Status: REALLY SLOW. Sorry about that, but I don't have time to write. Message/comment if there are mistakes in spelling/ grammar and so forth, please.

Forever or Never?


“You know we need to get the wolves to know you guys before you start running around so they don’t attack you because it’s an unfamiliar scent?” I asked as dawn approached.
“Yeah. But they won’t mind too much. Be a little miffed, but they’ll get over it.” Alice said quietly. I pulled my phone out of my jacket pocket and called Seth as I walked out the door.
“You probably aren’t the one to tell this to, but it will get passed on. We need to let you guys meet the new vamp that’s around. His name is Jordan and you already know Carmen and Eleazar. Can I bring everyone to the rez this afternoon or do you want it to be neutral territory?” I spoke into my small cell phone and laughed as Seth breathed deeply trying to figure it out.
“Well, let me ask this. Can you promise no one will get hurt?”
“Yeah. We’re all vegetarians. None of us will hurt any of you.”
“Ok. Um, Jake, what do you think?” I heard him ask. I could tell his phone was away from his head and that it was on speaker phone.
“Bring them to the rez around three. If we all meet in Forks I’m scared we’d attract too much unwanted attention.” Jake’s voice sounded through my phone.
“Thanks, guys. I’ll tell the rest of them. We’ll be there at three.” I closed my phone and walked back in the house. “We need to be on the rez at three. I’ve promised that no one will get hurt, which shouldn’t be a problem.” I looked around and everyone nodded.

At 2:45, I gathered the vampires from around the hosue and yard and we ran to La Push, feeding on the way to make certain the promise could be kept. At 3 we stopped in La Push. Catie jumped up from the ground, ran over and gave me a hug.
“They’re all up on the cliff around the fire pit.” I nodded and turned around. I looked over the group and pointed at Jordan.
“Jordan, would you kindly carry Catie up to the cliff? She loves riding on my back as we run. It’s not that far, it’s ok.” I asked. Jordan nodded enthusiastically and walked forward. He held his hand out to Catie like a gentleman. She giggled slightly and when she put her hand in his, he slung her onto his back, his booming laugh ringing out and echoing off the trees.
I shook my head and started up the hill to the cliff. I stopped outside of the circle of logs and the rest of the vampires stopped shortly behind me. Catie jumped off Jordan’s back and he bowed to her with a smile on his face. She smiled back and sat down next to Holly. Jordan sat next to her and the Cullens sat in a tight circle next to him. I introduced the Cullens, Eleazar, Carmen, and Jordan to the pack, and the pack to the vampires.
“Actually, Catie and Holly, how did you get up here? It was just supposed to be pack.” I asked, finally realizing what was wrong.
“Well, Isaiah imprinted on me a couple days ago after he missed the beginning of school and when he got back…” Holly trailed off, entwining her fingers gently with Isaiah sitting next to her.
“And I just came cuz Mom and Dad couldn’t stop me. Holly got to go because she’s now officially part of the pack and it’s imprints. Since she got to go, I got to come too.” Catie smiled. The vampires and pack talked for a while, Carlisle walking off with Jacob and Seth for a bit.
Why did you have to have Jordan pack Catie up? I heard Edward’s voice in my head.
Because I didn’t want to. And I knew that if the pack saw the new vamp carrying safely one of the tribe members, they’d be more accepting of him.
Fine. But Alice had a vision as soon as they touched that they’d be together. And Jasper’s been feeling the funny emotions between the two of them.
Lovely. A McCarty/Stern match.
Another McCarty/Stern match. If you ask Emmett there’s already one around. I turned my head to Edward and stuck my tongue out at him.
I finally decided that we should go so they could get back to patrolling. I stood up and announced my departure. Jordan stood up and helped Catie up. She jumped onto his back and I smiled. I laughed as they ran down the hill. I heard Catie’s light laugh as she clung to Jordan’s back. I watched the Cullens, Carmen, and Eleazar run after them. Seth came up behind me and entwined his fingers with mine. We walked down the hill, Emmett glaring at us as he turned into the forest to run home. I smiled as I watched Emmett run off.
“What’s wrong? You’ve been kind of quiet all day. And I thought I sensed something between you and Emmett.” Seth said as he opened the front door to his little house. I followed him in and sighed.
“Tell me, Mats.” He looked at me sternly as we sat on the couch.
“I think I cheated on you. Kind of…”
“How?” He asked quickly, pulling himself away from me and sitting on the other side of the couch.
“I kinda, sorta, kissed Emmett…” I trailed off. Seth started shaking. “It wasn’t my fault! I told he needed to fight for it if he wanted me, and he took that as an invitation to kiss me.”
“Did you kiss him back?” Seth growled through barred teeth.
“A little. I didn’t mean to, I just…” I watch as Seth’s form changed in front of me. “I just could stop it. I couldn’t help it. You know that feeling when your soul mate kisses you, you almost have to kiss back? That’s what it was!” I yelled hysterically. The huge wolf in front of me sat on his haunches in the middle of the living room floor, the coffee table ruined already. He growled at me. I walked over to him and put my hand on his shoulder. “Seth, it’s ok. It won’t happen again.” I tried. He moved away from me as close to the wall as he could. I felt the air shiver and Seth change beneath my hand.
“I’m sorry. I just… I’m going outside.” Seth stated, shaking my hand off his shoulder. I followed his naked form out the door and stopped as he transformed. He took off into the forest quickly. I followed him and caught only Emmett’s scent as we ran through the forest. Something clicked in my head and I jumped into the nearest tree. I jumped through the trees and fell in front of Seth. He stopped in his tracks, sliding on the mossy ground a few feet.
“Seth, stop. I know where you’re going and what you’re going to try to do. But remember that he isn’t alone. He’s got the whole family behind him now. You’re alone.” At that moment I heard running through the forest. Three other wolves stopped next to Seth. “Ok, maybe not alone. But there are still more of them then of you.” Seth looked at one of the other wolves and they both went behind the nearest tree. Seth walked out in a borrowed pair of cutoffs and the other wolf went to stand in formation.
“Mateja, don’t even try to stop me now. I’m not in the mood. Emmett McCarty Cullen deserves to die.” Seth growled.
“Not any more than you do. All he did was kiss me. Because he knew that if he didn’t, he’d never have me. But right now, I almost feel like siding with him.” I knew my words had hurt him, but they had meant to. I knew that if he didn’t hear that, he’d never listen. “Emmett did it because he wants me. Just the way you do.”
“Don’t’ compare me to that filthy bloodsucker.”
“So I’m a filthy bloodsucker now?” I questioned angrily.
“No. Not you. Him.”
“It’s the same venom that flows through both of our veins. If you call him a filthy bloodsucker, then I am too.” Seth’s head dropped to his chest and he sighed.
“I’m sorry, Tete. It’s just, the whole imprint protective thing. And if I know there’s someone that wants you too, then I’m going to try to kill him.”
“But if you kill him, I get hurt. You two can’t fight without hurting me. You have to see that.”
“I know.” I walked over to him and hugged him, trying to cool his shaking body off.
“You, my dear, are an ice cube.” He laughed, burying his face in my hair.
“And you, are a furnace.” I said, sticking my nose against his bare chest.
“Fire and ice.”
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Sorry it's been awhile. The wifi at school hates me!