Status: REALLY SLOW. Sorry about that, but I don't have time to write. Message/comment if there are mistakes in spelling/ grammar and so forth, please.

Forever or Never?


“Let’s go to talk about this somewhere else. They’ll call us when they need us to be back.” Emmett grabbed my hand and we ran into the forest. I pulled my hand out of his and stopped.
“What is there to talk about, Emmett?” I called into the empty trees. Emmett came running back to me.
“We have to go further away. They can still hear us from here.” He pulled at me, but I remained rooted to the spot.
“Then let them hear! What is it that you have to say that they can’t know?! Alice probably already does.”
“Fine. Whatever. Alice has told you about her visions. You were supposed to come, and be with me. Not Seth. His kind are enemies of ours. You shouldn’t want to be with him, and you obviously do. The only person Alice ever saw you with was me. We’ve been trying to find you for the last hundred years. And Alice was always sure you’d be my mate. I never thought I would have to fight for it. That’s not what was supposed to happen. We were supposed to be together and we never had to worry about anyone getting in the way. It was supposed to be easy. It wasn’t supposed to be difficult like this. It was supposed to be simple and obvious. Then Seth showed up and you took notice. And then Alice’s visions went wonky. And since then they haven’t been as clear and as obvious. Nothing was supposed to get in the way. And now I don’t know what to do. I fell in love with you before I even met you because of what Alice had seen and described you as. So when I met you at school I knew instantly who you were and that I had finally found you. Just before we gave up trying to find you, we found you. Alice was sure it would be this time, or we wouldn’t have moved back to Forks this soon. We would have waited another hundred years if it hadn’t been so sure. If it hadn’t so clear and unchanging we wouldn’t have bothered. And then we get back here, wait a year, and you show up. The Seth comes into the mix—.”
“Emmett, shut up. If you want me, you have to fight for it. Not physically, but just try. I don’t know how you plan on doing something about it, but don’t hurt Seth in the process. I’m going to wind up hurting one or the other of you. And I don’t want to hurt either of you. I kind of wish it was supposed to be simple. I kind of wish I had never met Seth. But the way the imprinting thing sounds I would have met him anyway and he still would have imprinted. And so either way I would wind up knowing both of you and not knowing who to pick. So either way…” I trailed off.
“Either way, I love you.”
“But not for me. For what Alice saw me as before we met.”
“That’s how it started, yes. But not after I met you. I only thought I loved you before I met you, then I ran into you on the sidewalk at school, and I fell completely. I fell so totally and completely with the first word I heard out of your mouth, and the first smile I ever saw cross your face, the first laugh I heard you laugh, the first time I had your hand in mine, the first time I saw you with another guy, I knew I was in love. It’s nothing I’ve ever felt ever before and I don’t’ know how I’m supposed to act on it, but I know I should and you went and said yes to Seth…” Emmett’s voice slowly died. He walked over to me and put his arms around my waist. I snuggled close into his shirt and inhaled his gentle scent. I wrapped my arms around him, or as far around as I could get, and hugged him tightly.
“But for now I’m with Seth.” I said, pulling out of the hug and away from him a bit. He reached down and grabbed me around the waist, picked me up and kissed me. The kiss had force behind it, but was still gentle and caring. It was urgent. My hands found their way into his curls on their own and I started kissing him back. I forced myself to stop and pull away.
“You said I had to fight for it. And you kissed me back. Now what?” Emmett questioned, setting me on the ground.
“Now we go back to the house and figure this out later.” I said as Emmett’s phone started going off. We ran next to each other back to the house and in through the back door.
“How much time do we have?” Emmett asked Alice, who was standing by the front door.
“Mateja, take Emmett outside and have him face the river. He’ll know in time why.” Alice commanded. I took Emmett’s hand and pulled at him, but he was stronger than I was.
“Emmett, come with me.” I stood on my toes and whispered in his ear. He stumbled along after me and stood facing the river. We heard a car drive down the long driveway quickly. “They’re here.” I said loudly. Emmett smiled and I stood in front of him so I could see Eleazar again. A dark blue car pulled to a stop in front of the house. Carmen stepped out of the passenger door as Eleazar got out from the driver’s side. I ran over quickly and hugged Eleazar.
“Mateja?” Eleazar asked, hugging me back. I pulled away from him and hugged Carmen.
“Hey, guys.” I said, pulling away and looking at both of them.
