Status: Completed

Wolf's Rain: The Albino Wolf!

The Hanabito

Chapter 8: The Hanabito
Tears continued to drop from Kira's eyes. She wiped them away before standing up. She glanced at Hige, turned around and ran. She didn’t look back and kept on running. She didn’t want to stay with them anymore; she didn’t want to have anything do with them...
Hige would have ran after her, but she had dropped something. It fell out of her pocket when she had ran off. He picked it up.
It was a wooden heart, and looked like it was made by her. He examined it and found "Hige Kira" carved in the front. He looked up to see that Kira had disappeared into the forest. He slipped the heart into his pocket, picked up her bandages that was lying around and put that in his pocket too. He turned around and began running back to the others.
When he arrived, only Toboe, Kiba, and Cheza were there. He blinked confused.
"Where's Tsume?" he asked.
"Where's Kira?" Kiba asked. They both asked at the same time. "Tsume..."
"They had a fight and he ran off." Toboe answered.
"He'll be back." Kiba nodded. "So where's Kira?"
Hige looked back at where he came from.
"Uhhm..." he glanced back at them.”...She ran away... too."
"What happened?" Kiba asked.
"...I’m not really sure but..." he thought for a moment. “Here, Cheza, I got these for you."
He placed the red boots he had on the ground for her to put on. She curiously put them on and looked delighted. She danced around a little while giggling. Hige crept over to Toboe.
"What happened to your gift?" he nudged him.
"She didn’t like it..." Toboe mumbled.
Kiba spun around as he heard foot steps coming towards them. It was an old woman (the one that was following Toboe and Hige) with bright hair and black sunglasses. She walked closer to them. Cheza looked scared.
Kiba stood in front of Cheza to protect her, just in case.
"Who are you?" he asked. The old women stopped several feet away from him.
"Are you wolves?" she asked while taking off her sunglasses to reveal red eyes like Cheza's. She looked like an older (very) version of Cheza. Her hair was the same color too.
They all gasped.
Tsume walked through the forest by himself. He knew he would go back sooner of later. Strange noises surrounded him, creeping him out a little. He shuddered, shoved his hands into his pockets and continued walking.
As Kira ran as fast as she could through the forest, she received small cuts from the bushes and branches on the trees. She ignored them. The heartache she had was far more painful than the cuts.
She tripped over a rock and fell face first. She lifted her head with tears still flowing down her cheek. Dirt covered one side of her cheek. She dug her fingers into the ground before sitting up. She realized that the blue cloth that Toboe had wrapped around her arm (in chapter 1) was torn off and only small bits remained wrapped around her arm. Her arm was mostly healed now, what remained was a scab. She pulled off the remaining pieces and tossed them aside.
Kira stood up and thought back at what happened. She was curious if she had made a mistake that she ran away when he didn’t know what was going on...
"No." she thought. "...He'll soon forget all about me and go off with... that girl, Blue... Yeah. It doesn’t matter anymore, he'll be happy with her... not me..."
She choked on the last words. She stood up and began running through the woods again.
Kiba, Toboe, Cheza, and Hige
Gunshots could be heard nearby. The old women turned to the wolves and Cheza.
"We must go, it's not safe here." she began running deeper into the forest. The wolves and Cheza followed her. They didn’t have much choice.
The old women stopped at a small wooden door surrounded by flowers. It was under a tree, the roots grew around it.
"Hurry." she opened the door for them. Cheza enters first, followed by the wolves and the old women.
Inside, the women ushered Cheza to a chair in an empty room. Nothing but a small window was in there. The old women sat on the floor in front of her. The wolves stood behind Cheza.
"I have been waiting for you..." the old women began. She began explaining about her and Cheza.
Tsume stopped to rest for a moment. He stood, staring at the sky. He suddenly heard something come out of the bushes. It tackled him down.
"What the hell..." he lifted his head while rubbing it. The thing that took him down lay on top of him.
At first, he saw just black hair spread around his chest. He could see a top of someone's head. He sat up and realized it was Kira. She didn’t move, and continued to cling to his shirt. He didn’t quite know what to do.
"Kira??" he poked her head. She slowly looked up at him, her eyes swollen from crying and dirt still on her cheek. She looked at him with eyes that caught his attention, but yet it was filled with sadness and despair.
"..." he didn’t know what to say. He could tell from her look that she had been heartbroken... torn apart... shattered into infinity pieces...
He wasn’t the kind of guy who would comfort someone. His thoughts became confused with what to do and if he should do it. Suddenly, his mind just shut down.
"Who was it?" Tsume asked. His voice, for once, sounded kind. But still had that rough touch to it.
Kira began to cry again, the tears washing away streaks of the dirt on her cheek. She held onto his shirt tightly as she cried and hiccupped. She didn’t know if it was Hige or just her for doing it, seeing the future. She couldn’t really give him an answer.
Normally he would have pushed her off, but in this case, he wrapped his arms around her and held her loosely.
