Naruto:The Lost Chronicles!

The Beginning (P1)

Chapter 1

6 years later!

Shikon walked along a forest path on Kyoto Island near the volcanoes. He was unsure as to how he got there. "Kuro, Here Boy!" He called out. The forest path was filled with luscious colors of all types. Scents of sweet flowers and fruits filled his nose, making it almost impossible for him for sniff out Kuro. He then started to use his ears to help him find Kuro. In the distance he made out Kuro's bark. "Kuro where are you?" Shikon called out. Shikon had no idea how long he'd been walking; only thing he knew was that he had to find Kuro. He didn't even know how they got separated in the first place. Kuro and Shikon never get separated,

Shikon did find it odd that Kuro was acting this way. Kuro normally comes running back to Kuro if they get separated. It wasn’t like Kuro. Shikon trudged on till he came to a large tree. "Kuro"Shikon yelled. Just as Shikon was about to continue walking a giant white wolf with 5 tails came out from the tree. Shikon tried to run, to scream anything to get away from the beast, but he couldn't. It was like he was paralyzed. All he could do was look into the eyes of the Wolf. "Shikon correct" The creature stated in a deep voice. Almost a low growl. Shikon nodded his head very slowly. "You'll make a perfect host for me to heal myself, seeing as how you managed to teleport yourself here" The Wolf said. "Where is here? And who are you?" Shikon managed to get out.

The wolf gave off what you could have called a laugh. "I'm known as Gobi, the 5 tailed demon Wolf." Gobi ended. Before Shikon could speak again Gobi lunged himself into Shikon's stomach. Shikon wailed in pain and fell to his knees. Gobi was almost all the way in his stomach when his tails formed a star and created a seal around Shikon's navel. Shikon woke in a sweat. He was panting and breathing heavily. ~What was that?~ He asked himself. He quickly lifted his shirt and there was the seal the Demon had just formed. Then in a blink of an eye it vanished. "I knew it was just a dream,” Shikon said to himself. ~Maybe it was just a trick of the eye, no reason to think on it~ Shikon thought as he walked to the bathroom. Today was his 12th birthday.

He stared into the mirror, taking in the new him. His complexion was a little darker, his fangs were sharper, the marks on his face had grown longer and wider over time filling his face, his hair was buzzed to being about and inch long. It was jet black like Kuro's fur. His body was in shape, slim and slender with defined muscles, just perfect for his family's fighting style. He then looked down at the necklace Tsubasa gave him. He never took it off. Shikon was about 5'3" now and weighed about 170lbs, most of that due to muscle. He walked back too his room and grabbed his usual attire.

Shikon always wore a grey hoodie with fir trimming surrounding the arm cuffs, hoodie and bottom, black baggy pants, black sandals, a white t-shirt undershirt, his hoodie was zipped up half way and a shuriken holster strapped too his right leg. Once Shikon was done getting ready and cleaning his room he woke up Kuro who hadn’t grown much since when he first got him. He was still in puppy form, as his mom and dad like to call it. Shikon was fine with size because for being a small guy he had a lot of fight in him. Kuro was still faithful as ever.

Kuro slowly opened his eyes and gave a small yawn. He then sneezed and looked up at Shikon. He slowly got up and stretched then wagged his tail happily at the sight of his owner. “C’mon Kuro, food” Shikon smiled as the little puppy chased him around the room till Shikon opened the door and the two ran downstairs. “Morning mom and dad” Shikon smiled as he reached into the cupboard and grabbed Kuro some dog food. “Good Morning Shikon. Ready for today?” His mom asked as she looked up from her sewing. Shikon smiled and nodded. Kuro ate happily making chewing sounds as he ate. Shikon looked at him and smiled. Shikon’s father looked up from his paper too the clock on the wall.

“Dad you’re coming today right?” Shikon asked as his dad got up. His dad looked at him and smiled. “Of course son, better get off to work. I’ll see you both at 3” His dad smiled as he got up from the table and walked out the front door with his dog right behind him. “Well I’m going now” Shikon replied as Kuro jumped into his arms and sat in the front of his hoodie. “Bye Shikon see you at 3, have a good day.” His mom called after him as he walked out of the house. As Shikon closed the door behind him he looked up too see Tsubasa. Tsubasa Now being 12 looked different from his 6-year-old self.

His skin was darker, he stood at 5’8” and weighed 190lbs most of that was muscle. He could now use his Byakugan. His black hair was buzzed and fit his head just right. He had an average face too say the least. His eyes stuck out the most on his dark skin. His eyes were kind of huge and milky white. He was generally seen wearing black shorts, black muscle shirt, and kunai holster on his left back shoulder. He didn’t wear shoes, he preferred to be barefoot. “Hey Shikon” Tsubasa smiled at him. Shikon smiled back. Kuro barked happily. “So are you ready for today?” Tsubasa asked.

Shikon nodded as the two friends walked too the school. Both boys talked about how cool it is that they were stepping up in the ranks. “I hope we’re on the same team.” Shikon said as they got closer to the academy. “Yeah same here, I really hope we’re with someone powerful, who knows a lot of moves. I want to be powerful” Tsubasa smiled. He turned and looked at Shikon. “Tsubasa you also have too think about the village. When we graduate we will be living to serve Konohagakure. This is our home and we have to protect it” Shikon replied walking past Tsubasa who had stopped to think about what Shikon was saying. “Your right” Tsubasa replied catching up to Shikon and letting the conversation go. Tsubasa was still thinking about power. It’s what he always wanted.
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So This chapter was getting really long so I'm doing this. It'll be broken down into 2 parts. Enjoy. Yes this story is more about Shikon for anyone who wants to know. He's a huge part in this story for those who read this chapter.