Status: Completed

Wolf's Rain: The Albino Wolf!

The Unknown Traps

Chapter 5: The Unknown Traps
Hige walked with Kira to the others, both holding eachother's hands. Kira had washed the blood off of her hands and waist with snow, although the bandages on her arms were still blood-soaked. Hige stared at the ground while walking to find the others.
Hige glanced away from the ground and at Kira's bandages on her arms and legs. He was curious why she had them...
"Cant say." Kira suddenly said in the middle of Hige's thinking. He looked up at her grinning face. He didnt understand.
"What?..." Hige watched her grin turn into a sweet smile.
"You were looking at my bandages." she wiggled her toes slightly and waved her fingers. "I cant really say why they're on... maybe later."
Hige was slightly embarrassed that she had noticed him staring at her bandages. He noded and glanced back at the ground.
Tsume, Toboe, and Kiba
Toboe pushed the herbs he collected on Kiba's wounds. He layed flat on his back with his eyes closed, but awake.
"There," he finished and took a small step back. "...those herbs should help your wounds heal."
Kiba slowly opened his eyes halfway.
"Thank you, Toboe." he said without glancing away from the sky and closed his eyes again. Toboe sighed and leand on the wall.
The three were in another crumbled room, but this time, there was no roof and only had 1 and a half walls up. Tsume was leaning on the frame of the door on the half wall. He stared at the sky, daydreaming.
"Huh?..." Toboe said under his breath while looking at the two figures that were coming closer to them. It was Hige and Kira.
Hige and Kira
Kira looked up and quickly let go of Hige's hand. She (wolf) trotted to Kiba's side and sat down. He slowly opened his eyes and was happy to see his little sister. He would have hugged her, but his arms were currently covered in herbs.
Hige walked closer to the others and sat down, leaning on the half wall. He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. He opened one eye and glanced around.
"Im so hungry..." Toboe whined. He held his stomach, which was begging for food. Tsume noticed this and frowned.
"Well atleast SOMEONE'S gut is full." he growled and glared at Hige. Hige opened both eyes and shrugged.
"Well you guys didnt want any! You all walked away... it's rude...wasting food..." he folded his arms and looked away.
"You could have atleast SAVED us some..." Toboe mumbled. Tsume turned around and faced Hige.
"Atleast someone was nice enough to bring us some food..." he glanced at Kira, who glanced back. Hige edged away slightly.
"Go get us some food." Tsume snarled at Hige.
"What? Why me?" he backed away.
"Because you ate our food, NOW GO!!" he growled. Hige scrambled up to his feet and was about to go find some food, but didnt want to go alone...
"Kira, wanna come along?" despite her injury, she could still walk fine. He didnt want to go alone, and he wanted to be with her...
Kira glanced up and turned her head (human) to face Hige. She smiled.
"Sure!" she cheerfully said. (wolf again)
She licked Kiba's face. He stirred and smiled. She accidently got a large herb leaf stuck on her tongue (it sticked to her tongue). She lapped her tongue around slightly, but it still stuck. She playfully growled and tried to get the herb off.
Hige giggled and Kiba grinned. Tsume couldnt help chuckling to himself, but Toboe was worried.
"Uhh... Kira..." he sat up and crawled towards Kira to help get the herb off. She finally took a bite and started chewing. Toboe turned slightly pale and sat there frozen.
"Kira..." he started but it was too late.
Kira suddenly froze. She dropped her jaw (still wolf) and pushed the chewed up herbs out of her mouth with her tongue. She started to drool and hacked uncontrollably. Everyone silenced and stared at Kira.
"Just let it the time pass... it'll go quick..." Toboe whispered in her ear and took a step back.
Kira suddenly felt an intense burning in her mouth, as if her mouth was on fire. She whined and started spitting out the remains of the herb out of her mouth. Drool was trickling down every corner of her mouth and dripping. She dropped her head low down onto the ground and cried. The burning was painful, and numbing her tongue. She ran over to a small layer of snow on the ground and started to eat it as if she was mad. Moments later, the burning faded away. She (human) ran behind the building and vomited, coming back with her ears folded back against her head.
Everyone stared in small shock (except Toboe). Kira dragged herself to Hige's side, using him to help her gain her balance for the moment. She stood up strait, wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and silently walked ahead of Hige. He watched her, then looked back at the others who seemed clueless of what happened (except Toboe...). He shruged and trotted to catch up to Kira.
