Status: in the works

Addicted to Plush Brian Haner JR


Brian: what's on your mind?

Jenn: thanks for coming to lunch again.

Brian: ofcourse its what friends are for.

She smiled and sat back in her chair.

Jenn: what is this the third time this week?

Brian: yes.

Jenn: you're not annoyed with me yet? I can be a little bitch sometimes.

Brian: no I couldn't possibly be annoyed with you.

Jenn: its nice to have someone to talk to.

Brian: what about your friend?

Jenn: oh she's having problems at home so its not the same. It just kinda sucks when your down cause your man isn't home and she's down cause her man is well talking divorce.

Brian: I'm glad I'm the positive note.

Jenn: I feel bad because she's all heartbroken you know and even though Jacoby is gone. I know he's coming back. But with her its are they ending it? Or not? Maybe? I would hate to play that game with Jacoby.

Brian: divorce isn't easy.

Jenn: have you been down that path?

Brian: oh no no. My parents.

Jenn: mine too.

Brian: sucks.

Jenn: a little but my parents if you knew them don't make much sense together.

She laughed a little.

Jenn: complete opposites. My dad is so mellow and my mom...she's crazy.

I loved hearing about her.

Brian: my parents were just done.

Jenn: all I know is something really extream would have to go down in order for that to happen between me and Jacoby.

Brian: must be comforting.

Jenn: what?

Brian: to know you don't have to worry about that.

Jenn: it is. He's more than I could ask for. Despite the times I'm alone.

Brian: why don't you go with him?

Jenn: I used to. When we started dating.

Brian: what happened?

Jenn: I don't know. Some arguing. I go still. Not for long though and not very often.

Brian: that's to bad.

She shrugged.

Jenn: and why don't you have a girlfriend again?

Brian: I'm trying to turn my life around. I've been after all the wrong girls.

Jenn: bimbo sluts?

Brian: yes. I'm not going to lie. I feed off those. Used to.

Jenn: what about the chick from the party?

Brian: that was the night I decided I'd change.

Jenn: what was the reasoning?

Brian: I'm lonely. They don't care about me. Not really anyways. And having them around is just...

I shook my head.

Brian: just not what I want anymore.

My lips gave her a weak smile.

Jenn: that's a good change though. Not that I'm saying you're some kind of asshole or anything.

Brian: yeah...

I'm not so sure about that one. She doesn't know the interworkings of my demented mind.

Jenn: sorry I sometimes don't think before I talk.

Brian: you didn't say anything offensive.

Jenn: its a hard thing.

Brian: what?

Jenn: trying to find the one and staying with them.

Brian: I'm sure you and Jacoby-

Jenn: there's more than just girls to worry about. Its everything that comes along with it. Parties, drugs, booze. The ego.

Brian: we all get an ego problem somewhere along the way.

Jenn: yes, I've seen the way you play Mr. Gates.

My brow perked.

Jenn: very closley infact.

She just smiled.

Brian: I love what I do.

Jenn: I know.

There was a smile creeping on my face as we stared at each other. Had she been any other woman I would have leaned across the table and kissed her. Instead I looked away and laughed a little.

Jenn: what's so funny?

Brian: you're such a fan.

I teased. Jenn let out a small laugh and shook her head.

Jenn: I'm leaving. My lunch break is over. Infact I'm running late.

She started digging through her purse.

Brian: what are you looking for?

Jenn: money.

Brian: I got it don't worry.

Jenn: no I'll pay.

Brian: I invited you to lunch.

Jenn: stop I'll pay for my half.

She tried handing me a twenty and I pushed her hand away.

Brian: go. You're running late remember.

She pointed a finger at me.

Jenn: I won't forget this, next time I'll get it.

Brian: no you won't.

I smirked.

Jenn: oh I will.

Her arms wrapped around me quickly.

Jenn: see you later new friend.

Brian: catch you around.

She hugged me again.

Jenn: bye seriously this time. You're going to get me fired.

