Status: Soo my top priority

There Goes My Life


It wasn't the thought of him accepting this, it was the thought of us moving into a house together, starting a family.. It was a lot to handle, a lot more than I ever imagined it would be. I mean, sure, I was excitied about it. But its scary. Fresh outta high school and BAM a baby in the next year..

"So you wanna go in? Take a look at the place?" Jared asked softly rocking back on his heels.

"Sure thing." I said starting up the sidewalk to the front door. Jared took his sweet ol' time to unlock the door. The inside was bigger than I thought. Huge halls every which way. Jared took me into the first room, the living room. Fully funished. The walls were a pale yellow, almost white color, the funiture similar. It had a huge couch, two reclining chairs, a T.V, and then some. Then there was the kitchen. It was the perfect size. Everything was exactly how I would have wanted it. Counters, a stove, microwave, fridge. Everything. To the left of the kitchen were the other set of stairs that led upstairs. The first room on the left, a guest room. Light blue. Then what would soon be the nursery, and at the end of the hall, the master. It was huge! It was a dark red with a red and black bed set. It was the DREAM master bed room. Everything, and I do mean EVERYTHING in this room really set this house in for me.

"Is this place forreal? Like we can live here?" I asked kinda dumbfounded at how this place was perfect for us.

"Yupp. And he's gonna pay the morgage and all that. We just have the basics, utilities, power, water, food, the works. But its ours whenever we want it." he said smiling sitting on the edge of the bed. Maybe, just maybe, I could get used to this. This was a little to perfect, I do admit that, but his family is MADE of money. How I ended up becoming in the mix was kinda weird. But hey, Jareds pretty independent.

"I swear this is all a dream. This cannot be forreal."

"Well it's forreal. Actually, I've already packed the majority of my things cause ima be here starting tomorrow." he said shyly. "No pressure."

"I'll have to talk to my mom. No that she'd be to thrilled about me being pregnant and moving in with you all in the same conversation. What mom would be?"

"Mine." he said smiling wide.

"Well next to her. No mom would be."

"Well we can tatlk to her together, not like she can stop us."