Tsume was the first to snap out of his slight shock. He turned to Toboe.
"Erm... what was that about?" he asked. Toboe turned to Tsume.
"The herb she had chewed..." he thought for a moment. "It's not harmful or anything, but when it's chewed on, it's really... hot, like those little long red things..."
Tsume and Kiba both seemed to nod slightly, then turn away into their own buisness again.
"Uhh, I'll go get some more herbs." Toboe stood up and ran off.
Tsume glanced back at Kiba, who had his eyes closed. He turned his head back around and stared at the ground.
Hige and Kira
Kira and Hige both walked side by side, holding eachother's hands again. They walked along silently as if they were on a walk through the park. Hige spotted something ahead and stopped. Thinking it was food, he ran to it, pulling Kira along.
He stopped infront of the thing he had thought it was food, but it was just a stuffed animal.
"Aww man..." he picks up the stuffed animal by the tail. It looked like a grey rat, but wasnt sure. One of the black button eyes were missing and a hole had formed in it's left... nub arm.
"I thought it was food for a second..." he sighed and dropped it. Kira bends down to pick it up. She examines it and holds it tightly against her chest with one arm (the other occupied by Hige's hand). She hadnt said anything after the herb incident, he was curious why.
"Did you see anything around yet?" he asked while tilting his head forward slightly to see her face. She stared at the ground while shaking her head no. He was slightly concerned.
"Are you... okay?" Hige asked. Kira didnt answer. She opened her mouth as if about to speak, but nothing came out. Just a faint whine...
Hige shook his head slowly, slightly confused, and continued walking along, searching for food. Kira lowered her head even more.
Tsume and Kiba
Kiba was still laying on his back with his eyes closed, resting. Tsume stirrs around nervously. He grunted and glanced at Kiba occationally.
Kira and Hige
Hige stopped nd sniffed the air. Kira stopped beside him and looked up at him. He looked down at her.
"What is it?" she asked.
"Food..." he continued sniffing around. "I smell food! Over there!"
He ran off but Kira stayed put. She let his hand slip out of her's and watched him dash over to where ever he smelled food. She slowly walked after Hige and stopped where he had stopped.
His mouth began to water as he stared at the huge chunk of meat laying around. Kira stared at it suspisiously.
"Whoa! That should be enough to feed us all!!" Hige was about to run to it, but something held him back. He looked over his shoulder at Kira. Her hand was grabbed tightly onto his hood, he guessed she wouldnt be letting go anytime soon...
"What?" he sheepishly asked. She tugged him back lightly.
"It looks..." her knuckles turned pale. " doesnt feel right."
"What do you mean?" he turned around. She let go and held onto his sleeve.
"Isnt it a little strange?..." she pointed to the meat. "...Food isnt just laying around anywhere... especially in that form... a large amount. It isnt wasted."
Kira frowned when he pulled her hand off. He placed his hands on her shoulders.
"Look," he said with a confident smile. "It'll be okay, it's not like people will just pop up and start shooting me."
He nuzzled his nose onto her's, then turned around to fetch the meat. She didnt have time to hold him back, he had distracted her.
Hige trotted to the meat. But suddenly, when he was about a foot away from the meat, four trianglular metal barred walls came rising from under the snow. It locked tightly above him.
Kira and Hige both stood still, silently.
<She was right, it WAS a trap... the words Kira had said stirred through Hige's mind. <...what... what can I say?...
He slowly turned around to face her. She still stood there, silent, yet shocked and suprised at what had just happened. Her fist was tightly against her chest while she calmed her heartbeat. She stared at Hige.
<What do I do?... she thought. <I was right, there was something wrong with it...
Hige suddenly slammed his head against the metal bars and held onto them with his hands. He felt stupid to ignore Kira...
"Im sorry..." he mumbled.
Kira shook her head and ran to the cage that he was trapped in. She slipped her arms between the bars and held his head, where it was leaning against the bars.
"No, no... it's okay..." she rubbed his forehead, which was starting to bruise. "...You hit your head on ther pretty hard."
He nodded.
"Here, I'll try to bend the bars open..." she said.
(Both wolf now)
Kira bit onto a metal bar and began chewing and pulling. Hige helped and chewed it a little before backing away from it. He (human) rubbed his jaw and moved it around.
