Status: Completed

Wolf's Rain: The Albino Wolf!

Open Your Eyes

Final Chapter : Open Your Eyes
The wolves lay still on the ground where they had been attacked and knocked unconscious by Darcia. But Tsume (human) was awake. He pulled himself to Kira (human) and lay next to her. He wasn't sure if she was still alive, so he pulled her close to her.
Her weak breaths swept past Tsume's neck. He let go of her and stared at her face. Her left eye bled, either that or it was the blood trickling down her forehead. Her left arm bent in a strange way and was swelling up. He brushed several strands of her hair away from her face.
"Kira..." Tsume whispered in her ear. "...Kira."
He gave her a gentle shake. She opened her right eye slightly, but not the left. Her left arm twitched slightly as she tried to move it. A slight jolt of pain bolted through her arm. She winced from it and tried not to scream.
"Tsume..." she whispered. "...Are you okay?..."
He nodded.
"You're not." he gently pulled her broken arm the right way and set it down. She tightened her teeth as he did this, but suddenly she couldn't feel anything anymore. She grabbed a little of his sleeve with her other arm.
"Tsume..." she smiled. "Who are you?..."
Tsume blinked at her blankly.
"What?..." he whispered.
"Who are you?" Kira closed her eyes. "I know you, and you know it... who are you?... why wont you say anything about it?..."
Tsume looked away.
"Was it something bad?" she asked.
He grabbed a handful of dirt, then let go of it. He looked at Kira, strait in the eyes.
"Kiba's your brother." he whispered.
Suddenly, Kira's eyes shot open wide. Something was happening inside her mind, she didn't know what it was, until seconds later, when she saw herself as a child. She closed her eyes and watched the memories play.
It all went too fast, she couldn't catch up with them. She couldn't believe it.
"Why didn't he tell me..." she thought. Then suddenly, she saw another memory. This one slowed down for her. She saw Tsume, when he was little, crying but yet looked angry at the same time. She watched as his fist flew at her.
Kira opened her eyes.
"No... this isnt..." she whispered as tears formed in her eyes. "All this time... you..."
"I didn't mean to hurt you." he grumbled.
Hige. Hige was all Kira could see in her mind right now. But Tsume was all she could think about. All this time... he had to...
"...why..." tears streamed down the side of her face. "...did you let yourself... go through all the torture..."
Tsume looked at Kira, confused.
"...of seeing me with Hige?"
His eyes widened. It had hurt so bad when he saw them cuddling. It had hurt so bad when he saw them kiss. It had hurt him all this time... that was the feeling. He suddenly felt the need to pull Kira close, but he didn't. Instead, he became serious and held her hand.
"Kira," he edged a little closer to her. "I love you, and I didnt want you to live with the fact that I hurt you. But now I just want to forget it, let those memories burn in hell, and I want to have new memories with you. Good ones that I can remember forever."
Kira quietly gasped.
" who will it be?" he asked. "...I don't care if you go with Hige... I just want you to be happy."
Kira tightened her grip on his shirt. She remembered Blue, the girl Hige would love one day. It made perfect sense now.
She let go of his shirt and rolled over to side so she could see Tsume better. She slowly moved her face towards his. Before their lips met, she whispered: I love you too.
End of Final Chapter 1.