Naruto:The Lost Chronicles!

The Beginning (P2)

Kuro barked happily as they came to the Academy entrance. Tsubasa and Shikon walked to the classroom and took their seats. Shikon looked over at all his classmates. ~ I wonder who will be in my team~ He thought to himself. He looked over too see Tsubasa and some of the other guys goofing off. Shikon was too much too himself in school. He wanted to focus. Kuro barked as the two looked out the window. Kuro looked up at Shikon. Shikon rubbed his head absent mindedly.

Iruka Sensei walked in. All the students ran to their seats smiling and laughing. “Okay everyone quiet down now. Today is very important. Today is make or break and I want you all to be ready. Today you will be put through a test to see if you’ll pass for becoming a Genin. So without further ado let’s start.” Iruka smiled. One by one students went up and did the clone jutsu. “Next up is Hyuuga Tsubasa” Iruka called up.

Tsubasa went up with an heir of confidence. He looked up at Shikon and smiled. He knew he had this. He’s trained harder then any other student. This was going to be a piece of cake. “Go!” Iruka said. Tsubasa smiled. “Clone jutsu” Tsubasa said. In a puff of smoke stood and exact replica of Tsubasa. “Very nice Tsubasa” Iruka clapped. Both Tsubasa and his clone bowed and walked to his seat.

~Tsubasa did really good~ Shikon thought. Kuro gave off a slight whimper. Shikon rubbed his head. ~No negative thoughts Shikon, it’ll only affect Kuro. We can do this. ~ Shikon thought. Already he could feel Kuro calm down. “Inuzuka Shikon, your up” Iruka said. Shikon grinned and walked to the front of the class room. He swallowed and took a deep breath. “Clone jutsu” He called out. In a puff of smoke there stood an exact replica with its own Kuro in his hands. The replica smiled and waved then disappeared.

“Shikon you did amazing” Iruka replied. Shikon smiled and bowed. Tsubasa smiled at his friend. Shikon gave him a peace sign as he walked to his seat. “Well that was great work everyone and I’d just like to say you all graduate.” Iruka replied.


The Ceremony was held in front of the academy. Parents and siblings and family members took their seats and waited for the graduation ceremony to begin. Tsubasa and Shikon stood next to each other. Both smiled at each other. “We did it” Tsubasa smiled at his best friend. Shikon nodded. Kuro barked happily. Wagging his tail fiercely. The Hokage started calling out names one by one. Parents clapped when it was their child. “Hyuuga Tsubasa” The Hokage called. Tsubasa walked up to the Hokage and put the headband over his eyes. “Inuzuka Shikon” The Hokage called. Shikon walked up and bowed to the Hokage and put his head band around his neck letting it hang loosely. “That concludes the graduation ceremony.” The Hokage finished.
Tsubasa’s family came up to him once the ceremony was over and gave him hugs and words of praise for graduating. “Thanks mom and dad. You guys are awesome and I promise to make you guys proud.” Tsubasa replied to both of them. Shikon walked over to them. “Congratulations Shikon. We are both proud of you too.” Tsubasa’s mom said smiling at him. “Thanks Mrs. Hyuuga. That means a lot.” Shikon bowed and went off to find his mom and dad. “Shikon” he heard his mom call out. Shikon looked up and there stood his parents. “Mom, Dad I’m so glad you guys came” Shikon smiled. Kuro barked happily. “Son we wouldn’t have missed this for the world.” his father beamed at him. “Shikon I have a gift for you” his mom said as she pulled out a medic kit that he could hook up to the back of his pants “Thanks mom” Shikon smiled. “ There are even some things in there for Kuro” his mom replied.

Shikon looked up too see Kakashi walking away with some Medic Ninja. “Wonder what’s going on?” Shikon’s mom said out loud.
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There is more to come.