“How did you get here without telling us? Where have you been since the last time I saw you? Do you have a mate yet? Where’ve you gone? How long did you work for Aro? Are you still working for Aro?”
“Eleazar, calm down. EMMETT, look back at the river!” I screamed at him, seeing his head turning slowly. “Eleazar, we’ll catch up later. Who’s this mysterious person that Alice can’t see?”
“Oh. Wait. Alice can’t see him?” Carmen asked confused.
“The back of his head, just not his face.”
“About that…We’ll have him explain that later.” Eleazar said, looking at the back door. “Jordan, come out.” The car door opened slowly to reveal a mass the size of Emmett, with the same dark curls and muscular build. If I hadn’t known Emmett was standing on the other side of the yard, I would have said he had just stepped out of the car.
Without warning, Jordan took off and shoved Emmett. Emmett tripped and fell into the river, making a loud splash. Carmen, Eleazar and I ran to the edge of the river. I took a look at Jordan as Emmett came up out of the river and tackled Jordan.
“I missed something.” I said as the rest of the Cullens came out of the house.
“Us too.” Jasper said. Alice looked disgruntled as she walkover to the small group. Emmett and Jordan finally stopped fighting and stood with their arms around each other’s shoulders.
“We’re twins. Emmett went missing one day and I knew he had been out bear hunting with friends, so I went out looking for him when his friends came back and he didn’t. I went looking for him and from what Eleazar has told me, I ended the same way Emmett did. Mauled by a bear. A black haired vampire came to save me, said she had seen me, waited for me to change, explained the rules to me and left, said I wasn’t the one she had seen, I guess she had seen my brother, my twin. She saw Emmett being mauled, and only a few days later I got mauled and she was in time to save me, but too late to save Emmett. I had to stay away from humans. I could tell that already. But I read the papers when I could and seen that there had been something come through and attacked a bunch of smaller towns. People were found dead all over the place. Then all of a sudden it stopped. The headlines changed from x number of people dead every day to the mysterious stopping of it all.”
“Rose.” Carlisle whispered. His face had fallen.
“Who was Rose?” I asked. I recognized the name from hearing Emmett say it the first day I was in Forks.
“I changed her. She was supposed to be for Edward the way Esme was to me. But she wasn’t. Edward simply couldn’t stand her. She was the one who found Emmett bleeding to death from being mauled by the bear. She bit him to transform him. Then she went blood crazy. She killed over a hundred people in less than a week. It was bad. The Volturi caught on and came to kill her.” Carlisle told the story with an obvious hint of sadness in his voice.
“My blonde savior.” Emmett said quietly, lost in thought.
“Yeah. I miss her. My first daughter.” Esme whispered.
“I don’t.” Edward scoffed. “She was evil and vain, and…” He stopped when he saw Esme’s face. “Sorry, Mom.”
“It’s ok.” Esme hugged Edward and kissed him gently on the cheek.
“What do you call your talent, Jordan?” I `asked. The ringing in the back of my head was getting on my nerves and I couldn’t name the talent. “You’re a half shield, kind of.”
“I don’t know. I guess I never really thought I had a talent until I met Eleazar. He said something along the same lines and then we got to figuring it out. I had never noticed it. I mean, there weren’t voices in my head and I couldn’t tell anything about anyone, and I couldn’t see things.”
“But you do have a talent.”
“Yeah. I’m a part shield. And a strong one at that. I can block certain parts of my brain, or I can block certain parts of foreseers’ visions.”
“So, you could have blocked my talent from knowing you had a talent?”
“Yeah. And I could block Jasper from messing with my emotions, Alice from seeing my face, Edward from reading my thoughts, Aro from hearing some of my thoughts. I put the shield in front of everything so at first Aro thought he couldn’t hear any of my thoughts. Dmetri can’t track me. Jane can’t hurt me. Alec can’t do anything to me. No one can do anything to me.”
“I can love you as another son. It wouldn’t be that hard to fit you into the family, you look so much like Emmett.” Esme told him.
“Yeah. I guess. And I’m glad to see my brother again. It’s been so long and I thought for the longest time that he was dead.”
“We’d better get inside. The sun’s coming out and there are hunters in the area.” Alice said, leading the way into the big white house. We all went inside and talked all night, Emmett and Jordan catching up and getting used to being together again.
♠ ♠ ♠
I have the next chapter and a part written, sorry it's been a while. I'm behind on all my stories everywhere.