Status: Alive and well.

Wouldn't You Like To Kiss Her?

Chapter seven.

A few weeks had passed since the Falling In Reverse concert; a lot had changed. Mainly, Nikki and I are no longer friends. After a nice, long talk with Nick I felt like slapping myself for being her little bitch for so long.

Since Nikki and I stopped talking, I hadn't really made any friends. I turned into a workaholic; I also didn't get out much.

For about a week after the concert I sort of hoped that I had given one of the guys my number and I would get a text, but my life never goes that nicely. So now I've pretty much given up on ever seeing Ronnie or Nason or Nick or Anthony again.

I sighed and stopped at a red light. I was on my way to work, as usual, and I was late already. My boss was going to kill me when I finally got there.

I kept my foot pressed against the break and glanced at the other cars around me. There weren't many, but most of them had a bunch of business-like people. It made me chuckle; all the business people and then me, covered in tattoos.

It amused me for some reason.

I was suddenly jolted forward, and I immediately slammed on my breaks again, then turned around in my seat.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" I exclaimed.

Yeah, because I needed to have a longer lateness to work. I just needed to get rear-ended.

I pulled over to the break-down lane, as did the person who had hit me. Once there, I parked the car and hopped out.

"Oh my fucking God dude, I am so sorry!" The girl exclaimed, her hand placed over her mouth.

I sighed and walked over to her. "Do I have any damage?" I asked, then kneeled down to examine my car. Thank God there was no sign that I was hit.

"I am seriously so fucking sorry," she said again.

I looked up at her and shrugged. Like me, she was decked out in tattoos. "I'm just glad that now I have an excuse to be late to work," I said with a small laugh.

She chuckled. "Yeah; do you want my phone number for anything? In case you find something wrong with your car later?" She asked.

I nodded and pulled out my phone from my pocket. She read off her phone number as I typed it into my phone, then saved it. "Thanks," I said quickly.

"What's your name?" She inquired.

"Andrea; how about you?"

"I'm Leah," she said and walked over to me. We shook hands.

"Nice to meet you... kind of." I laughed.

She laughed as well. "Yeah, same. Sorry about fucking your car's ass."

I couldn't help but laugh at that one. "My car enjoyed it, I think. She's a total whore." I said and patted my car.

Leah chuckled. "You're funny. Even if I didn't do any damage to your car, you should totally text me and we could chill or something."

I smiled and nodded. "Woah, new best friend!"

"Totes, dude!"

I chuckled and shook my head. "Alright, well I'm going to go get fired now. See ya." I said and climbed back into my car.

I sped the fuck to work from there. I was a good half hour late now, and my boss was going to bite my fucking head off when I got there, which was going to be just so fun. When I finally did arrive, I did my best to slide past my asshole boss.

That didn't end up well.

The second he spotted me he was on me like a fucking dog. "You're late, again, Andrea."

I flashed a smile up at him. "My car got rear-ended at a light, I swear to God." I informed him.

He was silent for a moment. "Andrea, you're fired."

My mouth immediately dropped open. "What the fuck?!"

"You're fired; pack your shit and leave. You've been late too many times this month. I'm not dealing with it anymore."

His voice was so calm and smooth, it almost scared me. "Fine, fuck you, you're an asshole." I have been waiting to unload on this guy ever since I started working here. "You fucking fuck all of your little bitch employees and everybody knows it. You're a pig; good fucking riddance."

And with that, I proudly exited my now old job.
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gahh, crappy chapter. i just wanted to put something up. :\