Status: Completed

Wolf's Rain: The Albino Wolf!

Parting Ways

Final Chapter 2: Parting Ways
The morning sun was beginning to rise as the kiss broke. The clouds began turning lighter and into an orangish and blue color.
The others were still unconscious, or asleep. Tsume sat up and helped Kira up too. They had a small chat while Tsume wrapped her broken arm and put it in a sling with bandages. Kira nodded.
"Whatever happened to that rose bracelet I gave you?" Tsume asked.
Kira tilted her head and thought.
"Hmm..." she reached into her jean pocket and took out the bracelet. One of the roses had been crushed, but the rest looked okay. He smiled and placed it around her wrist. He helped her stand up.
Kiba jerked awake and sat up. A folded up piece of paper fell from his chest onto his lap. He glanced around. Darcia had taken Cheza. He had failed to keep her... He noticed Toboe and Hige were dragged near him, but Kira and Tsume were nowhere in sight. He picked up the note, unfolded it and began reading it.
It said:
Dear brother,
Tsume told me everything, how you're my brother and how he used to love me when we were little. I realized now why I couldn't see into the past with my right arm. But I saw the future for Hige, and he wasn't with me. He was with someone else.I didn't understand it then, but I do now. Ive run off with Tsume to start a new life with him. I hope you arn't mad. I'd rather die here on earth where I was born than die in Paradise. I hope you find it someday. Please explain to the others, I wont be coming back. We wont. We're going to live at the forest where I was born, and where I met Tsume. I hope it's still there, I'm sure it is. I can feel it. If you don't find Paradise, please come by. I think you'll find it, so I probably wont be seeing you... Oh well. I will miss you, brother. I'll miss everyone. Please tell Hige I'm sorry and that his future isn't supposed to be with me, but with someone else. I'm sure he'll understand. Tell him I'm keeping the necklace he gave me so I can remember him, not that I wont if I gave it back. I'll never forget anyone of you. Please find Paradise.
Kiba nodded and shoved the note into his jacket pocket. He would explain to the others about Kira and Tsume when they wake up. Then they'll continue their way to Paradise.
End of Final Chapter 2.