I nodded and watched her walk off to her car. That woman doesn't know what she's getting into. Niether do I, to make it fair. I paid the bill and left. Walking down the sidewalk. Letting the early fall sun warm me up. Hopefully when we go to Big Bear I can clear my mind. Smoke time. My loyal friend that's always there for me and won't judge me. Good ol' cigarette. The sight that caught my eyes made me frown a little. It shouldn't have. Afterall they are friends. I just couldn't help but find it a bit odd.

Brian: what the hell are you two up to?

Their laughter stopped and they looked at me. Odd. Very odd.

Melly: I could ask you the same dick.

I smirked and gave her a hug. Holding my smoke away so as to not burn her.

Brian: I was having lunch with a friend. Your turn.

Melly: we are hanging out. Right Matty?

Matt: yes. I haven't hung out with her for a while. So yeah.

Brian: that's cool. Its nice to see you look happy.

Melly: what?

Her face scrunched.

Brian: nevermind.

I shook my head and let her have her fun. I'd rather see her happy then fake happy like the last few times I've seen her. Even though I'm not sure why she isn't.

Melly: loser. Care to join us?

Brian: sure.

Melly: how have you been?

Brian: good. Yourself?

Melly: ok.

Brian: James?

Melly: ok.

Its always ok with her. That bothered me a little.

Melly: who did you eat lunch with?

Brian: just a friend.

Matt: Zacky? Jimmy? Johnny?

Brian: no.

They both made faces.

Brian: you know I've got friends outside you and the guys.

Melly: Danny?

Matt: J.B?

Melly: Matt Berry?

I rolled my eyes and smiled.

Brian: no. You don't know her.

Melly got a stupid smile along with Matt. Great.

Matt: oh...a her.

He said exchanging looks between me and Melly.

Melly: a her? Well...who is this her?

Brian: no one you know.

Melly: when do I know her?

Brian: I don't know.

Matt: is she the chick you told Zacky about?

Brian: really? That bitch. Yes. Fuck that rat.

My eyes narrowed.

Matt: don't get mad. You know better than to tell him anything.

Melly: for real.

Brian: well she's a friend so don't get to excited.

Melly: I'm sure.

She gave me a smile. Oh fuck. She would talk to me later.

Melly: don't be pissed at Zacky he's my friend.

She grabbed my arm and rested her chin on it. Looking up at me with sad but happy eyes.

Brian: I'm not going to beat him.

Melly: good I'm glad you've grown out of that.

Brian: if you weren't family and didn't care about my and the guys well being I would beat him up.

She grinned and kissed my cheek.

Matt: awwwww.

Brian: be quiet.

Matt: how sweet family bonding.

Melly: you dork.

Playfully she hit Matt. He laughed a little.

Melly: don't be jelous.

She scrunched her face and shook her head at him. This reminded me of when we were younger. That's a very nice thought. It caused my lips to curl into a smile.

Brian: remember when I caught you two-

Melly: hey!

One finger up in the air. Similar to the way Jenn had done earlier.

Melly: I thought we put that behind us.

Matt: oh fuck dude really?

Brian: yeah really.

Matt shook his head a bit, eyes darting over Melly quickly.

Brian: I just remembered.

A laugh escaped my mouth.

Matt: that was so long ago. Warped days.

Melly: yeah...

Brian: you two full blown making out.

Pushing her hair back she shook her head.

Melly: stop.

Brian: its so funny.

Matt: I remember seeing you and thinking oh shit.

Brian: thinking? You said that!

Melly: you did.

Matt: I remember making out, door opening, then being punched in the face.

We all shared a laugh.

Matt: which to this day I'm not sure why. She started it.

Melly: excuse me? I don't think so Matthew Sanders. You took my shirt off.

Matt just smiled and shook his head some more.

Brian: man we were all just crazy then.

Melly: yes we were. Young, crazy, but happy.

Matt: you know what, you took your shirt off...for me.

A wide grin spread across her face. I hope Big Bear is this fun.

Melly: Matthew Charles Sanders! You can not talk to me that way, I am a married...woman. Married woman now.

The smile faded and it sounded like she had forgotten that fact or wanted to.
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Matt = Aladdin