige sat lonely on the forest ground.
Tsume turned his head and looked around for Kira. She stood beside him and stared down at him. She sat down beside him.
"What happened?" she whispered softly.
Tsume sat back down and leaned against the tree. He tried not to look at her for too long, or he probably would have actually kissed her. He thought about what Kiba had said. He glanced at Hige. Then at Kiba. Then at Kira. Then back to the ground. He sighed.
"Just something that happened in my past..." he murmured.
"Like what?..." she frowned. "...if it's okay for me to ask..."
"Always like that." Tsume thought. "...Her heart's still there. Her memories left..."
He didnt say anything at first. He was still wondering if he should tell her or not... what harm would it do? What would happen?... Would she hate him?...
((I just realized Ive been mixing up "him" with "her" or "he" and "her" (or the other way arounds)... so yeah... I dont check it for mispelling or anything much.))
Tsume lifted his hand to Kira's face and moved a lock of her hair behind her ear. He held her chin lightly and studied her face.
It was definatly her. He just thought he should have checked, to make sure he wasnt dreaming or anything. He was being stupid. It was probably because he was lost in his thoughts and Kira. He loved her so much before, and that love he had for her was coming back quickly...
Kira didnt stir or anything, she simply let him hold her chin. She just couldnt look away from those sad eyes... they looked familiar. But she had never met him before, right? The first time she saw him was when she had woken up... when they had rescued her from the blizzard...
Who'd think he'd come across his love again under a pile of snow? Right when he left the city... What would have happened if Toboe and Hige hadnt found her? ((We all know the answer to that question.)) What if he... no... just... one... small... kiss...
"Let's keep going now." Kiba yelled out to everyone.
Tsume and Kira's lips only touched slightly before they had turned their heads to look at Kiba. Kiba's eyes narrowed as he looked away form the two. Hige didnt see them.
Kira stood up while holding her mouth with both hands. She looked as if she was about to cry, but it passed and she became normal. Without a word, she turned around and ran over to Hige. Tsume watched her.
He looked down before getting up. Depression... that was the only thing that grew so rapidly since he had lost her. He frowned and walked back to the pack.
((I know that Cheza gets sick soon, but Im going to extend that to the next day.))
"I swear Ive seen this tree like a million times now." Hige grumbled.
They had been lost for a while now, and felt like they were going in circles. Everyone was tired and needed rest...
Kiba sighed.
"We should just spend the night here for now, it's getting late anyways." he said. "We'll leave first thing in the mornin-"
"Are you crazy??" Hige inturupted. "We'll probably be dead my morning! You know what they say about this forest..."
"It's only a rumor." Kiba frowned. "I dont believe it. We're staying the night here and that's final. Everyone needs a rest anyways."
Hige frowned as well and sighed. He nodded before holding his empty stomach.
They couldnt really build a fire because the trees were pretty much dead. It was a cold night, and they would have to sleep in it.
Kira was shivering uncontrolably. She only had a tanktop on, and it ended abover her belly. Her hips were bare. Hige was fine with a sweatshirt on and so was Tsume, except he had long sleeves. Kiba only wore a white t- shirt on since he had given his jacket to Cheza. Toboe unrolled his sleeves so he was pretty much okay...
Hige took off his sweatshirt and handed it to Kira. He had a black long sleeve shirt underneath it. She stared at it for a moment before shaking her head no.
"You'll be cold." she whispered. A white fog came out of her mouth as she spoke. She coughed a little.
"I'll be fine, you're the only one that's so cold. You're going to get a cold." he placed it over her head.
She closed her eyes and slipped on his sweatshirt. It was warm... so warm she had stopped shivering. Hige huggled her as she began to fall asleep...
Soon she fell asleep in Hige's arms. He fell asleep as well, a little after she did. Kiba fell asleep laying down next to a tree root with Cheza and Toboe next to him. Tsume tried his best to keep awake, but wasnt succeeding. His head bobbed up and down as he snapped awake, then drowzed off...
He didnt want to fall asleep. He wasnt tired... no... he wasnt... he's just... exausted, that's all. When he snapped awake again, he stood up and shook his head. He walked around the tree he was leaning against to keep awake. He was falling asleep while walking. His heavy eyelids were trying to cover his eyes... no, he cant sleep. Not now... no...
"Does it bother you so much that you keep yourself awake?" a voice asked. His eyes slowly opened to see Kira standing infront of him. He was slouched over slightly.
He rubbed his eyes and took a slep closer to her, but he only ended up falling to his knees.
"No... I..." he murmured.
Kira sat down too and faced him. She tried hard to find him in her mind. Where was he from?? She was sure she had met him before... but when? And why cant she remember??
"Do I know you?" she whispered. "... I mean... you're so familiar..."
Tsume woke up a little now. His attention was on Kira. He thought back to his past again... just for the hell of it...
Tsume was... what? Thirteen then? And how old was she again?... Ten? Eleven?... That was about 6 years ago. They knew eachother since probably when he was 7 and she was 5... they played with eachother everyday... never left eachother's sides...
