Status: Completed

Wolf's Rain: The Albino Wolf!

Song of Sleep

Chapter 7: Song of Sleep
The wolves and Cheza made their way down from the mountain. Cheza walked playfully, sometimes scaring the wolves when she was at the edge and seemed like she was about to fall.
"Damn, she scares the crap out of me when she does that..." Hige mumbled. Kiba walked behind Cheza with Toboe behind him. Hige stood behind Kira, who seemed to trip and lose balance often. Tsume was glaring at Cheza.
"Hn..." he turned away when she looked back at him. Her smile faded into a line before she turned her head back.
Soon they reached the bottom and were walking through the forest again, making their way to Paradise... The sun dissapeared and the sky turned dark blue, then black with bright stars shining from above. The light of the moon was weak since it wasnt full.
Cheza stopped near a big tree and stared at the stars. She began to sing quietly, then it became loud enough for all of the wolves to hear. Their eyelids became heavy and began to feel sleepy...
"Wha... what is this??" Tsume growled. Toboe sat down against the tree and layed down.
"I... dont know..." Kiba dropped himself beside Toboe. The two were asleep. Kira's eyes fluttered shut while she was still standing. Hige caught her when she tipped over. He gently set her down, yawned, and layed next to her.
Tsume fell to his knees. His vision became blurry as Cheza continued singing. He curled up into a ball and fell asleep...
Cheza sat in the middle of the wolves and petted them while they (wolves) slept.
Toboe (dream)
Toboe (wolf) soundlessly slept beside a rocking chair with his grandmother (?) knitting in it in a cabin. The fireplace was lit bright. The place suddenly turned bright. Seconds later, he was laying in a field of lunar flowers.
Kiba (dream)
Kiba (wolf) sat in a field of lunar flowers. Cheza sat beside him while handing him a flower.
Hige (dream)
Hige (wolf) was with a pack of wolves. The pack accepted him and treated him like a king (?).
((Dunno what was going on there...))
Kira (dream)
Kira (wolf) lie on a branch of a tall tree where she could see miles away. Hige was on the other side of the tree on another branch. Kira didnt have any bandages on her arms of legs. They were normal... just like she wished...
Tsume (dream)
Tsume (wolf) was running in an open area. He was in a wintery place where snow covered the ground and pine trees flooded the forest. He ran after a deer nearby.
Next morning...
Kiba, Hige, and Toboe wandered around the town nearby. Kiba did not plan to stay too long, he only came to watch for the soldiers. Toboe and Hige were sneaking around, stealing items from markets outside. Kira was off somewhere in the forest by herself. Tsume...
Tsume's eyes slowly opened. He bolted upright and glanced around. He saw Cheza sitting near him. He backed away in suprise and sighed.
"What?" he growled at her who was smiling at him.
"You slept the longest. Did you have a nice dream?" she asked. Tsume looked away.
"I...I-I dont remember!" he held his head with one hand as if he had a headache.
"You were running." she smiled, but her attention quickly shifted to Kiba who was returning from the city. "You are back, Kiba."
Kiba smiled at Cheza, but frowned at Tsume who was looking at him. He stood up and grabbed Kiba's by his shirt collar.
"Why did you leave me with her??" he whisper-growled.
"You were sleeping so peacefully. I didnt want to wake you." Kiba grinned. Tsume growled and pushed him away.
"Well if anything happened to her, Im not responsible for it." he looked away.
Kiba walked past Tsume and sat next to Cheza.
((Okay, this might start getting weird now.))
Kira found a small field of flowers nearby. She sat on a large root of a tree that reached out of the ground. She placed her left hand over her right wrist, not quite touching it. She whispered something in another language. Her hand glowed a dim red color and her eyes became completely black.
She then placed both her hands over both her ankles. Again, she whispered something in another language. She did the same to her left wrist...
Hige and Toboe
The two bump into eachother in an alley.
"Hey..." Hige stared at somthing furry in his arms. "...What the hell is that?"
"Hm? Oh this?" he lifted it to reveal what looked like a brown furry vest. "It's a gift for Cheza. Just in case she gets cold."
He smiled. Hige chuckled.
"Right, whatever." he lifted a pair of red boots from his arms. "I got her some boots, the forest ground might be hard on her bare feet."
He grinned.
"I also found this." he put the boots back in his arms and opened up his hand to reveal a silver mid-running wolf with small red gems embedded where it's eyes were. "It's for Kira, I thought she'd like it because it sorta looks like her... I mean with the eye and fur color."