((Aww... Oh, by the way. Takes out gun if any of yeh gives me the "he's mine" crap... loads the gun... I'll shoot cha.))
Kiba, Toboe, Cheza, and Hige
"You mustn't go with the wolves." the old woman warned Cheza. "...It will only lead to destruction."
Kiba frowned.
"If you stay with me," she said. "I will live longer... and so will you."
((If I get something wrong in this part here... don’t blame me, I really don’t get this part.))
Kiba placed a hand on Cheza's shoulder.
"Cheza, let's go." he said. Cheza looked up at him and didn’t move. She was concerned about the old woman, but at the same time wanted to bring the wolves to Paradise.
Kiba glared at the old woman.
"Cheza..." he whispered. Cheza glanced back at the old woman, then at the wolves. She stood up.
"This one must go with the wolves." she said. "This one wishes to bring the wolves to Paradise."
The old woman nodded and said nothing else. Kiba walked to the door and opened it to check if anyone was around.
"We have to find Kira before we move on." said Hige.
"And Tsume." added Toboe.
Kiba nodded. He peeked out the door and saw Cher, standing and staring at something shattered on the ground.
"That woman..." he mumbled.”Hige, Toboe, you distract her. I'll take Cheza, you guys follow."
Hige and Toboe nodded.
Cher turned around to leave when suddenly something big dropped from the tree she was standing by. It was Hige.
She gasped and backed up but then Toboe jumped down from the tree behind her. She backed away from both of them and stared at them.
"Who..." Cher looked up and spotted Kiba and Cheza nearby. They both looked at her. Her eye's widened as she watched Kiba turn into a white wolf. She dropped her jaw and backed up.
Kiba turned back t his human form, took Cheza's hand and ran off. Hige and Toboe hopped behind them.
Cher stood watching the wolves disappear with Cheza. She couldn’t believe what she had just seen.
Quent stepped off a bus with Blue. He curiously took a quick look at the town he had just arrived at. Blue looked up at him.
Tsume and Kira
At this point, Tsume did pull Kira off of her. She stood in front of him with her hands covering her face. Tsume stood up.
"We have to go back to the others." he said.
Kira removed her hands and brushed away the rest of the dirt on her face. She nodded.
"What are you doing out here?" she asked.
"I got pissed off at Kiba" he growled as he thought back to what happened. Kira nodded again. She sniffed the air, and then began following Hige's scent. Tsume followed behind her.
She didn’t know if she could face Hige, but she knew she had to sometime. She dug in her pocket to find the gift she had made for her, but her pocket was empty. She sighed and continued to walk along...
((Hmm... should I end this chapter? Yes? No? Maybe no...))
"What's that on your arm?" Tsume asked. Kira looked up.
"This?" she pointed to the closed eye and gems embedded around it. "It's..."
She didn’t know how to explain it.
"Well..." she thought for a moment.”It's hard to explain... with my left arm, I can see the future. With my legs I can see the present, like what's going on at the time at a certain place, and with my right arm I can look into the past."
Tsume stared blankly at Kira. He shook his head and said nothing else. Little did they know that soldiers were following them...
Kiba, Toboe, Cheza, and Hige could hear gunshots.
"It's Kira!" Hige (wolf) ran off towards the gunshots. Toboe (wolf) ran off behind him.
"Let's go." Kiba grabbed Cheza's hand and dashed after them.
Tsume and Kira
Kira (wolf) attacked the soldier that shot at her. Tsume had already killed one. She bit off the neck of the soldier and let go of him, letting his lifeless body fall to the ground.
"This is bullshit." Tsume growled as he killed the last soldier.
"KIRA!!" Kira (human) looked to her side and saw Hige almost tackle her down. He hugged her tight.
"What?" she said coldly, not hugging him back. Hige let go and looked at her.
At that moment, Tsume knew who it was. He stared at the two, the quickly looked away.
Toboe came running towards Tsume and stopped in front of him.
"We found them!" he said happily. Seconds later, Kiba walked to them with Cheza.
"Welcome back." he grinned. Tsume didn’t say anything and ignored him.
Kira walked around Hige and to Cheza. She took out something from her pocket.
"Here, Cheza." she held out a crown of flowers. "This is for you; I never had a chance to give it to you."
She smiled at her. Cheza happily placed it on her head and smiled.
"This one is thankful to all." she said.
"Let's keep going." Kiba said and began making his way out of the forest. The wolves and Cheza followed.
Kira silently walked along, as if nothing happened. She stared blankly ahead, like Hige wasn’t there or he didn’t exists. When he was about to hold her hand, she shoved them into her pockets and didn’t even look at him. He looked shocked for a slight moment, and then put his hands in his hoodie pocket. Tsume saw this and frowned.
End of Chapter 8.
♠ ♠ ♠
NOTE: Alright, a lil heads up now. I’m slowing down lately. I still have a couple more episodes to go... Also, I have started on a new story (Silver Feathers). which'll probably slow me down even more... sorry. I'll try my best to update ASAP, I have school and so on... big project/essay due soon so I’m working on that .By the way, here are the ??/Kira pairing thing score: Tsume - 5 votes, Hige - 10 votes. And you know when I put that Toboe likes Kira (chapter 4) Scratch that. I’m so stuck on what to do... I think I'll have a Kira/Tsume now... I read the episode guides and it was a lil confusing... so yeah. I really don’t know...