"Ow..." he held his jaw. He looked past Kira at several figures approaching them. It was Moss and three other wolves. Moss had bandages wrapped around his neck.
Kira (human) stopped and turned around as a shadow was casted onto her. She stood up and glared at Moss.
"Well, well, well," he said with a creepy smirk drawn on his face. "Look who got caught in the trap, the ol' 'Paradise exsists' guy."
Hige stood up, held onto the bars and pressed his face against it.
"Hey, is it possible for you to let me out?" he smiled innocently.
The four wolves laughed.
"Right, you really think we'd do that?" Moss grins.
Hige sighed and pressed his face harder against the bars.
"Oh, well, I thought I'd just give it a shot..." he mumbled to himself.
Kira became enraged.
"You did this!!" she screamed at Moss. "Let him go!!"
"Why should I listen to a lowlife like you?" he snarled.
"Because I said so!!" she grabbed his jacket and pushed him back, but the other wolves with them pulled her off. Moss slapped her across the face and pushed her away, causing her to fall.
Kira sat on the snowy ground while holding her left cheek. Hige quickly crouched down, slipped his arms through the bars and held her face in his hands. He glared at Moss.
"You'll pay for that!!" he yelled, but they just grinned and laughed.
Kira shot up and punched Moss right in the bridge of his nose, sending him flying back a couple feet. The wound on her waist hurt from the punch, but she thought it was worth it.
"Damn right you'll pay for that!" she screamed and pounced on him. The other wolves tried pulling her off, but she didnt let go of Moss. They began to kick at her ribs and head. Soon she let go and curled up into a ball while the wolves kicked and threw their fists at her. Hige watched in horror, for all he could do was watch...
"That's enough." Moss pushed the wolves out of the way. He glanced down at the beaten up wolf. She was still curled up into a ball. A stream of blood went down her chin from her mouth and a large one trickled down from her forhead down her cheek. There was traces of blood around her, most likely from the wound on her waist. She was shaking and her breathing was shallow. She had her eyes open a crack.
"Hmf..." one of the wolves mumbled.
"BASTARDS!!" Hige yelled and shook the bars, hoping to break them down or something...
He looked towards the town and noticed an orange truck coming. He turned his attention back to Moss and the wolves.
"You..." he looked down at the ground. "You guys arnt wolves..."
Moss grinned.
"You guys are just some stray dogs... no... you're not dogs either... You guys arnt anything at all! You're just some... things that do nothing all day!! You're the lowlife!!"
The four frowned. Moss walked up to the cage and grabbed Hige by his sweatshirt collar. He pulled him against the bars.
"You can call us whatever you want," he whispered. "...but you are and always will be the lowlife."
He punched Hige in the gut, causing him to black out. Moss let go and watched him (wolf) flop unconsious to the bottom of the cage. He turned around and faced Kira.
"And for you..." he jerked his head towards the small hill behind them. The wolves picked her up and threw her down the hill. She rolled several feet, but was stopped by the snow.
The orange truck stopped near Moss and the wolves.
"Got one?" a man in the truck poked his head out of the window.
Moss nodded.
"Yep, it's a big one." he said.
The man opened the door and hopped out. The driver backed up and parked so that they could get the cage onto the truck.
Moss helped and soon, they got the cage with Hige in it onto the back of the truck.
"Hmm..." he smiled. "It's probably best to just take this one down, it's looks pretty big to be trained."
The man nodded and shrugged.
"Maybe, we'll see." he hopped back into the truck and drove off.
Moss glanced back at the other wolves for a moment, then started walking towards the town...
Toboe ducked behind a large boulder as Moss passed him. He poked his head out to see if they were gone, and they were. He came out from hiding and ran over to the hill. He ran down to Kira, who was trying to crawl up the hill, and held her on his lap.
"Kira, Kira!!" Toboe took out a piece of cloth from his pocket and started wiping the blood off from her forehead.
Kira turned her head away from it. She rolled out of his lap and began crawling up the hill again.
"Kira, you're hurt... you should rest!!" he put a hand on her shoulder. She turned her head to glance at him.
"Hige's not safe..." she said, but mostof it was muffled by the blood in her mouth. She let it drip out of her mouth before continuing.
"NO!" she stood up and limped to the top of the hill. She saw the truck driving away quickly. She began to run after it but insteat tripped and rolled in the snow several times.
