Status: Active. Next Update: 10/2/09

Here's to What Could Have Been

Cinderelly Cinderelly

I sighed and remembered that I needed to get ready for bed still. I collected my toiletries bag, and my pajamas then walked to the bathroom.

It smelled nasty, and looked even worse. Did Max not learn anything from mom? While I was brushing my teeth I looked inside the shower. I almost threw up. How did they come out clean after being in there? That was on the top of my to do list for tomorrow morning.

I washed my face and cleaned my piercings as best as I could in the dirty bathroom. When I got back to my room Max was turning down-what I had hoped-to be clean sheets, and a power rangers comforter.

“Thanks Max.” I said.

He looked up and smiled. “No problem.”

I put my clothes in a pile on the floor and put my bag of toiletries back on my desk. Max hugged me. He walked to the doorway and turned. It looked like he wanted to say something else but instead he closed my door.

Once he was gone, I got a pack of cigarettes out of my purse. I opened the window in my room and leaned out. I lit the cigarette, and took a nice long drag. The niccotine felt nice in my lungs, and almost immediately started to cure my headache. I knew I didn't have to hide it, but it was a habit. My mom would be devistated if she knew what I did in my free time, or while she was sleeping. When I was finished with about three of the remaining seventeen cigarettes, I got the book I was reading out of my backpack and sat down on my bed. I arranged the pillows and leaned against them. It was only eight o’clock. I opened the book to where the bookmark was, and started to read. The Green Mile was my favorite book -and movie- of all time. I had read this book more times than I can count on two hands. I read until about nine thirty and decided to go to sleep. Today was overwhelming and I was exhausted.

I turned the light out, and blinked a couple times. The room was dimly lit from the neon signs outside. I fixed my pillows again and got under the blankets.

I fell into a dreamless, unrefreshing sleep. When I woke up the next morning I walked out to the living room and kitchen area. It was ten times messier now that I could see it better. I frowned, and walked to the sink. I filled it with warm water and looked under the sink for any kind of cleaning product. There were just more empty beer cans and bottles under there.

I stood and opened the door to a small pantry. It was basically empty. At least I found garbage bags. I took them out of the pantry and set them on the table before walking down the hall to my room. I got a pen and a few sheets of lined paper. This could be the making of a long shopping list. Won’t Max be so happy with me. Ha!

I wrote down a bunch of cleaning products, and food items. I set the list down and proceeded into the living room with the trash bags in hand. I ended up filling one fully with bottles and cans, and another with trash, singing to myself to make the work go faster. I found ants and put down ‘ant killer’ on the list. I then went into the kitchen and did the dishes that had been soaking. When that was completed I took a wet cloth and wiped down all the counters, and tables. I found some bleach and took that (as well as the dish soap) and cleaned the bathroom, then started on the kitchen floor.

I heard someone slam their door, and walk down the hallway. I was hoping it was Max, but to my dismay, it was Ronnie. Although I was a little thankful. I could have a cigarette hanging out of my mouth and not get a look of shock on anyones face just yet.

“Cinderelly Cinderelly, do my laundry Cinderelly!” He sang in an obnoxiously loud voice.

I rolled my eyes and went back to scrubbing the floor.

“So do you drink coffee Cinderella?” Ronnie asked. “Oops. My bad. I mean, do you drink coffee Sylvie”

“Fuck off.”

“Surely if Max wasn’t home we could do whatever your little seventeen year old heart desired.” Ronnie replied in a sleazy tone.

“Ugh.” What a loser. I went back to scrubbing the floor and not even two minutes later the front door burst open.

“Haha, Ronnie get himself a little slave?” I heard an unfamiliar voice ask as I heard multiple pairs of feet walk onto the now clean floor. The door wasn’t locked last night?! Maybe Ohio was safer.

Ronnie snorted at this persons comment. “Hardly.”

I sat on my knees and turned my head to see three guys standing behind me.

“Holy shit! It’s a female version of Max!” A guy with mostly black hair with a streak of blonde in his bangs exclaimed.

Ronnie laughed hysterically along with the other two guys.

“Yeah.. Just take your shoes off. I just scrubbed this floor.” I said going back to scrubbing. Surprisingly, they did and all went into the living room.

“She cleans... so can she cook?” I heard one of them ask.

“We’ll find out soon now, won’t we.” Ronnie laughed.

I continued adding things to the list, washing up the apartment and ignoring anything that Ronnie said to me.

Finally at around noon, as the clock on the stove said, Max came out of his room and down the hall. “Ronnie, what the fuck are you doing out- whoa! I haven’t seen the apartment this clean since we moved in!” Max exclaimed.

I cleared my throat.

“Thanks Sylvie!” Max exclaimed hugging me.

“Yeahh.” I said hugging him back.

“Oh yeah. So, guys this is my sister, Sylvie. Sylvie these guys are my band mates that I’m sure Ronnie has introduced you to.” Max said smiling.

“Don’t be so sure.” I said glaring at Ronnie.

“Oh. Well then, the guy with the blond streaks in his bangs is Omar. The guy with the curly hair is Robert, and the guy with the annoyingly blond hair is Bryan.” Max said.

I waved, and smiled somewhat fakely. They all chimed out a couple of ‘heys’ but then turned back to the television.

“So Sylvie, why don’t you go get ready and we’ll go to the grocery store to get some food or something.” Max suggested.

“Have fun with that. Have you seen the size of the list that she made?! Its two sheets of paper, front and back!” Ronnie exclaimed.

“Sorry. I wasn’t aware that people didn’t like clean houses, or food in Las Vegas.” I spat.

“Oh just shut up. It doesn’t mean that you have to run us dry.”

“Hence the reason I offer to help, yet you laugh at me.” I shot back.

Max just shrugged and I walked to my room. I was frustrated with Ronnie already. I hadn't been away from home for twenty-four hours yet, and already I wanted to go back.

I fixed my braid, and threw a pair of jeans and a t-shirt on along with a pair of flip flops. I grabbed my purse and walked down the hall, lighiting a cigarette as I walked.

Max was standing by the door with a shocked expression. Exactly how I thought he would react. “Since when do you smoke?!” Max asked.

“Since you left.” The whole apartment was silent for the last few moments I was inside, as I grabbed the list off of the table and walked out with him.
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Ohhhh!!! what now?! I've decided I need to tweak the next chapter a little more before I submit it.
Don't be hatin! hahaha
Leave me loveee!