((Okay, Im not really sure about their ages, but Im seeing Toboe as like, 13-14, Kiba and Hige around 15-17, and Tsume about 18-20, somewhere there. And Kira around 15-17 too... Not sure... but thats what age I see them as. If you know the exact ages... then, well, dont tell me.))
They had known eachother for about 6 years and they havent seen eachother for 6 years... Where had she been all this time? Where had HE been all this time? He shouldnt have left her... But he couldnt face her after hurting her. That was the first time he had... He had been depressed for a long time after that... It hurt him so badly...
Tsume was seven years old... yes, he was lonely then. No one seemed to want to play with him... he didnt know why. It made him feel sad, and always wanted to just dissapear forever. He wasnt thinking of suicide then, he was too young... but he had after he had hurt Kira...
But just on another ordinary lonely day, he saw a new wolf in the forest. She was definatly a year or two younger than him. She was in a small opening in the middle of the forest where many beautiful flowers bloomed... She blended in so well...
When he saw those big red eyes and her jet black hair that fell down to her elbows, he couldnt look away. She stared back at him, and they stared at eachother for what seemed like hours...
The first thing she had ever said to him...
"What's your name?" the sweet smile he had loved stretched across her face. He was stunned...
"Tsume..." he had whispered, but she had somehow heard him. She tilted her head.
"That's a cute name, my name's Kira." she said. She was covered in petals and flowers. It stood out well since she wore a black dress that reched down a little below her knees. She stood up and walked over to him, the end of her hair was wavy and flowed smoothly as she approached him. She held out her hand, and in the other was a bouche of flowers.
"Want to be my friend?" she asked. He suddenly felt something warm up in his heart... it felt good, and only felt it when he was around her. He wanted to be with her forever...
He slowly took her hand with a small smile. He was being shy that time...
End of flashback
That was the first time they had met... when they had first seen eachother and spoken to eachother for he first time. It was so wonderful that day for Tsume, and that day felt like it lasted for years... Oh, what he would give to be with her again, to feel the same feeling he had that day... to have her love him again...
"I..." he murmured.
Kira tilted her head, waiting for an answer. She was beginning to feel afraid slightly... she didnt know what was going on... and she didnt want to lose Hige...
Tsume noticed a silver wolf necklace around her neck. Jewlery...! He had given her something before...
Tsume was wandering around town for food, to bring back to Kira so they could eat together near a pond. He was... nine, she was seven. He was happy most of those days... whenever he was with her. But he had come across a rose braclet tha day. It had small gem roses on it with emerald leaves. They were fully bloomed, and connected by a chain. He knew she would love it, and snatched it before returning to her.
"Im back, Kira!!" Tsume dashed back to his love. He had arms full of food, and the rose braclet was in his pocket. He set the food down near a tree stump.
Kira was playing in the water of the pond. She walked out with two fat fish squirming in her hands. She set them down away from the edge of the pond so they wouldnt hop back.
"I caught some fish that we can eat too." she smiled. "...together."
He smiled back.
"They look good." he said while walking up to her. He held her right hand and dug into his pocket for the braclet. He pulled it out and clipped it onto her wrist. At that time, she had bandages on her arms and legs too. She had explained to him before that she was born with gems and extra "eyes", she didnt know why, but she didnt tell him what they did.
Kira was suprised. She examined the braclet for a moment, before looking back up to him.
"It's beautiful... thank you so much!!" she gave him a tight hug. He hugged her back happily...
End of flashback
((Oh my god I cant stop typing... this is like... such a cute chapter!!... Must... take... break...nooo...))
Tsume still hadnt answered her. They sat silently while staring at eachother. He didnt know what to say...
Their first kiss... it wasnt far away from when Tsume had hurt Kira. He was 12 and she was ten. It was on a night of a full moon...
The two sat on a tree branch near the lake. It stuck out above the water slightly. They sat side to side, holding hands, and lightly leaning on eachother.
They watched the sun disapear, and it was beautiful. Tsume put an arm around her and it just happened... their lips met, and it lasted so long... Tsume had lost his balance on the branch and fell into the shallow water. Kira hopped down into the water and had helped him up...
The rest of the night, they had cuddled and slept in eachother's arms...
End of flashback
Kira tilted her head. She was waiting patiently for an answer... what was on his mind??... Does she really know this guy?... A guy who had rescued her from a blizzard not to long ago?? But when?? When had she met him?... If she ever had...
...her past. What about her past?... She doesnt know ANYTHING about her childhood, she just woke up one day confused with an injured forhead... Blood was trickling down her forehead, what had happened??... She couldnt look into the past with her right arm for some reason, it wouldnt let her... the eye just wouldnt open...
Tsume could tell she was thinking too, probably trying to remember who he was... still the question was trapped in his mind... tell her or not?...
Tsume was 13, Kira was 11... the day he had lost her was so depressing... so confused... why had he punched her in the first place??...
