Status: REALLY SLOW. Sorry about that, but I don't have time to write. Message/comment if there are mistakes in spelling/ grammar and so forth, please.

Forever or Never?


The tan wolf darted behind a stand of trees. The air seemed to shimmer and shiver a little. Then a tall, muscular, drak-skinned man in cut off jeans and no shoes or shirt walked in front of Jacob. Jacob snapped his teeth at the man walking towards us.

"Seth, stop. You couldn't have," Edward said through barred teeth.

"What did he do?" Emmett asked. No one had seen him do anything. Edward looked from Emmett to Jacob and the girl, who was stroking his fur looking him in the eye, then to Seth to me. I was lost.

"Seth! No!" Emmett screamed as he pounced on Seth. "Mine!" Emmett hissed in Seth's ear.

"Jasper, calm please. They'll handle it," Edward said. The wave of calm came over everyone, Seth fell asleep as the calm hit him.

"I want answers. Someone give me answers." I was confused, and wasn't afraid to show it.

"Renesme," Edward said her name the slowly and the girl stepped away from Jacob, "is Bella and my daughter. Jake and Leah, could you transform, it'll be easier. The one on the ground is Seth. My family got in a fight with the Volturi, the wolves got involved because of Jake's attatchment to Bella." Another half naked man walked out of the trees in cut off sweats.When Renesme was born, Jake imprinted on her as soon as he saw her. Wolves imprinting is like our mates, except immediately. When Jake split from the main pack while Bella was pregnant, Seth followed him. Leah followed her brother."

"So Seth basically just fell in love with me? With no turning back. And then Emmett's reaction..." I trailed off, turned on my heel and ran. I ran until I was somewhere in Canada. I turned around and got to Vancouver in time for the mall to open. I got new clothes, changed, and continued running to Forks. I ran to the hospital, got my Camaro, and headed for school. I waited in the parking lot, enjoying the dark of my car. I waited for the silver Volvo to show up, but it didn't. The Cullens came in a yellow Porsche, and an Aston Martin instead. I'd have to drive one of my other cars tomorrow, show them up. If they were trying to show my car up, well, two can play at that game. I waited until I had about three minutes left before class started, and walked to Building Seven at what appear to be a fast walk. I snuck in the classroom door and looked for the empty desk. It was next to Emmett in the corner, go figure.

"Good morning, Mateja," Emmett said formally.

"Emmett," I nodded taking my seat.

"Look, I'm sorry about yesterday. I don't know what happened."

"You very well know what happened. Some wolf fell in love with me and you got possessive. You said, 'Mine' like it was a threat."

"Back off, will you? I met you first. Yes, I'm going to be possessive."

"Whatever, I'm paying attention." I turned back to the front of the room and tried to focus on the writing on the board. My mind kept wandering to the man sitting next to me. The bell rang, but neither Emmett nor I moved. I grabbed my bag and stalked out of the room with Emmett on my heels. Emmett grabbed my arm and pulled me to a stop.

"Mats, listen to me. I don't know what happened yesterday. I don't know why I reacted the way I did.So I said what I said, what's it to you?"

"The fact that I don't like or appreciate being clamied. Especially by people I barely know. Or don't know at all." I stormed off to the girls' locker room. Alice met me at my gym locker.

"What was that all about?" She asked, casually leaning against the locker next to me. "With you and Em?"

"Nevermind, Alice. Unless you know why he was acting that way."

"I might have an idea. Meet me at your car at lunch."

"Ok. I need answers." We walked out onto the gym floor and grabbed our bows from the pile in the corner.

"I might have them for you. Using my 'knowledge' of things and people."

"Yeah. Ok, I'll meet you there then." I ignored Emmett as much through Gym as possible, which wan't much since he talked at me whenever we weren't shooting the targets at the other end of the gym. I finally got sick of him talking to me, and started a conversation with the girl in front of me. Her name was Angela, and we bonded quickly. She was sweet, and I made plans to spend the night at her house Friday night. That kept me busy so I didn't have the option of Emmett.

"C'mon. Stop thinking," Alice said pulling me away from the spot I had attatched myself to against the wall. I followed Alice into the locker room, changed, and walked to French 2 with her. "Madomoiselle Gerraint, this is Mateja." Alice introduced me to the teacher, who gave me the text book and nodded. I walked to the back of the room and sat in the empty corner seat. Emmett sat down next to me just before Alice could.

"Emmett, would you please mind letting Alice sit there? I have something I want to talk to her about," I said politely, barely talking to the man sitting across the aisle.

"I am sorry, but I'm sitting here already. She can sit somewhere else and your conversation can wait." Emmett spoke French.

"No, it can not. It is of utmost importance and must be had now. I am truly sorry for this inconvenience to you, but I really must speak to her."

"I'm sure it can. Why does it have to be this class period? I'm certain that it can wait until lunch." He smiled at me, and I felt like I was melting.

This can't be happening. No. It can't. I CAN'T FEEL THIS WAY ABOUT HIM! I absolutely cannot let myself fall for him. I thought to myself before answering him. "Actually, yes. It has to be this class period."

Alice said, "Mateja, it can wait. We'll just add that to our list of other things to discuss."

Madomoiselle Gerraint interuppted our little conversation. "Can this conversation wait until a different time, or would you like to explain your slightly advanced French to the rest of the class?

