Status: Completed

Wolf's Rain: The Albino Wolf!

The Flower Maiden

Chapter 6: The Flower Maiden
After what seemed like hours of being in the tunnel, the wolves found the exit and now are walking in a forest with odd shaped trees.
"This forest is sorta creepy..." Toboe glanced around nervously.
"Hm? How so?" Hige asked.
"Well, there arnt any animals around." he replied. Hige laughed a laughed a little.
"We're wolves, they're afraid of us. You should know that."
"Oh... right." he shoved his hands in his pockets and became silent.
Kira stared at her empty bandaged hands. She had lost the teddy-rat when she had attacked Moss. She folded her arms and scrunched up tightly as if wanting to dissapear in a thin line.
Suddenly, a loud noise came piercing from above. Everyone flinched and covered their ears tightly, all except Kira. She was unaffected by the noise.
"Arrgh, what is that??" Hige yelled over the noise.
"It's an airship!!" Tsume pointed at the large ship floating in the sky.
"I hate that noise..." Toboe grumbled.
The noise soon passed and the forest became quiet again. Hige stared strangly at Kira, who just stood there staring at the airship leave. Her eyes changed, there was no pupil and she wasnt blinking. Everyone noticed this and stared in shock. Hige put a hand on her shoulder.
"Kira?" Hige shook her lightly. Kira blinked and her pupil was back. She shook her head slightly and glanced at the others.
"Hm?" she stared blankly at them. "What's wrong?"
"What happened?" Toboe asked.
"What? What are you talking about?"
"Your eyes changed." said Hige. When she heard that, her eyes widened.
"Uh-uhhmmm... I dont know what you're talking about..." she nervously whispered. Tsume shook his head in annoyance.
"Let's just forget it." he mumbled. He only did this to get her out of it and for them to continue. He knew she was lying.
Kiba nodded. They all continue walking, ignoring what had just happened.
Lil bit later...
Several lazer beams (whatever you call 'em) came shooting down at the ground near the wolves. The ground shook slightly.
"Waah!! What was that??" Toboe glanced around nervously.
"I dont know, it's probably from those airships..." Tsume growled.
Kiba stared at the sky at the two battling airships. His eyes widened when he saw a human figure jump off one of the airships. He began running off towards a huge cliff (where Cheza was born, I beleive).
"Huh? Where's he going??" Hige looked puzzled.
Kira ran off behind him without hesitation.
"Kira? Wait!!" Hige darted off after her with Toboe and Tsume behind him.
The wolves were climbing the huge cliff that Kiba and Kira had run off to. They were far ahead of the others.
"Where are they going??" Hige grumbled.
The two ahead of them reached the top and dissapeared from the other's sights. When the three others reached the top, Kiba and Kira were waiting for them.
"Come on." Kiba turned around and began walking fast into the woods. Kira grabbed Hige's hand and dragged him along. Toboe and Tsume shrugged and followed.
"Where are we going, Kiba?" Toboe asked while catching up to him.
"To..." he stopped. The wolves came to the edge of the forest. They stood infront of a field of flowers, with a small pond (?) and waterfall coming down on it. Someone sat on the edge of the pond with their feet in the water (Cheza).
"Cheza..." Kiba whispered before approaching her slowly. Cheza stood up in the water. Kiba walked into the water infront of her.
Cheza kneeled down to pet Kiba (wolf). She ran her fingers through his silky white fur and hugged him close.
"This one has been waiting for you." she whispered.
Kiba held Cheza's hand while walking along the woods. The others followed behind them, chatting away about Cheza.
"I dont trust her." Tsume snarled. Kira hadnt said anything since the airships came by. Toboe and Hige argued with Tsume about Cheza...
They come across tunnels and strange paths in the mountain (whatever). Cheza happily entered a room, one that was empty and everything was trashed. When she saw this, she became sad...
Moments later, the wolves and Cheza had continued their way wandering around untill they came to an opening. People with guns poped out from bushes, trees, and behind rocks and began shooting at the them.
"The hell..." Tsume grabbed Kira and Toboe and ran away from the shooting. Kiba did the same with Cheza. Hige glanced around confused and followed the others.
"Argh... where did they come from??" Tsume growled. He put down Kira and Toboe. Kiba had continued running off with Cheza.
"Hey, wait!!" Toboe ran after them.
After he left, more gunshots were coming at them. Tsume swiftly attacked a man nearby who was shooting with his blade. Hige attacked another one behind him. Kira simply dodged all bullets and ran away. Tsume and Hige followed after killing another.
Kiba, Cheza, and Toboe
The tree ran, quickly dodging every shot. Kiba was protecting Cheza, while Toboe searched for a place to escape.
"Over here!" Toboe waved from a narrow path ahead. Kiba and Cheza began running towards him, but was stopped by a man who began shooting at them. Kiba stood infront of Cheza and attacked the man.
((I loved that part...when he was like half wolf, half person.))
As soon as he killed the man, more popped up behind them. But were killed by Tsume and Hige. Kira was hiding behind Hige.
Kiba smiled. He led Cheza to where Toboe was and walked into the narrow path. Hige, Tsume, and Kira ran off towards them. Moments later, several more of the men followed them through the narrow path.
The wolves and Cheza stop at a dead end. A big root from what seemed like a tree blocked their way.
"What do we do now? They're getting closer..." Toboe tugged on Kiba's sleeve.
((I missed this part, sorry, so I dont really know how the walls moved...))
Cheza walked up to the wall and placed her hand on it. The walls moved aside, making a small door for them to go through. Everyone stared in amazment.
"Whoa, that's cool!" Hige grinned.
Kiba held Cheza's hand again and walked through the door. Tsume growled.
"What if she's leading us into a trap??" he snarled.
Hige and Toboe didnt know what to say. Kira stepped forward.
"If she is..." she said quietly. "... it's probably better than getting killed by those people..."
She turned around and entered through the door. The wall suddenly moved again slightly.
"Kira's right." Hige turned away from Tsume and sprinted to catch up to her.
"C'mon Tsume!" Toboe grabbed his arm and dragged him in. The walls closed behind them.
The men stopped at the dead end.
"Where did they go?" one asked.
"I could have sworn they went through here." said another. They shrug and turn back.
End of Chapter 6.
♠ ♠ ♠
NOTE: Okay, I was a little creeped out by the way Kiba acted in the episode when they met Cheza. It was creepy... probably why I didnt finish the 5th chapter so soon. Since Cher is in the episodes now, I guess I'll have to put her in a couple times. Hope you like this chapter.