Status: Active. Next Update: 10/2/09

Here's to What Could Have Been

An Unexpected Reunion

I heard the door slam shut. I flinched. It was early September, but I was doubled up on classes which meant that I had homework up the yin-yang already. We had been in school for about two weeks. I was going to have about thirty credits when I graduated this year.

“Where the fuck is my damn dinner?!” I heard my father yell.

Tonight was like any other night. Mom would make my father his dinner, we would sit at the table and eat while we listened to my father talk shit about my older brother, who moved to Vegas when he turned eighteen. That was three years ago. I was fourteen when he left. He’s in a band now, they’re called called Escape the Fate. Max Green. The best big brother ever.

My mother or I would usually have said something about these rude comments. My father, already drunk, would start his nightly beating. He’s almost pulled my piercings out a couple times.

“Ryan, please don’t talk about Max like that.” Mom said, noticing the angered look on my face.

“I’ll talk about that fucking boy anyway I want!” My father yelled reaching over and slapping her across the face.

“Hey! Don’t touch her!” I yelled throwing my fork down, looking up from my plate, and standing up.

It progressed from there, and I had more bruises to cover. That night. Mom ended up sleeping in my room with me.

“Sylvie, sweetheart, are you still awake?” Mom whispered, caressing my hair.

“What’s up mommy?” I asked.

“I’ve been talking to Max lately-”

I cut her off before she could finish. “Really?! I haven't heard from him. Is he okay? Is he on a tour?” I asked.

“He has an extra room.” She said, ignoring my questions.

“Mom, I can get a job so that we can have our own apartment. We don’t have to burden Max with-“ Mom put a finger to my lips.

“Sylvie, you’re going. Alone. I’m not going with you. Its best for you honey.” She whispered. The moonlight shined through my window and onto a tear that feel down her bruised cheek.

“I can’t leave you alone here!” I exclaimed burying my face into her shoulder.

“Shhh. Sylvie Tomorrow you’re going to pack as much as you can into a couple of suitcases, and your flight leaves at eleven forty. You stop in Michigan for two and a half an hours and then you’ll be in Vegas by five.” She whispered.

I didn’t know what to say to that so I stayed quiet.

Eight thirty the next morning my mother woke me up, and we quickly packed my things in three large suitcases, and into my backpack. We were done by nine fifteen, and she promised to send the rest of my things down within the next couple weeks.

“Come on. Lets go get breakfast, then get you to the airport.” Mom said standing up from her spot on the floor.

“O-okay.” I said standing up as well. I couldn’t believe it. I was only seventeen and I was moving to Las Vegas. What was there for me? Other than my brother and material possessions. I wasn’t going to have anything. As much as I hated to admit it, I was going to miss Ohio.

We lugged my suitcases down to the moms car and put them in the trunk.

“It won’t be so bad Sylvie. I promise I’ll take care of myself. And look at it this way. I’m sure you’ll be able to tour with Max, when school is on break.” Mom said as we stood in the airport after an almost silent breakfast. She had always wanted me to complete school. She had always wanted me to be whatever I wanted to in life, and she always told me the only way to get it was to go through school with good grades. So I did it. If not for myself then for my mom. My misbehavior in school would only make things harder for her.

I shrugged, holding back tears.

“It’ll be okay, I promise. Make sure you call me first thing when you wake up tomorrow.” She said hugging me.

“Bye mommy.” I said as they called my flight.

“Bye sweetheart.” She said as I walked away


I looked around the humongous airport and saw plenty of people hugging their relatives. I adjusted my backpack and my purse shyly as I looked around.

“Sylvie?!” I heard someone yell. I looked straight ahead to see my brother Max standing with some other guy. It looked to be the lead singer of Max's band, but I wasn't sure.

My eyes filled with tears as I ran to my brother. “Max!” I exclaimed. I wrapped my arms around his neck and started crying on his shoulder.

“Shhh. It’s okay.” Max said hugging me tighter. “Let’s get a good look at you. I haven’t seen you since I looked at your myspace this morning.” Max grinned holding me an arms width away.
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THE NEW AND IMPROVED!!! I have about three more chapters for you tonight. Enjoy, lovelies!