Toboe took a closer look at it. He could see the chain for the necklace was securely wrapped around his wrist.
"That's cool!" said Toboe. "Hey, I think we'd better get back soon. Tsume's probably up by now."
Hige nodded and the two began walking back to the forest. Several minutes later, they both noticed someone following them. Toboe scooted over closer to Hige to whisper something to him.
"Hige, is it just me or is there someone following us?" he lightly whispered. Hige nodded. The two stopped after turning a corner to see who it was. The person peeked at them from the corner, the two could see the person's face. It was wrinkley and looked old. The person wore a black hood and dress.
"It's a ghost!!" Toboe squealed. ((Lol))
"RUN!!" Hige screamed and ran away with Toboe behind him. The two ran away quickly, hoping to lose the person...
((Loved that part.))
Later in the forest...
Hige and Toboe slowed down when they knew they had lost the person. The two panted hard.
"Who was that??" Toboe hissed between his gasps for air.
"I... I dont know, but atleast we've lost them." Hige sighed. After the two calmed down, they continued along the path back to the others.
Kiba, Cheza, and Tsume
Kiba looked up.
"They're back." he confirmed.
Toboe and Hige came running towards them.
"Hey guys! We're back." Toboe smiled.
"With food and stuff!" Hige added, he glanced around for Kira. "Where's Kira?"
"She's still in the forest somewhere. I'll go look for her." Kiba stood up, but Hige stopped him.
"No, I'll go look for her." before Kiba could answer, Hige had already ran off, carrying the stuff with him. Kiba watched him suspisiously.
Kira's eyes were normal again. She had just finished unwrapping the thick layers of bandages from her left arm. There was a line about an inch down from her wrist with diffrent colored gems embedded into her skin. It looked slightly disturbing.
Kira sighed nervously. She swept her hand lightly across the line.
"Awaken." she whispered. The line opened up. It was an eye, without eyelashes or an eye color. It was just a pupil. The eye looked around at it's surroundings. When it looked at Kira in the eyes, the gems began to glow, blinding her sight and seeing nothing but white. When the light calmed down and dissapated, she slowly opened her eyes.
Hige had found her seconds after this happened. He sat on the tree branch of the tree root that she was sitting on. He curiously looked down at her. Her eyes were closed. ((It said she opened her eyes, but this is like in her mind sorta.))
Kira was surrounded by just white. She sat on a floor of whiteness, everything was white...
"She's so cute when she does that." Kira heard a familiar voice. She spun around to see a blurry image, like on a TV. ((Like a memory bubble or something...))
It was Hige, but his lips werent moving. This was his thought...
Kira crawled closer to the screen to get a better look. Her heart pounded hard, she could hear it as it echoed through the place.
She saw another person with her... a girl.
"Blue!" someone called out. It wasnt Hige, but it was someone from the group... she didnt pay attention to it.
The girl had short brown hair and blue eyes. She stayed close to Hige. He smiled to her sweetly, the way Kira loved...
She smiled back... they held hands.
((Yeah, I dont really know if they did that. I looked up Blue's pic at Google... so I know how she looks now I guess. Im not just saying this for Kira and Hige, but Blue and Hige dont look like a good couple.))
Hige quietly crawled down from the branch and approached Kira from behind.
"Kira?" he tapped her shoulder. No responce, she didnt even stir. She put a hand on her shoulder and shook her slightly. Still no responce. He sighed and sat next to her. His eyes drifted down to her unwrapped arm. He grabbed it and held it lightly in his hand.
"What is this..." he whispered to himself as he felt the jewels on her arm. His finger moved over the closed eye (he doesnt know what it is) and slowly pulled it open...
"AAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!" he screamed. Kira's eyes shot open the same time Hige opened and saw the eye.
"Omigodwhatthehellisthatthing??" he spoke quickly that his words connected. He calmed down quickly and looked at Kira. She just stared at him, tears forming at the bottom of her eyes.
"Hey, hey, dont cry." he tried to comfort her a little. "I didnt mean to say that, I just was startled, that's all..."
She wasnt really listening. That wasnt her problem, what she saw before that was why she was upset. Tears streamed uncontrolably down her cheek, her jeans soaking it up quickly. She had seen the future...
End of Chapter 7.
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NOTE: I dont quite understand about the Hanabitos in this episode... so yeah. This episode is one of my favorite.