Status: Completed

Wolf's Rain: The Albino Wolf!


Chapter 9: Misgivings
The wolves and Cheza
The wolves and Cheza wander through the city, trying to escape the soldiers that searched for them...
A black dog growled at them as they passed by. They ignored it, but Cheza stopped. The dog stopped growling. Cheza crouched down to eye level with the dog.
"You are a wolf too... part wolf." she smiled. The dog looked at Cheza surprised. The wolves stopped for her. Kiba ran to her.
"Cheza, let's go." he put a hand on her shoulder. She looked up. Kira stared at the dog. She recognized it alright... it was "Blue", the hunter's dog...
((Obviously she doesn’t know Quent is a retired sheriff... or, I think he's retired... ne?))
Without warning, Kira pushed her way in front and ran off, leaving the wolves. She accidentally knocked Toboe down, but she kept on running...
"Kira!" Hige darted after her. Tsume would have ran after her too, but felt it wasn’t right, and did it anyways. He went a different rout than Hige, hoping to catch up to her first. Toboe watched them go...
"It's them!" a soldier came out of the bar. Kiba grabbed Cheza and Toboe and jumped on top of the building next to the bar. He jumped from rooftop to rooftop until he was sure that they were away from the soldiers.
"That was close..." Toboe sighed.
"Too close." Kiba murmured.
Tsume was on the roofs of the buildings as well. He could see Kiba behind him over his shoulder. He looked over the edge of the building (while still running) and looked for Kira. He found her.
He stopped and jumped over the edge...
Kira ran into Tsume, who came out of nowhere (she thought). She spun around to run the opposite direction but Hige blocked her way. She had nowhere to run.
"What the hell is wrong with you??" Tsume demanded. Kira felt like killing herself at the moment. She was about to jump up on top of the building, but Kiba dropped in on her with Toboe and Cheza.
Kiba said nothing at first, but spoke after dropping Toboe and setting down Cheza.
"Let's find a place to hide for now." he turned around, grabbed Cheza and began running.
"Let's go!!" he yelled over his shoulder. He acted as if nothing happened...
"She's hurt right now..." he thought. "...It's best if she handles her own problem..."
Tsume, Toboe, and Hige looked at each other and shrugged. Kira ran past them behind Kiba, then the wolves followed...
Cheza and the wolves had found an abandoned school bus in a garbage dump on the edge of the town. All the windows and the door were broken, but it was good enough for them to hide in.
"Toboe, you stay here with Cheza." Kiba was telling the others their duties for now. "Hige and Tsume, you two look around for were the soldiers are around so we don’t run into them... I'll go look for a way out of the city..."
He turned to Kira.
"Kira, you can stay or go with Hige and Tsume." he gave her a choice...
"I'll stay." she said quietly. Kiba nodded.
"Meet back right before sundown." with that said he walked out of the bus and ran off to find a way out. Hige and Tsume went separate ways. Tsume took the north and east side, Hige took the south and west.
Back in the bus, Cheza sat in the back of the bus with Toboe. She sat on the floor while soaking up the sunlight that came in through the broken window. She took off her hood while doing so.
Toboe sat in a seat near her. He was laying down and had his eyes closed.
Kira sat in the middle of the bus. She sat tightly in the corner of a seat silently. She planned to go wander around the city later and maybe snatch some food on the street. She was hungry...
Toboe sat up and looked out the window. He had heard several footsteps. He saw three kids running with arms full of food. Soldiers shot guns at them.
Toboe narrowed his eyes and sunk back into his rest.
Kira stood up and walked out. She stopped several feet away from the bus before hopping away into the city.
Quent and Blue
Quent sat on a wooden box, holding a picture of his family in a wallet. He was rambling on about his past. Blue quietly listened while tilting her head.
He suddenly fell asleep, dropping the wallet in process. He softly snored.
Blue turned her head to a gunshot nearby. She walked over to where it came from. Two soldiers held their guns aimed to a young boy. Blue ran in front of him and growled at the soldiers. One of the soldiers, an injured one, became afraid.
