Naruto:The Lost Chronicles!

The Beginning (P3)

Chapter 3

Raijinn woke up in the hospital bed. He slowly opened his eyes, letting them adjust to the sun light coming in from the window. “Where am I?” He asked aloud only to be answered in silence. He then slowly sat up against his pillow and took in his surroundings. Raijinn looked down at his body. He noticed he was taller. His hair, white like his father’s, was now down to the ground ending in a tip. His outfit was the one his father owned, the black jumpsuit that started under his eyes and ended at his feet. He now realized that his body had grown into a fit body structure. As he took in his newly defined features, his father walked into the room.
“Raijinn…” His father gasped. Raijinn looked up instantly. “Dad..” Raijinn said slowly. Realizing his voice was now deeper. Kakasi ran to his son’s bedside and embraced him in a hug. “Raijinn” Kakashi said, tears in his eyes as he held his son. “Dad what happened? What’s going on?” Raijinn asked confused and in shock. Kakashi let go of his son and looked him in the eyes, which stared back at him. “You don’t remember?” Kakashi asked, shock in his voice. Raijinn slowly shook his head from side to side. Kakashi took a deep breath before he began. “While performing your jutsu you messed up and slipped into unconsciousness. You were brought to the hospital as soon as we could. You’ve been out for 6 years. The doctors thought you might never recover. The strange part is your body still aged and grew and it seems like your mind did as well.” Kakashi finished looking up at his son.
“6 YEARS. I’ve been out for 6 years. Are you kidding me? How could this? What about my team? Are they ready for me?” Raijinn rushed. He started to scramble to get out of the bed. Kakashi grabbed his shoulders and settled him down. “Raijinn, I need to explain some things too you. After you went out your team mates got a new member. Too take your place that is, but about 2 years ago they died on a mission. I’m sorry son.” Kakashi bowed his head. “No, no, no, how, why…what will I do?” Raijinn sat, his head in his hands. “Amongst all this there is some good news…” Kakashi started. Raijinn looked up at him. “We have a teamed lined up for you to join. 2 boys, your age, who just graduated today and…” But he was cut off by Raijinn. “Wait, are you saying I’m with newbies?” Raijinn sounding furious said.
“In a sense yes you are, but technically you just graduated yourself.” Kakashi said looking at his son who had slowly leaned back taking in what his father had just told him. “Well that’s different, besides the point. Anyway who are these ‘teamates’ of mine anyway?” Raijinn asked looking to the window. “They are Tsubasa Hyuuga and Shikon Inuzuka.” Kakashi finished. Raijinn looked at his father then looked away as if in thought. “So an Inuzuka and a Hyuuga, not bad choices, but still. When do I get to meet them?” Raijinn asked impatient.
“They will stop by later in the coming weeks.” Kakashi explained. “Why later in the weeks? Why not now?” Raijinn asked confused. “Raijinn you just woke from a 6 year coma, we need time to train and get you back to full strength. Besides the fact that they are still looking for Sensi’s for all the teams. This gives you a chance to be home and explore and be with me for a while before sending you off to the world and doing missions.” Kakashi finished. Raijinn looked at his father and nodded his understanding. “Now lets go home.” Kakashi smiled as he helped his son out of bed. “Okay father.” Raijinn smiled at the thought of home with his father.