When he found her in the forest, he saw his best friend (wolf) in the jaws of his love (wolf). He had for once made a friend not long after Kira and him had met... She dropped him when she saw her love and returned to her human form. She wiped the blood off of her mouth and frowned.
He approached her.
"What..." he felt tears forming at the bottom of his eyes. Anger began to build inside of him... very slowly...
Kira didnt say anything.
"...what's... going on??" tears began streaming down his cheeks. What was he to say? His love had just killed his best friend...
"...Im sorry." she whispered. "...But..."
His tears dissapeared and his anger was beginning to slip out...
"But what?!" he yelled. "I dont think a sorry will help my dead friend!! What the hell were you doing?? Why the fuck would you do something so stupid??"
He couldnt control himself... he just exploded on her...
Kira began to cry.
"...I-I didnt mean t-to!" she cried. "...I can explai-"
He was getting tired of her talking. He just wanted her to shut up, he just needed silence... to calm down! But then it was all suddenly silent...
He opened his eyes. His fist was held out infront of him, and Kira lay still with blood trickling down her forehead. He didnt remember hitting her, he didnt see it... or did he??
He slowly walked to her unconsious body...
He didnt know what to do. He was shocked, he had just hurt who he loved... what had made him do such a thing??... Why had he?...
Flashback pause
...explain. He hadnt let her explain why she had killed Taketo... but how did it matter to him? She had killed him... dead is dead... but still... why did she kill him?...
Flashback continued
Tsume picked Kira up in his arms and carried her to her older brother, Kiba. He was about the same age as her, maybe about a year older. When he saw his younger sister, he frowned and glared at Tsume.
"What did you do to her?" he growled.
"Look, I..." Tsume set her down and held her hand. "She killed my best friend... And I just... exploded on her, okay??"
Kiba folded his arms across his chest.
"Well it doesnt look very good..." he paused. "She wont remember anything... She wont remember anything that happened before. You, me, and anyone else she met. All she'll know is her name and that she's a wolf..."
"Wait wait wait," Tsume inturrupted. "How do you know this??"
"Because it's happened before." Kiba answered. "... She wont remember anything unless you tell her. Then she'll eventually remember everything. Any little thing you tell her, like me being her brother but you havent told her you are her love, she'll remember it all."
Tsume frowned.
"But..." he looked down at her calm face. "... I cant face her... not after I had hurt her..."
Kiba crouched down beside him.
"...Then dont tell her." he whispered. "You can leave her somewhere in the forest, and I'll leave her as well. When she wakes up, she wont remember anything..."
Tsume squeezed her hand. He didnt know what to do... he wasnt good at making decisions. He wanted to be with her, but he didnt want to face her after he had hurt her and exploded on her...
"...I'll do it." he murmured. "...I'd rather have her forget what happened than be with her with that memory in her mind... I..."
Kiba nodded.
"I understand." he stood up. "...You have several hours till she wakes up, if you want to say your good bye or place her in a good spot."
Tsume nodded. He picked her up and carried her off with Kiba behind him...
He had decided to leave her at the edge of the pond they had always hung out at. He had sat beside her while holding her hand for atleast over an hour. He cried most of the time he had spent...
He had kept whispering that he was sorry, and that he will always love her. Deep in his heart, he was praying for a miracle to happen... something that would just wake her up and she didnt remember about him hurting her... But nothing happened. He left her and asked Kiba to watch over her untill she was awake. And he did...
The last thing Tsume had whispered to her was: "Im so sorry, please forgive me. I'll always love you..."
End of Flashback
By that point, he began to cry. Tears flowed down from his eyes uncontrolably. He covered half his face with one hand and let himself cry... Yet, his expression seemed like he was angry.
Kira frowned and touched his shoulder. She didnt know why he was crying, but just needed to comfort him... it was like instinct...
He gently pushed her hand away and wrapped his arms around her, giving her a hug. She jumped slightly as he pressed himself against her. He cried on her shoulder, tears trickling down her arm and back. She placed her hands on his back, holding him lightly. She rested her head on his and closed her eyes.
"...Dont cry." she whispered. "Im here..."
He hugged her tighter and balled up the back of her tanktop into his hands. About an hour later, he had stopped crying and they just sat there holding eachother. Tsume had a reason to still be holding onto her. Kira didnt. She loved Hige, and shouldnt be hugging someone else right now... it's alright to hug someone but... this hug felt diffrent to her... it wasnt an ordinary embrace...
It was silent for a while... untill Kira had to ask again... she wanted to know.
"...Do I..." she whispered. "...know you?... From before?..."
Tsume sniffed. He didnt want to let go. He felt like holding her forever, her warmth was the same like before... comforting... He opened his mouth to answer her...
End of Chapter 11.
♠ ♠ ♠
NOTE: This episode creeped me out (the owl...)... I had to gather all my stuffed animals and sit wit them... :p I loved the last part though. For those who wanted a Tsume/Kira, and are still reading this, here's a chapter for you.