Toboe catched up to her and took a moment to catch his breath. He looked down at Kira's red face, which most of it was covered by her hands.
She screamed. She screamed in frusteration.
Tsume and Kiba
Kiba's eyes shot open. He sat up and glanced around, his eyes wide. Tsume was in the same reaction. His eyes were wide and he too glanced around.
"The howl..." Kiba whispered to himself. "Kira..."
He stood up, but fell back down from his wounds.
"We have to find her..." he mumbled.
Tsume walked towards Kiba. He picked him up and put him on he shoulder.
"Wha-" Kiba blinked in suprise. "What are you doing? Put me down!"
"No," Tsume began running. "You'll only slow me down."
He ran with the white wolf on his back.
Hige slowly opened his eyes between his blinking. His eyes grew wide as he scanned his surroundings. He groaned.
"So it wasnt a dream..." he mumbled and scratched the back of his head. "Hmm... I could have sworn that I heard a howl..."
He stood up and grabbed onto the bars.
"Hey!!" he yelled at the drivers in the truck. "Look back here!! HEY!!"
"Hmm..." the man in the passanger's seat said. "Maybe Moss was right about taking it down, that dog was pretty big."
"Yeah," said the driver. "Darn things are big these days, maked it hard to train 'em."
"Hey!!...HEY!!" Hige screamed, but soon gave up. He sat back down in the small cage he was in and held his head.
"I should have listened to Kira..." he lightly pounded his fists on his head. "Damn, I hope she's alright. Atleast she was still breathing when I last saw her..."
He looked up at the sky.
"What am I saying? Of course she'll be alive... it was just a little beating... damn bastards..."
He glanced back down and held his head again.
Toboe and Kira
Toboe held Kira on his lap. She was falling asleep in his lap, but globs of tears hung at the corners of her eyes. She hiccuped lightly occationally.
<She's so worried about Hige... Toboe thought. <...I wonder if...
"Toboe!!" a familiar voice called his name from behind him. He turned his head to see Tsume with Kiba on his back.
"Tsume!" exclaimed Toboe. Tsume (human) stopped and set Kiba (human) down on the ground. He crawled towards Kira.
"What happened to her?" Tsume asked.
"She was beat up by those wolves in the city, I saw the whole thing." Toboe answered. "Hige was captured by them, and he was taken away by one of those orange trucks!!"
"What??" Kiba growled. "Why didnt you follow them?"
"Well..." Toboe looked down at Kira. "I couldnt leave her here by herself. She seemed so sad when she saw Hige being taken away by the truck..."
Tsume growled in the back of his throat.
"Then what are we standing around for?" he snapped. "We're wasting time."
He picked up Kiba and put him on his shoulders again. Toboe carried the sleeping Kira.
Tsume sniffed the air, searching for Hige's scent. He found it moments later and followed it.
Couple minutes later
The four were in the city, searching for Hige. Tsume suddenly stopped. Toboe stopped as well beside him.
"Why did you stop?" he asked. He looked ahead and saw Cole.
"It's that one woman we saw last night..." Tsume growled.
She was wandering around. She turned a corner into an alley.
"She'll lead us to scar face, let's go." Tsume ran after her. Toboe followed quickly.
"Wait, stop." Kiba kicked Tsume lightly. "Put me down! I can walk on my own now."
Tsume set him down on his feet. He staggered at first, but then ran slowly behid Toboe and Tsume.
The three turn the corner to see Cole with Moss and three other wolves from the pack. Zali was no where in sight.
"Oh," Moss smirked. "Look who it is, the wolves lookin' for Paradise."
He frowned when he saw Kira, but did not say a word.
"He's the one who beat up Kira!" Toboe pointed out. Kiba grabbed his shirt and punched him across the face once.
"What did you do with our friend?" he calmly asked. Suddenly, Zali came walking along and spotted them. He turned and walked towards them.
"What's going on?" he growled.
"Why dont you tell us what's going on?" Tsume growled back. "What's with all these trucks and taking Hige away??"
Zali looked puzzled.
"What are you talking about?" he slowly asked.
"You know damn well what Im talking about!" Tsume snapped. Zali turned to Moss.
"What the hell is going on, Moss??" he asked him suspisiously.
"Just trapping the wolves in the city." Moss grinned. "They'll be working for me now. Train 'em and they'll be out working in no time."
