Status: Active. Next Update: 10/2/09

Here's to What Could Have Been

Welcome To Your New Home

Max frowned when he saw me better. “That wasn’t present in any of the pictures.” Max said pointing to the slice in the middle of my lip next to the lip ring on the right side of my mouth.. “Or that.” He said pointing to the bruise on my cheek. I didn't bother to put the pound of make up on like I did at school or when I took pictures for myspace.

I looked down at my feet. “Mom looks just as bad if not worse.” I said

Max hugged me again. “I’m sorry, Sylvie.” he said.

The guy standing next to Max cleared his throat.

“Oh yeah. Sylvie, this is Ronnie, my -well our- roommate and the lead singer of my band. Ronnie, this is Sylvie, my little sister and our new roommate.” Max introduced.

Ronnie stuck out his hand. I shook it and looked into his brown eyes. He had a strange look to him, and I couldn't quite figure out why. I wasn't sure I liked it either.

“Well, let’s go get my stuff and get out of here.” I said yawning slightly. “Mom said she would be sending the rest of my stuff down within the next week or so.” I explained when we had the three suitcases I had.

“Sounds good.” Max put his arm around my shoulders in a protective way. “So, I’m sure you’ve had a rough day already.” Max said. I nodded in reply.

“Hey man, I’m going to go get the car. I’ll meet you outside.” Ronnie said taking keys out of the pocket of his extremely tight, low rising black jeans.

“Okay.” Max said as we reached the baggage carousel.

We got my bags and walked outside. Max led me to a small white car with tinted windows. Ronnie was sitting in the drivers seat on his cellphone. He hung up when Max and I got to the car. Max sat in the backseat with my bags and I sat in front with Ronnie. It was about a thirty minute drive to the apartment building.

“We live on the eighth floor out of ten. I don’t know if Max told you or not.” Ronnie said getting out of the car.

“Oh.” I said quietly. Max and I got out as well. I took one suitcase and went to get the other but Ronnie grabbed it for me. Max had my backpack and the third suitcase. “Th-thanks.” I said as we walked into the building.

“Yeah.” Ronnie said leading the way into the elevator. When we got on our floor Ronnie, once again, lead the way to the apartment. Number seventy-five. He unlocked the door and walked in, Max behind Ronnie, myself behind Max.

“Welcome home Sylvie.” Max said. Ronnie left my suitcase in the kitchen and walked into the living room. “C’mon I’ll show you to your room.” Max said leading me down a short hallway with four doors. Mine was on the left at the very end, same side as the bathroom.

Max opened my door to reveal a room with hot pink walls. They were interesting, I had to admit, but I liked them. There was a bed, a dresser, a desk and a full length mirror in the room. What decorators these two were.

“Me and Ronnie painted our rooms blue, and I remembered that you liked this color.” Max said as he put the suitcases on the bed along with my backpack. I nodded slowly. “Do you want help unpacking?” Max asked.

“No thanks.” I said.

“Okay. Well let me know when you’re done. I’ll order some pizza.” Max said standing in the doorway. He looked like he was going to say something else but closed the door instead and left me alone to unpack.

I frowned when I looked at the bed. It had no sheets but it had a pillow. I didn’t want to know where that pillow came from or what it had encountered before it became mine.

I unpacked all my clothes, put up posters, organized my desk and put my own pillow that I brought with me on the bed. Once I was done I walked out to the living and kitchen area where Ronnie was watching television at an obnoxiously loud volume, Max at the table with a bunch of papers.

“Hey Max, what’s that?” I asked.

“Oh. I’m enrolling you in school.” He said smiling.

“Can't I just take online classes?”

“Uh... why?” Max asked.

“Well I was thinking about getting a day job so I can help out around here with bills and food costs.” I hesitated before I spoke again while Max thought this through. “And because I want to help out on tours” I said quietly.

Ronnie burst out laughing from the living room. I turned to him and glared. I was surprised that he heard me over the damned television.

“I’m sorry.” He said between gasps for air. “Do carry on as if I’m not listening.” He had a shit eating grin on at the moment. I didn’t like it at all. I was beginning to think that I wasn't going to like it here very much. If this was who Max spent most of his time with, what did that say about how Max acted now? It had been three years after all. People can change a lot in that amount of time.

I put that worry in the back of my mind, and rolled my eyes. “I’m done unpacking. I’m not hungry so don’t bother ordering enough food to share with me. I’m going to bed.” I said through gritted teeth. I turned to go back down the hallway and walked to my room.

“G'night to you too, hoe!” Ronnie called after me.

The slam of my door was enough of a reply to send him into another fit of laughter. What an asshole.