Status: REALLY SLOW. Sorry about that, but I don't have time to write. Message/comment if there are mistakes in spelling/ grammar and so forth, please.

Forever or Never?


I walked into school a week later hoping something would happen. I said hi to Emmett as I sat down in first hour.
“Have you been spending a lot of time with Seth lately?” He asked politely, turning to me in his seat.
“Yeah. I’m pretty sure he’s going to ask me out this weekend.” I said smiling. I knew it made him mad when I talked about Seth that way, and it gave me something to do.
“I still don’t like you hanging out with him.”
“He says the same thing about you. Now what are we supposed to do about that?”
“Ignore him and only hang out with me.”
“That just makes him jealous. Maybe you’ll both just have to deal with it. I’ll choose in my own time.”
“Not fast enough.” He barely whispered.
“When are Carmen and Eleazar coming? Alice said something about that when I got here.”
“This weekend. So that kinda kills your plans with Seth.” He smirked.
“For part of the weekend at least. There’s more to it than one day.” I smiled, outsmarting him. “Does Alice know who the vampire is they’re bringing with them yet? Or is she still just seeing the back of a head?”
“Just the back of a head. And she can’t get anything to come out clear.”
“I’ll talk to her in Gym. Maybe she’ll be able to get something.”
“Maybe.” I turned my face to the board and went through class thinking about what Alice might see. Who she might see. The bell rang and I hurried out of the classroom.
“Hey, Mats. What was this I saw last hour about you trying to help me see who’s coming?” Alice asked quickly in the locker room.
“Oh, yeah. Um, I thought that maybe if I was around you might get a clear picture of his face.”
“Maybe. We’ll try when we’re both not playing.” We had switched from archery to volleyball, and since half the gym was guys, we could only set up one net, so not everyone got to play at the same time. We walked out onto the basketball court and stood with Angela between us so we were on the same team. We hurried off after Ms. Baker told us where to go and sat on the bleachers, away from the rest of the class a little.
“Go ahead. Try.”
“Ok.” Alice closed her eyes and started rocking back and forth. I got worried when she stopped rocking and kept her eyes closed. I breathed out heavily when she started rocking again. Her eyes flew open a couple minutes later. She snapped her head towards me and had a smile on her face. “Well, that was enlightening. I thoroughly enjoyed that bit of insight.”
“I’m gonna say that since you used my gift to get that bit of information, you should share it with me.”
“Oh, Jasper’s taking me to Greece next weekend. I’m not supposed to know. So I act surprised.”
“You were looking for Carmen and Eleazar and you got Jasper?”
“It happens sometimes. I’m closer to Jazz than I am to Carmen and Eleazar, so it’s easier to see him.”
“Mary and Mateja, it’s your turn,” Angela said bouncing over to us, panting slightly.
“Thanks.” I jumped down from the bleachers, with Alice following.
“You two are so graceful. How?” Angela asked as we walked away. I shrugged my shoulders and smiled over one of them at her.

