T & T

Road Block

Tyler walked out of the room his face wet and his hands shaking. As a matter of fact, his whole body shook. His brain wasn't processing what he'd just heard, the things she'd said, and the way she reacted. Taylor had explained that she was really disappointed in him. He was letting his faith go down the drain. She told him he was changing. She was going down another road, and it didn't include changes like the ones he was going through. He heard his brother in the distance of reality asking what had happened, but he was thinking about what exactly Taylor had said.
"Ty, something's up. You are turning into someone I don't know. In my note to you I explained the type of guy I wanted. I thought you were that guy, but you've changed. You can object to this, but I don't know how much I'll listen. I think we need a break from each other. We're both going through tough stuff and it would give us time to work everything out. I'm sorry. I love you…I really do." At the last words she had said, Tyler lost it.
"But that's exactly why we need to stay together! We need to support each other. This will just hold us back!" Tyler cried.
"I'm sorry, Ty. This is what's best for me." Taylor said. She had been trying to hold back the tears, to make it easier for Ty, but she finally let them pour down her face. Tyler had just gotten up and walked out, crying. He had so many thought of how he could have stopped all this from happening, but none on why those thoughts didn't come before.

That night, he just lay in his bed, listening to his iPod, and crying. He had never cried so much in his life. He hated crying in front of anyone but Taylor. Max tried to talk to him, but anytime Tyler started to think of Taylor, which was a lot, the tears just came all over again. Max left him alone. He knew how it felt to be alone and away from the one you love. He hoped they wouldn’t stay apart for long because he knew how much they needed each other to recover. He never thought Tyler and Taylor would ever be a part of the group that went through first break-up. They were perfect together. The way they looked at each other, anybody could tell they would last. They looked great together, too. Both had crystal clear blue eyes and Tyler was just a bit taller so that when they sat side by side, Taylor could rest her head on his shoulder. Taylor had long, wavy, brown hair. Tyler had blond hair to about his ears. Taylor loved it when he spiked it. They often wore the same color without even realizing it. The whole school thought they were the classic high school sweethearts.

“They thought wrong” Tyler mumbled to himself.
“I’ve got to do something.” Max thought. “I guess all I can do is talk to Taylor.”
"Goodness, Taylor. Could you choose a worse time to break up with him? At least help him heal! You need him too! You can't go through this alone. And don't pull the crap about me being there for you cuz you need him, and I can't take his place. Tay, go talk to him, tell him how you feel and give him a chance to change. All you did was tell him why you were upset. You didn't give him a chance. Please give him a chance. You need each other. Please Taylor, he needs you. He won't talk to anyone, not even me. Just go and talk to him." Max pleaded.
"I'll talk to him and find out what's going on, but I'm not promising anything, Max."
"Thank you Taylor. Really, I think you two can work this out. You may only be in high school, but everyone knows you're going to last. You're perfect for each other. You're one of those couples that everyone will see at high school reunions and say, 'wow. I can't believe they lasted.' I envy you guys! I want it too!"
"And Max, you shouldn't envy us because you have it, too. You have Sam. I've talked to the chaplain about this. If I get married to Tyler at the same time that you get married to Sam, then its fine! So don't envy us, because you have that too." Taylor smiled.
"I never thought of that…wow…I've gotta go tell Sam! And you need to go talk to Tyler. I'll drop you off in his room on my way out." Max said.
"Ok." Taylor said with a hint of fear in her voice.
"Don't be scared, Taylor. Tyler is going to be only too glad to talk this out. Honey," Said Max bending down in front of her, "I want you to know that I love you no matter what. You are like my little sister no matter what happens. Just go talk to him and listen to what he has to say."
"Ok. I'll try to understand."
"Good, now let's go." Max said wheeling her into the deserted hospital hall.
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