"What?" Zali gasped silently. "Who told you to do that? You arnt allowed to do something like that, call them away now!"
Moss shook his head and laughed. At this point, Kiba had let go and backed away.
"Why should I listen to you?" the grin on his face looked haunting. "You're no diffrent from us. You should be working with the others too, it's where you belong."
Zali stepped past Toboe, Tsume, and Kiba and infront of Zali.
"What are you saying? Im the leader of the pack. Im just trying to do what I thought was best for them, for us to survive." said Zali.
"Not anymore." Moss laughed and punched him across the face, sending him down to the ground. The other three wolves hovered over him and started beating him, the same way they did to Kira.
Kiba stepped forward to fight them.
"No, stay away, keep out of this!" Zali growled at him. Blood trickled down from the corner of his mouth and from his nose. Bruises quickly formed on him.
"Stop it, STOP IT!!" Cole screamed and covered her eyes.
"That's enough." Moss ordered them to stop. The they stood up and went to stand by his side. Cole removed her hands from her face.
"Let's go." he turned away from the wolves and walked away. Cole sat down beside Zali and picked up his head onto her lap. He opened his eyes slightly.
"I might kno where your friend is..." he groaned. "Let me help you find him."
Kiba nodded.
A little bit later, Hige
Hige shook the metal bars he was surrounded with. He hopelessly punched at them, hoping to bend them so he could get out.
"I hope Im not stuck here forever..." he mumbled.
Suddenly, a grey wolf jumped out nowhere at the truck front.
"WHOA!" the driver sharply turned, causing the truck to fall over sideways.
"Huh-whoa!!" he held on tightly to the bars as the truck tipped over. "Hey, what's going on?"
He saw Tsume, Kiba, and Zali come running to the cage.
"Phew Im glad to see you guys." Hige sighed. Kiba (wolf, everyone wolf except Hige) chewed and pulled on the bars. He bend them far enough for Hige to squeeze through. He walked out tightly.
"Heh... thanks." he had a huge smile stretched across his face.
"Next time, you're on your own." Tsume joked. Hige swallowed hard.
"Where's Kira?" he asked.
"She's at the graveyard, we're going to meet her and Toboe ther-" Kiba answered, but was inturrupted by a driver.
"Wolves!" he had a gun out and was ready to shoot. Tsume was about to attack, but Zali sped past him and killed the driver.
"Let's go." Kiba ran off towards the graveyard, with Hige, Tsume, and Zali following behind him.
Toboe and Kira
Kira (wolf) peacfully slept beside Toboe, who was petting her soft fur. Her paws twitched occationally. He thought it was cute.
"I hope they found Hige and got him back..." he whispered to himself. He looked up and saw four wolves coming towards him. They stopped infront of him.
"We've got Hige back, now let's go." Kiba walked past him, following Zali, and towards the tunnel. Tsume did the same. Hige stopped by Kira and licked her cheek. She stirred slightly before opening her eyes. She (human) sat up and literally tackled Hige (human).
"Are you alright?" he asked her. She nodded, rubbing her head against him. He smiled and stood up, helping her up as well. The three walked over to the tunnel and entered like the others did.
After about 15minutes of walking through the tunnel, they come to a wider path, enough for them to stand up.
"This is the farthest I'll take you." said Zali. "Follow the path that way and you'll come to an exit."
"Arnt you coming with us?" Kiba asked, but he shook his head.
"No," he replied. "Im going to stay. This is where I belong. I do hope you guys find whatever you are looking for."
Kiba nodded.
"Thank you." and with that said, he ran off along the tunnel with Tsume behind him. Kira bowed before catching up to them with Hige. Toboe waved and followed. Zali stood there untill he could no longer see them.
End of Chapter 5.
♠ ♠ ♠
NOTE: Hmm... I didnt catch the part when Zali was talking about the tunnel filled with toxic gas and the part about Kiba's past... and a lot of more details that I lost from short-term memory... grrr... someone mentioned I have a problem with grammer.. and yes, I do. It's probably because I listen to my CD player while Im typing (which most likely distracts me) and that Im Japanese O.o... I'll try to fix it, sorrys. I dont understand some parts of past tense and stuff like that... Also, I need to know who you guys want Kira to be with o.o Currently she's with Hige but that can change I guess... A lot of people mentioned Tsume... That would be pretty intresting... anyways, hope you like this chapter...