“Seth, I’m sorry, but I can’t come over this weekend. Maybe for about an hour, that’s it.” I said into my phone. I heard Seth growl on the other end before he spoke.
“You’re with Cullen, aren’t you?”
“Yes. I apparently have to be there when the others come this weekend.”
“I don’t like you being over there.”
“They’re my kind. You aren’t.”
“That doesn’t mean that I can’t be jealous about you being there. I can still wish you were over here.”
“I know. And Emmett always thinks I should be there. You two need to get over this whole jealousy issue, okay? I like both of you, and you have to accept that. Alice is my best friend here, and I’m going to spend time with her. Not all the time I spend at the Cullen’s is with Emmett, actually, hardly any of it is, unless we’re hunting.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. So when are you coming over?”
“Seven. And I have to leave by eight. The Denali’s that are coming are supposed to be here at eight thirty, or so says Alice. But if she calls, I have to leave.”
“Ok. See you later, then.”
“Bye.” I closed my phone and sighed. I crawled off my bed and walked across my room slowly. I grabbed a piece of paper and a pen and wrote Emmett and Seth across the top. Under Emmett’s name I wrote: ‘Protective. Vampire. Vampire. Sweet. Gentle with me. Fun. Exciting. Makes me feel safe.’ Under Seth’s name I wrote: ‘Protective. Werewolf. Sweet. Gentle with me. Fun. Exciting. Makes me feel safe. Almost makes me feel warm. Smells good. Squishy.’ I laughed as I wrote the last word.
Squishy. I thought. Yeah. Squishy. He was squishy to me. Maybe not to a weak human, but his weak little muscles were squishy when I poked him. It definitely wasn’t the hard skin of vampires, but the soft, warm skin of humans, but much more sturdy. I ripped the paper apart and threw the pieces into the trash can next to my desk. I looked at my clock and sighed. I had two hours before I was supposed to be at Seth’s. I opened my window and jumped into the tree. I jumped from tree to tree until I was sitting in the tree above Seth’s house. I could smell him moving around in the kitchen, making supper for himself.
I heard him move the metal pans off the stove and set them on the table. I listened as silverware clanked. I threw a branch out of the tree so it landed on the roof over where he was eating in the little one story house. I heard the chair scrape against the floor and him walk down the short hall to the door. He opened the door as the wind caught a breath. The breeze scooted my scent over to him and he started looking in the direction the wind had come. I jumped gracefully out of the tree and onto the ground in a very feline position. Seth ran over to me and picked me up off the ground throwing me into the air and catching me the way parents do with their babies.
"I didn't think you were coming this early." He said as he caught me and laughed.
"I didn't either. But I had an extra hour." I smiled. His body heat almost warmed me up to the point I could feel it. Fire and ice. He grabbed my hand and walked inside the little house. I took a deep breath as the distinctly woodsy smell hit me. "Eat." I told him, eyeing the unfinished food on the kitchen table.
"Fine. What're you going to do while I eat?" I sat dow in the chair opposite him.
"Sit and watch. I think it's fascinating."
I stood up and walked out fo the kitchen and down the hall, being pulled along, going to the place his scent was the strongest. I opened the wooden door and walked into a mess. I leapt nimbly across the mess onto his bed. I heard him walk down the hall and laughed as he looked into his room.
He smirked and stepped across the room, walking on all his stuff. He sat on the edge of the bed and flung his legs up so we were sitting next to each other. He put his right arm aruond my shoulder and grabbed my right hand in his left as my left arm wound its way around his back.
"You know this is coming, but I still have to ask." I looked up at him and scooted as close to him as I could. "Will you go out with me? Geez, I sound like a little kid."
"Yeah, you do."
"But will you go out with me? It's kinda stupid to ask, but I have to. I feel like I have to."
"Yeah it's stupid? Or yeah you'll go out with me?"
"The latter. Yes. I'll go out with you." He hugged me tightly and I hugged him back.
"Ok. I can't breath." He whispered. I let go and reached up and kissed him gently on the lips. "i don't have to be gentle with you. This is different. Everyone else has to be gentle with their imprints, except Jake, but Nessie's half vamp. Make for interesting thought conversations in the pack later." He spoke normally again.
"And I don't have to be gentle back. You heal fast enough."
"Wolf thing. And you just kind of mold back together."
"Vampire thing. Anyway, what time is it?" He looked around me at the little clock next to the bed.
"Ten to eight."
"How have I been here so long? I gotta get going."
"Time flies when you're having fun, I guess." I laughed and jumped across him and the mess that was his floor and out the door. He followed me out of the little house and into the forest. He phased and ran with me to the Cullen's front yard. He phased back into human form and gave me a quick kiss before I walked to the house.
I opened the front door in time to see Emmett's back leave through the back door.
"What's his problem?" I asked, sitting next to Alice on the couch.
"He's jealous. He saw you kiss Seth when you got here. Go figure." Edward said lazily.
"If I'm with one, the other's jeaouls. I'm I'm with the second one, the first is jealous. What am I supposed to do?"
"Just go with it as it feels right." Jasper stated.
"I guess you'd know emotions, wouldn't you?"
"Yeah. I guess." He laughed.
"Or you just let them be boys and be jealous. They spend most their time being jealous about something. Bigger muscles, a girl, more money, the better car, or whatever it may be." Esme walked into the room as she talked. I stood up and followed Emmett's scent to the river. I looked into the river and saw his dark curls floating freely. I took my light jacket off and jumped in the river and sat next to him. I poked his leg and his eyes shot open, the pure amber orbs staring at me incredulously. I sprang out of the water and he followed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Enjoy! Comment! I have the next chapter complete, just tell me if you want it!