Raindrops, Rain Drops

Dear Diary,

You don’t know me. We are new to each other. Today’s date is 1 January, so the year is new too. I guess I better introduce myself.

My name is Kira
Im 18 years old
I live in Chicago
My favourite band is My Chemical Romance
I have no parents, or brothers and sisters
I live by myself in an apartment, paid by Mum's fortune after she died
I have 1 friend, Frankie, who I really never talk to as he lives in LA, and haven’t seen him since I was 15
My hair is black
Im not Emo, simply grunge-punk
I dropped out of school, reason for being a loner

That's about it.

Im going to call you Frank, to remember Frankie, as I don’t know if I'll see him again, ever.


Peace and Love

Kira x
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