Status: Completed

Wolf's Rain: The Albino Wolf!

The Ruins

Kira stops in the middle while they were running. She thinks for a moment.
"Why did you stop?" Kiba asks. She looks up and notices the rest of the pack had stopped.
"Uhhmm... well," Kira looks at the sky and examines the climate condition. "There's going to be a blizzard... a strong one. Stronger than the one I was found in... And the next town, I dont think we'll make it on time... and I know this place, it's like a ruins or something. If we stay there for the night, we'll be okay by morning and we can head off again..."
She trails off, thinking the others were not intrested in what she was talking about. Kiba steps forward.
"...How do you know all of this?" he asks curiously.
"Uhhmm..." Kira looks down abd blushes. "... well, by how strong the wind is, the color of the clouds and the snow."
They all stare at her with amazment, all except Tsume.
"What if her guess is wrong? What if she's leading us into a trap?" Tsume growls. At that point, even Kira, everyone could tell he didnt trust her at all.
Kiba walks over to Tsume.
"It is getting windy and colder by the second. I think she's right." he looks him in the eyes for that moment, then continues walking along. "Let's go, Kira, you lead."
Kira's head lifts as he says that. She was slightly nervous, but continues ahead of Kiba. They all run behind Kira, leaving pawprints which dissapear quickly from the snow.
About 20min later...
"We're almost-aak!" Kira starts but a shark pain shoots though her right arm. She loses her balance and rolls in the snow like a tumbleweed several feet. She lays there still, her breathing was heavy.
"Right ahead of you.." she breaths as the others come closer to her. They couldnt really see it because the blizzard had already begun, but could see an outline.
"Hey, are you okay?" Hige asks while Toboe and Kiba try nudging her up.
"I'll be fine." she says, but her arm's wound opened up again, making her bleed more. She manages to get her up in a couple minutes. They continue down to the ruins, Kira still leading.
"Over here." she crawls into a hole, just about large enough to fit all of the wolves. All except...
"Aww man!!" Hige couldnt fit more than his head in. "I knew I shouldnt have eaten all that meat..."
The others were in a small room, not big enough for them to stand in but enough so they could all sit down. There was another hole, or it looked like a tunnel in there. The place seemed to be made out of pieces of metal.
"Damn, I cant get in... what do I do??" Hige seemed to talk to mostly Kira.
Kira thinks. She glances at the tunnel and remembers there was another way in.
"Hige, there's another way in." she jumps out of the hole that Hige couldnt fit though. She pokes her head back in. "I'll be right back, Im going to come from that tunnel so dont block it. Before she leaves, she drops a piece of meat in the middle of the small room.
"Leave that there so Hige can sniff our way back here." with that, she closes the hole with a lid that happened to be attatched to the piece of metal that made the hole.
"I hope they get back here safe..." Toboe (human) whispers to himself. Everyone was now human form.
Toboe sits nervously, his glance shifting from Tsume to Kiba, who were both staring at eachother, or glaring. Toboe couldnt tell. He tries not to look at the piece of meat. He was slightly hungry since Hige ate most of the meat. His mouth waters as the smell lures him closer and closer to eating it.
Back to Hige and Kira...
Kira runs under what looked like one of those parking lots under buildings. She stops near a pole, where a hole was beside it. It was big enough for Hige to fit into.
"Found it... you go first." Kira moves out of the way so Hige could go first.
"What?? Me? Why me?" he backs away slightly.
"Do you want me to leave you out here?"
"No... hmm..." he peers into the hole. It was a drop, but looked more like a slide.
Kira sneaks up behind Hige and pushes him in. He falls in head first and slides down. She could hear him howl all the way down. She hears a "thump" indicating he had reached the bottom.
"Move out of the way, Hige. Im comin' down." Kira jumps in without hesitation. She always enjoyed the ride down. She reaches the bottom and was about to land on all four but Hige was below her, making her fall onto him.
"I thought I told you to move." Kira steps on his head before getting off.
"Heh, just wanted to be a padding for you." Hige jokes.
"Funny. Now let's go." Kira continues walking along the tunnel. It was like a sewer, but no water. She was limping from her wound. Hige follows behind her.
Kira suddenly stops. She glances around. Her ears shift from side to side.
"Something wrong?" Hige asks.
"We're not alone." Kira lowers her head and sniffs the ground. "We have to move quickly back to the others."
She lifts her head. Her eyes widen as she sees something small jump to attack Hige.
"Move!!" Kira pushes Hige out of the way and bites on the rat that was about to bite him. Hige stares at Kira blankly.
"It was just a rat." he wonders why she seemed so worried about a rat.
"The rat's around here..." she bites it's head off and spits it out. "They arnt normal... their bites are poisonous. And they seem to attack larger animals than them..."
"But... how??" Hige becomes slightly scared of the place.
"I dont exactly know, but I think this place was attacked by a nuclear bomb... I thought that might be what caused it..." Kira continues to walk again. "They usually travel in large swarms... I dont know why this one was alone..."
She stops again. This time her eyes were wide and she looks like she was frozen in place. Hige suddenly starts to hear squeaks and sounds of small clawed feet running... lots of them...
"RUN!!" Kira bolts forward and dashes as fast as she can down the tunnel. Hige follows behind her.