"It's another one of them!" his eyes grew wide and he started to back away. Blue jumped at the soldier.
Quent heard gunshots and growls. He bolted awake and noticed Blue was missing. He grabbed his wallet and gun, stood up and ran towards the growls.
When he had arrived, blood was everywhere. Blue was hovering over the boy, blood coming out of his forehead. He suddenly had a flashback...
He shot at Blue, but purposely missed.
"Get away from him." he grumbled.
((NOTE: And... this is the commercial stop here... anyways. Here's what I wrote (when I was taking notes on the episode) during the commercial: This chapter is going to be long, I’m going to have to split it to two... mmm... coffee commercial... :drools: ))
Blue was tied to a pole while Quent bandaged the boy's head. The two soldiers who attacked the boy came across her. He growled, startling both of them.
"Oh god, it's that damn dog..." one of them said. He noticed she was tied to a pole. Blue gets up and tried to break free. The soldiers laughed. The one who was injured stepped forward.
"You stupid thing can’t get me now." he smirked. "...For what you did, I should pay back..."
He lifted the end of his gun and slammed it down onto Blue's head. She growled and whimpered as the hits came. He did it again, and again, and again...
"Heh, that should teach you not to mess with us." he sneered. Blue glared at the soldier. He quickly frowned. She jumped up to attack...
Kira wandered through the city. She couldn’t find any food besides garbage on the streets. She wasn’t at the point where she would eat old rotten food... yet. She continued to search for food, careful about bumping into anyone and thinking about Hige...
They were surrounded. No doubt about it. The soldiers were EVERYWHERE.
"They're planning to trap us in here..." Hige murmured and shook his head. He was worried about Kira. The look on her face that he had seen, it scared him dead...
He thought back to the time they met. The time she pushed him down the hole at the ruins. The time they both cuddled and slept together at the city. The time he had bandaged up her wound when she was shot. The time she...
"...refused my hand..." his heart hurt. He clutched it tightly while that moment attacked him. It hurt him badly that she had given him a cold shoulder, which she turned away and acted as if he didn’t exists. A tear escaped from his left eye, but he wiped it off quickly.
"If I just talk to her..." he pulled up his sleeve and there on his wrist dangled the silver wolf necklace he was going to give her... no, he will give it to her.
He stood up and pulled his sleeve back over his arm. He looked over the edge of the building he was on top of and looked down. He jumped and fell back in shock as he saw Kira casually walking along the alley.
Kira looked up. She heard something. It sounded like something fell over. She shrugged and continued to walk along.
Hige sat up and ran his fingers through his messy hair and sighed nervously. He stood up and got ready to jump down to her...
Kira felt something wrap around her from behind. It was warm... familiar warmth that she loved...
"NO!" she struggled to get out of Hige's bear hug, except he wouldn’t let go. He didn’t want her to run away. That would have only caused him more pain.
"Let me go!!" she bit his arm, but this calmed him down more. He was still as blood trickled down his arm. She kept a hold onto his arm with her teeth. He winced from the pain, but remained calm.
Tears streamed down Kira's cheeks. She wanted to be far from Hige, so he could live his life happy with... Blue. Her teeth loosened as blood fused with tears. She coughed and hiccupped lightly as his hug loosened, but he still kept his arms around her. He rested his head on her shoulder as she softly cried...
"Why do you cry?" Hige whispered in her ear. "What makes these tears shed, Kira?..."
Kira was silent. She stopped coughing and hiccupping, but tears still trickled down her cheeks. She blankly stared ahead, her heart pounding hard against her chest...
End of Chapter 9.
♠ ♠ ♠
NOTE: I just realized I forgot to put the part where Cheza goes back to the Hanabito and she gets the red poncho thing... shit. Oh well... you all know the story. I’m starting to make it more suspenseful now...: tortures you all:... lol, seems to be at least. Hope you like this chapter...