The Faerie Field

Chapter 1/2 (Word count:1013)

Joy met the lovely tile floor of the classroom. It was kind of my fault. Well, not kind of since it was my fault. It got me in trouble too.

"Kassandra, explain why you tripped Joy." My teacher, Mr.Cimino ordered.

"Um, I tripped Joy because, to put lightly, she's an asshole. She makes fun of me all the time." I explained.

"That still gave you no right to trip her. What would you have done if she got seriously hurt?" he asked.

"Laugh." I said honestly. What? That's what I would have done. I have a habit of making things worse.

"Go to the office." he ordered. I got my book bag and took my writing notebook off my desk not bothering to put it in my book bag. I was leaving when Joy had to open her mouth.

"Serves her right. Writing her fairy tales all the time. I think she actually believes what she writes. Fuckin' weirdo." Is what I heard her say to one of her friends. A responsible person would have walked away. The right thing to do would've been to count to ten and calmed down. Like I said before, I have a habit of making things worse.

I stomped over to her. She was sitting in her seat so I was towering over her. I asked, "Do you have a problem with me?"

"Yeah, I do. Your stories are stupid! Faeries don't exist and neither does anyone in that stupid book!" Joy yelled. She stood up. She's the tallest girl in our grade so she was now standing over me. Her height didn't scare me. What she did next is what scared me. She snatched my notebook out of my hands.

"Kassandra, to the office." Mr. Cimino said. I ignored him. Joy flipped to a random page. My notebook was almost full so the page she opened to was written on.

"All of the faeries in the kingdom bowed to their hero, Foxglove. The Fairy of the White Flower. She blushed as she was pulled towards the friend who helped her through the riddles and monsters and betrayal, Zander. They soon got married and..." Joy stopped reading. She smiled wickedly and tore several pages out. Then ripped them into tiny pieces. My body reacted before my mind did. I punched Joy in the mouth.

"Kassandra! To the office now!" Mr. Cimino yelled at me. I didn't care what would happen to me. I probably getting expelled for tripping and punching Joy. I turned towards my teacher and said, "Shut the hell up! I've had enough of you and your little girlfriend over here."

He and Joy gasped. She didn't think anyone knew. She thought that she was the only one who read other peoples' notebooks. I smiled, "Yep. You still going to send me to the office?"

He went over to the phone and started to dial for security to get me. That's ok. I had proof of his and Joy's relationship. I was still angry at the two of them. I wasn't sure what happened after he finished calling the security guards. I guess I blacked out. When I woke up security was in the room and they were standing over me seeing if I was ok. My side was in a lot of pain. I moved my head to look around. The classroom was strange looking. There were thorn bushes in clumps around the room. All over the desks and where people were sitting. All the clumps were stained red.

When they ask me what happened I talked about the fight (and Mr.Cimino and Joy's relationship) and told them until the point I remember. I was expelled for the fight and they called my mom to pick me up. Mom said that she was disappointed in me. I noticed her get tense when I spoke of the part with the plants. She just said that's weird.

When we got to our house I noticed all our stuff was gone or it was in boxes. I looked at my mom. She was always good at reading me and said, "We're moving into Mum-mum and Pop-pop's old house."

My grandparents died a few months earlier. My mom inherited the house, but she wanted to wait to summer break before we moved. I wondered what changed her mind. I didn't care. I didn't make any real friends here. This house really didn't feel like a home to me. Besides I was expelled now and there wasn't another school in the town.

"What about school? Mum-mum and Pop-pop lived in the middle of the woods." I asked. Mom answered, "It's already April so I'll wait 'til September to enroll you in the one in the next town over."

I can't really complain. I'm getting a five month break from school. I also wondered about my little brother, Alex. My mom said he'd live with his dad at his apartment until summer vacation. I realized she already packed my things. I thought it was weird we were rushing the whole moving thing, but Mom probably had he reasons. So we left that afternoon.

The hour and a half drive to our new house was boring. The car's radio stopped working a long time ago and we couldn't afford a new radio. I didn't have an iPod or mp3 player so no music on the way their. Mom and I hardly talked on the way there. Neither of us had much to say. We just listened to the car's motor and the wind passing by my open window.

When we finally got there I was excited. My grandparents were pretty rich. My pop-pop had invented some weird snack hat that held chips or candy or whatever in a dispenser on the hat and it had a spot were soda went. A lot of sport's fans like that one. So they secluded themselves in the middle of the woods. We hardly got to visit, but I loved it when we did. I couldn't believe that we would be living here from now on.