Naruto:The Lost Chronicles!



Konohagakure: Village Hidden in the Leaves!

Shikon woke up that morning excited. Today was his 6th birthday, which meant that he would get his pet dog today. Shikon happens to be a part of the Inuzuka clan. Like everyone else in his family he has the fang marks on the side of his face. He also has the great sense of smell like his family; perfect for tracking which the Inuzuka’s are good at. As Shikon crawled out of bed something else was going on, on the other side of town.

“Raijinn, Wake up” Kakashi called upstairs to his son. “I’m up dad,” Raijinn yelled down to his father. Raijinn was part of the Hatake clan. His mother passed away shortly after he was born. His father and him are the only ones left of the Hatake clan. Raijinn quickly made his bed, packed his supplies, cleaned his room and then headed downstairs. “Morning Dad” He said as he walked into the kitchen. “Well someone seems happy today” His father replied looking up from his book. “Dad, today’s the day of graduation, of course I’m excited.” Raijinn replied to his father. “Just like your old man. Did you know I graduated at the age of 6 as well, just like my father before me?” Kakashi said with a smile. “I know dad plus I can’t wait to show off my new move. See you at 3. Bye” Raijinn said happily as he headed out the door.

Shikon ran down stairs to his mother and father who were both in the kitchen. “Morning mom and dad. I’m ready for my presents.” Shikon said excitedly. “ Now Shikon that’s no way to ask for things, besides you’ll be getting your gift later on around 3. Now go play with your friends.” His mom replied. “Yes mom” Shikon said. He then ran outside to play with Tsubasa.

Tsubasa was just passing Shikon’s house when Shikon came flying out the front door. “Hey Tsubasa” Shikon called. Tsubasa turned to see him. “Hey Shikon.” He replied. Tsubasa was 6 and part of the Hyuuga clan. He was also Shikon’s best friend. “Shikon I have a gift for you.” Tsubasa smiled. “Really? What is it?” Shikon asked excited and surprised. “Here” Tsubasa said holding out a necklace with a silver circle on it. On one side was a wolf howling at the moon and on the other side was the word “Perseverance” etched into the silver.
“Tsubasa this is the coolest gift ever” Shikon replied with excitement. He then put the necklace on. It shined in the light of the sun. “So is today the day you get your dog?” Tsubasa asked as they walked to the playground. Shikon nodded, “Sure is, I can’t wait.” He smiled. Shikon looked up at the sky, the sun reflecting in his eyes.

Raijinn was so anxious while waiting in the line of graduates. He wanted that headband more then anything. He looked around and saw his dad sitting in the crowed. Raijinn smiled at him and his father smiled back. Raijinn was more anxious about showing his move then anything. “Hatake, Raijinn” The Hokage called. Raijinn walked down the line to receive his headband. He placed it right over his left eye. Giving off the spitting image of his father. “And now before the graduation ceremony ends, Raijinn has a move he’d like to perform for all of us as a tribute for his hard work and determination.” The Hokage announced.

Shikon quickly ran home after playing hide and go seek which he won for the 20th time in a row. “Shikon good your home, C’mon we need to get going to the pound” His father said rapidly. “Tanko come on,” His dad said to his dog. Shikon and his dad made it too the pound where they we’re instantly swarmed by dogs. There were dogs of all kinds. None of them really interested Shikon. He looked around and passed almost every dog on the list, but none of them felt like the right one. Shikon was almost ready to call it quits when his nose got the scent of something. He followed the scent at almost a run. He stopped when he came across a puppy. It looked almost like a jet-black wolf with the most striking blue eyes he had ever seen. “Hey little guy” Shikon said sweetly.
The puppy looked at him and wagged his tail happily. The puppy then sniffed Shikon and jumped into his arms. “Shikon did you find a puppy yet?” His dad called. “Yes dad I did” Shikon smiled happily as he walked up to his dog holding the puppy in his arms. “Oh I see you picked the wolf/huskies mix.” Said the pound keeper. “Shikon what are you going to name him?” His father asked kindly looking at his son’s puppy. “Kuro” Shikon replied. Kuro barked at the sound of his name wagging his tail rapidly.

“Well Raijinn were all ready,” The Hokage said smiling. Raijinn then put his hands in serpent formation. He stood there silently, everyone watching him. No one but him noticed the sky go black with storm clouds. Kakashi knew what was coming. He quickly got out of his seat and raced for his son whose movements were too fast. The Jutsu was soon completed with the Ox and serpent. “Raining thunder” Raijinn yelled. Lightning rained down from the sky in all directions.
Raijinn looked down and for a moment thought he saw an odd looking weasel in his navel. Before he could say anything the thing was gone in a flash leaving behind the mark of lightning on his navel. The power of the creature was too great for him and he fell backwards, the jutsu ending as well. Kakashi was the first to reach him. “Raijinn, Raijinn” Kakashi pleaded, but no response. “Get medic ninja fast” The Hokage shouted.
Medic ninja were there almost instantly. “Please Kakashi we’re going to have to ask you to let go of your son. Please follow us to hospital to file the paper work.” One of the medics asked. “Okay” Kakashi replied. Once Raijinn was examined right away. All the Medics could figure is that because of the jutsu he used and how powerful it was that was what caused him to be in a comma. No one could guess for how long.
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The first chapter in what I hope many more is to come.