"We can wait," Alice said and gave me a pointed look. I gave up at looked to the front of the room as Madomoiselle reached the board.

Well, this is dull. I've done this enough times. I need a new language. I know English, French, German, Spanish, Portugeuse, Mandarin, Zwahili, Italian, and Hindi. I think I'll learn...Greek. Maybe Latin. No, Russian. Russian. I'll live in Siberia for the next seven years. I'll graduate, maybe, and move to Siberia. I thought to myself. I wrote down the assignment and finished it quickly without using the book. Madomoiselle dismissed the class as the bell rang and I grabbed my bag and left the room with Alice next to me. I walked to Building 4 leaving Emmett behind me. Jasper was sitting already when I entered the room so I sat by him. Emmett followed me in.

"That's my lab partner," Emmett said standing next to me. I looked up at his face and turned to Jasper.

"Do you mind, Jasper?" I asked. Jasper looked at me, then at his brother.

"Not a bit, Mateja."

"Thank you." I smiled politely at him, then smiled at Emmett. He stalked to the back of the classroom and sat at one of the empty tables.

"So what's got you and Emmett fighting already?" Jasper asked, pulling my attention back to him.

"The possession yesterday really ticked me off. So now we're kind of angry at each other. And he's not apologizing. That would help his case. Alot if he meant it."

"Give him some slack. He's just like that. He's rash and doesn't always think. He doesn't admit he was wrong quickly and then lets you know when he was right. He has to have his time to cool off and settle down a little. He'll talk to Edward or I and then he'll calm down and see his wrong. Then he'll apologize after he's thought it over by himself for a while. He'll come around. I promise."

"Yeah. I guess. He can have his time. I don't much care." The last sentence is a lie. Jasper seemed to catch the false note in my voice on the last sentence and something flickered across his face.

"If you say so. You just need to give him his time. He's stubborn, more so than I've seen anyone sometimes. He's too stubborn for his own good half the time, and the other half he just goes with the flow and follows what anyone says. Especially if it's Alice or Edward. And Carlisle and Esme of course. If it's me, sometimes, if it's other people sometimes. But you have to make him think it was his idea. If you don't then he won't do it. And Edward has the ability to know what's thinking while he's talking to him. And Alice can know what he'll say if she says something. Together they can make anyone do anything."

"I could see that, yeah." We talked through the rest of the Biology class and left the room together. Jasper headed to the cafeteria while I went to the parking lot. Alice met me at my Camaro, and we climbed in.

"Answers, what question do you want first?" Alice asked, sitting more comfortably in the leather seat.

"Why did Emmett say I was his?"

"Easy. He knows what I've seen."

"Which is?..." I trailed off, leaving the question open.

"He knows I saw him with you. With you, with you. As more than friends. He knew that I had seen it. I saw it just before school yesterday. We've known you've been coming for over two weeks, and I could tell you'd be close to Emmett. So he figured he wouldn't have to fight with anyone for you. And now..."

"Now what?"

"Now I can't see it anymore. I can, but it's not steady. Sometimes I get a flash of him with you, and sometimes it's Seth. And then I saw you leaving Forks to go to Siberia to learn Russian? Explain that one please."

"Well, I haven't learnt Russian yet and it seems like a cool language. And I want to go far away to get away from all this."

"By 'all this' you mean Emmett and Seth."

"Yeah. It's too much. I just got here and now all of this. I can't handle it."

"You WILL be able to handle it though. I know you will. It'll take awhile. And it DOESN'T mean you're moving to Siberia to learn Russian. I know Russian. I can teach you."

"That wasn't quite what I had in mind, but ok." Alice went into a trance and totally blacked out. EDWARD! I called in my head, screaming at him.

What? He asked. Some people would think it strange that he was talking back in my head, but I'd gotten used to Cassie doing it so often.

Alice. I don't know what it is, but she just went into a trance and is kind of rocking back and forth.

Ok. Just wait a minute. She'll be fine.

Alice shook her head a little and smiled.

"What was it, Alice? What did you see?"

"The reason Carmen and Eleazar are coming. I didn't see his face, but he's the same size as Emmett, and already knows him, but not from recently, from when he was human. We can't tell Emmett, though. Carmen and Eleazar just found him, and they'll be down in a couple weeks."

"Okay, so they met someone who knows Emmett from when he was human. Great."

"But he won't be a problem. I keep seeing the back of him, but he'll fit in quite well. And he'll fall for someone, though I can't tell who. And she has a cousin, who will move to Forks, and..."

"And what?"

"Move into Bella's old house."

"Ok. So she moves into Bella's old house, has a cousin, and is moving to Forks."

"No. Her cousin will move into Bella's house. She will be adopted by Quil and Claire Ateara, some of the wolf people down at La Push."

"Ok. One more question. Why did Fuller call Emmett Brandon and Ms. Baker looked at me funny when I called you Alice?"

"Well, we were living in Forks 62 years ago. How often does a doctor with four adopted kids arrive in a small town? And the kids just happen to have the same names as the ones under 70 years ago?"

"Ok. I was just wondering becuase it caught my interest."

"So now we wait." The bell rang and Alice and I climbed out of the car and I walked to Building 1 for Ancient History and she walked to Building 3 for English. I sat in the back corner seat and Emmett sat next to me.
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