Status: Complete.



I’m Honor Alexander, and this is my story:

Hi I’m Honor, and I’m the not-so-popular-one. I’m more likely considered the why-would-I-even-waste-my-time-looking-at-you type of girl. Like now:

“If you ever so breathe around my guy again, I’ll make you wish you were back in the physic ward Honor. You got that?” Stella said as she pushed me up against my locker, pressing against my throat, making it so I couldn’t breathe.

I couldn’t talk so I just nodded, and she smiled.

“What was that Honor, I couldn’t hear you?” she said, and tightened her grip on my throat. I opened my mouth to say something, but when I did she just gripped harder and I started coughing violently. I just couldn’t control it. I knew better than to cry, all they would do is laugh harder.

“Stella what the hell are you doing?” I heard a voice yell from down the hallway. To me it sounded weird from the lack of O2 that I was getting to my lungs. Once she saw who it was she let go immediately, and I dropped to the floor, gasping for air.

“Baby, its so-o-o-o-o not what it looks like. She total started on me first Landon.” She said, while twirling her hair, like she did to get out of a detention with a teacher. And to me right now it looks like its so-o-o-o-o not working.

“It sure as hell doesn’t look it Stella. You know what just go, right now. Just go, I can’t deal with it right now.” Landon said, and jogged over to me. I was now only wheezing do to my asthma. He started patting my back lightly, trying to help me.

“Are you ok Honor?” he asked me in a whisper. I shook my head no, and put my head between my knees.

“Every one hates me.” I said, finally letting my tears fall, feeling remotely safe around him. He started tracing circles on my back to help me stop from crying. I didn’t stop because it was the end of the day and just about everyone was gone.

“That’s not true Honor. I don’t hate you.” Landon said and looked at me. I looked at him, and blushed slightly. He wiped the tears away and laughed, which made me start laughing, which turned into a whole fit of laughter coming from both of us.

“What is all this ruckus out here about?” Mrs. Johnson asked when she spotted us, and she didn’t look happy at all.

“We’re sorry Mrs. Johnson, we’ll leave now. It won’t happen again.” Landon said, and stood up. She nodded and walked back into her classroom. Landon turned back around, and stuck a hand out to help me up. I took it and he didn’t let go.

I looked him in the eye, and dropped his hand. I turned and started walking towards the door. Just my luck, I looked out the window and saw that it was pouring out. And boy, do I mean pouring. Just my luck. I felt something tug at my hand, and I looked behind me.

“Honor, do you need a ride home?” Landon asked me. I fully tuned around, and nodded my head. He chuckled, and put his hand on my lower back and we ran to his car. It didn’t surprise me that he had a nice car. He had a silver Mustang Pony, and it looked like it had just come off of the market.

“Wow.” Was all that I could say? He laughed and opened my door for me. I muttered thanks, and got in. he ran around to the drivers’ side and started the car. Secret Secret Dino Club came blaring out of the speakers. I was surprised.

“You have good taste in music.” I said, and started mouthing the words to the song.

“Ya I think they are great, but Stella hates it. She says that it’s cheesy and a whole bunch of crap. Hey what street do you live on?” Landon said/ asked and pulled out onto the main drag.

“Well Stella doesn’t know anything about music then, and I live on Summer Street, number 345.” It was quiet for a while, and then he gasped.

“Why do you live at an orphanage?” he asked me. I shrugged my shoulders, and sighed. I really didn’t like telling the story. But I guess I’ve got nothing to loose.

“I was a ‘Dumpster Baby’.” I said and looked down.

“A what?” he asked.

“A ‘Dumpster Baby’, my mother had me, and then threw me in a dumpster. So guy walked by, heard me crying, and then rushed me to the hospital. Then when I was strong enough to leave, they sent me here. And no one has adopted me yet, so ya.” I said and looked down once again.

Landon put a hand under my chin, and tugged it up slightly.

“That’s nothing to be ashamed of.” He said. “That just shows how strong you actually are. I think that you are a pretty remarkable person.” He said and looked me in the eye. I smiled, and he started leaning in toward me.

“Don’t do it.” I said, and pulled away.

“Why?” he asked, and then nonchalantly smelled his breathe. I laughed.

“It’s not your breath silly; it will just give Stella a reason to hate me more.” I said and he cracked a grin.

“What Stella doesn’t know won’t hurt her.” He whispered, and leaned in again.

“That’s a chance I’m not willing to take.” I whispered, and kissed him on the cheek. I opened the door, closed it, and ran to the front porch of the orphanage. I turned around, but he was already gone.


I woke up the next morning to the younger foster children screaming outside my door. I was used to it by now. They were my wake up call. I didn’t need an alarm clock. I got on a pair of grey skinny jeans, an Escape the Fate t-shirt, and my purple plaid converse and did my other business and walked downstairs.

“Good morning Honor.” Mrs. Tyler said to me, as I walked into the kitchen. I mumbled a hello and grabbed a pop tart and a Revive Vitamin Water.

“Honor, we talked about your eating habits now didn’t we?” Sarah (my foster mom) said to me, looking disappointed. I sighed and sat down at the table and took some pancakes and sausage and started eating. I saw her smile and knew that I was making her happy.

The only reason is because I’ve been battling an eating problem, and sometimes it gets the best of me. I finished, took care of my dishes, and went to school.


I was early to school, so I was going to go to my locker and get a head start on home work, but I head yelling, and my curiosity got the best of me.

“What is your problem Landon, how can you stand her?” Stella yelled at Landon. It didn’t take me long to figure out that they were talking, well more like yelling about me.

“There is nothing wrong with Honor. She’s a nice girl, and if your head wasn’t so far up your ass then you would see that Stella.” He said, and sighed in frustration.

“Well aren’t you so nice in defending her. Why don’t you just go with her then? I’m sure she doesn’t have a date to the dance yet. I mean come one look at her.” Stella said, and I felt my eyes tear up. Was I really that bad looking?

I guess they heard me sniff my nose because of me crying, because they both turned around. Stella looked pissed off that I heard there argument, and Landon looked shocked, and sad that I had heard what they were saying.

I turned and ran.

“Honor, wait!” Landon yelled after me.

“Baby, don’t go! She doesn’t need your pity.” Stella wined and stomped her feet.

“Stella it’s over so just leave her and me alone alright?” Landon said and chased after me.

He caught up with me after a little while. He actually tackled me down to the ground, and pinned my arms above my head.

“Calm down Honor.” He whispered and I took a deep breath.

“I think I’m okay now.” I said and smiled.

“Good.” He whispered, and kissed me.
♠ ♠ ♠
this is the first chapter of my _____-shot entry. ____ meaning im not sure how many there will be most likely 2 or 3. wish me luck!