"We're almost there..." Kira thinks to herself. She looks back and could see the swarm of rats appearing.
"Oh shit!" Kira runs faster down the tunnel. "Hige!! Get infront of me!"
"What? Why-"
"Just do it damnit!!"
So with that, Hige bolts infront of Kira. He looks back and sees the rats were catching up.
"If you see a turn on right, go in there!!" Kira yells up to him. She was slowing down because of her wound. Hige spots the turn and follows it. He turns and continues running but stops when he didnt hear Kira coming. He looks back and notices the rats werent there. He hears a long howl from where he came from.
"Kira!!" he turns around and runs back to find Kira.
Back to Tsume, Toboe, and Kiba...
The three hears the howl. Toboe stands up startled, but ends up hitting his head on the ceiling.
"That was Kira!!" he says while holding his aching head. But Kiba and Tsume (now wolf) had already left through the tunnel they heard the howl come from. Toboe (wolf) dashes through the tunnel and follows.
Tsume and Kiba run and see a left or right turn at the end. They jumps out and look to their left to find Hige and Kira fighting off a swarm of rats. Kira was covered in rats, but Hige was trying to be careful as possible not to get bitten by one.
"What the... she screams for help because of some rats??" Tsume snarls.
"Their bite is poisonou-" Kira was stopped by a rat that bites her snout.
"They arnt regular rats." Kiba runs next to Hige and helps kill them. Tsume does the same, but closer to Kira. Toboe emerges from the tunnel and his eyes widen as he sees Kira being attacked by rats.
"Kira!!" Toboe runs over to the swarm of rats and starts biting them off Kira.
"NO!" Kira screams. "Their bite is poisonous!!..."
But it was too late. He gets bitten in the tail. Kiba bites on it and pulld it off. Toboe wobbles slightly, feeling weak. Kira's breathing was becoming heavy. She was having a hard time pulling the rats off of her. They kept coming and biting onto her.
Eventually, Hige kills the last rat. He looks up at Kira and Toboe, the ones who were bitten. Kira walks past the others and into the small shelter they were going to spend the night in. She didnt have the strength to make herself comfertable, so she just lays down. She (human) puts her head on the hard metal ground ans sighs. The others (human) come in and sit down a second later.
It all was silent for a while. Toboe was leaning against the walls and resting. Tsume had his eyes closed and seemed like he was sleeping. Kiba was looking at the ceiling. Hige was sitting next to him silently, looking at the ground and glancing at Kira and Toboe once in a while.
Kira was too tired to stay awake. She had a hard time breathing and felt weak. Bite marks covered her body, and her wound was re-opened. She closes her eyes.
Toboe was feeling slightly weak. He was okay since he only got bitten once. His head was bobbing up and down as he tries to keep awake.
"Are you going to be okay?" Hige asks the two.
Toboe nods once slowly. Kira was too weak to nod.
"Yes." she replies. "I'll most likely be okay by tomarrow..."
Hige nods, then goes off minding his own buisness again.
A while later, Kira and Tsume fall asleep. Toboe was already ahead of them, and Hige was just resting his eyes. He was still wide awake. Kira was beginning to fall asleep.
Moments later, when Kira was sure everyone was asleep, she opens one eye. She was indeed falling asleep but tried her best to keep awake. She opens her other eye and sits up. Hige was still wide awake, but she was unaware. She sneaks over to Tsume, who was sitting-sleeping next to her. She looks closely at his face.
Hige peeks open an eye just a little. He raises his eyebrow when he sees Kira examining at Tsume's face.
<She's been paying a lot of attention to Tsume ever since she woke up after we found her... Hige thought. <What's she so intrested in with him?
Kira lifts her hand and was about to lightly touch his face, but was stopped by Hige.
"I wouldnt do that if I were you." Hige whispers. His voice was close right behind her.
She squeals, but in a whisper and falls forward. She was close to falling onto Tsume, but she had put her arms forward and was stopped by the wall. Tsume's head was right between her arms.
"If he wakes up, he'll... err..." Hige starts to sweat. Kira had her head facing Hige, not paying any attention to Tsume. Kira starts to sweat as well, she just realizes why Hige stopped.
Kira slowly turns her head to face Tsume. He was wide awake, and looked pissed off. He grabs her neck and pulls her face close to his.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" his grip tightens when she doesnt answer. "Answer me."
Kira couldnt speak because Tsume's was almost choking her. A warm tear trickles down her cheek. Then suddenly Kiba tackles Tsume, causing him to let go.
"Get off me!!" Tsume pushes Kiba off of him. Kiba backs off and helps Kira up.
"What were you doing?" Kiba demands to know.
"I wake up and there she is, in my face. So I ask her what the hell she was doing." Tsume folds his arms and glares at Kira. She starts to edge away a little. Kiba turns to her.
"Then what were you doing?" he asks.
"I was..." Kira looks down. "I though he looked familiar... so I was just trying see if I could recall who he was..."
Tsume smirks.
"I dont know anyone who looks like you, end of discussion." he sits back down to the way he was and closes his eyes. Kiba nods, glances at Kira quickly and sits back down where he was. Kira lays back down where she was before, and Toboe was still dead. Hige walks over and sits next to Kira. He nudges himself between her head and Toboe.
"Mind if I sleep here for the night?" he asks Kira. She shakes her head no. He smiles and closes his eyes. He creeps his hand to a lock of her hair. He puts his hand on it, feeling how soft it was. Then he slowly begins to fall asleep.
End of Chapter Two.