Status: Completed

Wolf's Rain: The Albino Wolf!


Wolf's Rain: The Albino Wolf - Epilogue
The forest that Tsume and Kira first met was still alive. It was more beautiful than ever before. They created a place to live in a cave in the middle of the forest somewhere.
Tsume one day asked why Kira had killed his friend. She explained that Taketo had said Tsume was in love with someone else besides her. She said it wasn't true and that he'd never do something like that, but Taketo kept on saying he was cheating on her, that whenever he said he went to the city to get food, he was actually going to see the other girl and then quickly get the food. He also said that some of the food had been from the other girl. But of course, Kira didn't believe it. He kept on telling her this until she couldn't take it anymore and went to the point that she had to kill him. He was just jealous that his friend had someone to love but he didn't. Tsume sadly understood.
After Hige and Toboe had awakened, Kiba explained everything. It was tragic news for Hige, but as the note said, he understood. After that, the pack continued their way to find Paradise.
Several years later, Tsume and Kira had their hands full with little ones. They had 5 pups about 2 or 3 years after they left Kiba. Kira named most the pups after those in her life. Hige, Toboe, Kiba, Kisa, and Zali. Tsume was always playing with them, but sometime got pissed when they annoyed him. Kira would playfully yell at him for doing so. They had a peaceful life now, with a family and quiet place to live.
They never saw Kiba, Toboe, or Hige again, and wasnt sure if they had found Paradise or not. But one thing they knew was that Kiba wouldn't give up looking for it, he was still out there somewhere.
In Paradise or not.
The End.