Status: new hope you like it



The manager did in fact love the song said it was incredible. Something fresh that this world needed. I laughed at that part as Matt couldn’t get the smile off his face. Our drummer Joe was pretty happy about it as well. We were all sitting in the living room talking.

"Well the manager thinks we need a female in the band" Matty stated which was news to me.

"Why females make everything harder" Joe whined as he smoked a cigarette.

"Joe when are you going to quit smoking?" I asked him. I don’t know why I did it’s not like what I do is any better.

"When are you going to stop shooting up? The day will come when we are all on stage and you’re going to either pass out or your nose is going to bleed and everyone will know. Then what will you do?" Joe was such a dick sometimes. An honest dick.

"Must you guys always fight? I don’t get it, anyway we need a female in the band and I’ve got the perfect solution"

"Who?" Joe and I both asked at the same time.

"Steph she plays bass really well" he said while smiling.

"No" I said quickly.

"Sounds good to me. What’s the problem jeffy boy?"

"Don’t want her to" I answered simply.

"Oh well because she’s coming to move in with us."

What the fuck. I hated how Matt always made decisions without consulting me first, Joe didn’t really care.

"Nice is she single?" Joe asked and I glared at him. Matt caught that and gave me a look I shook my head.

"Yes she’s single but I’d kill you if you touched her"

"Why? I would be gentle" Joe smirked and laughed. I threw a book at him but it missed hitting the wall behind him. "Dude if that would have hit me you would be dead."

"You are so annoying." I stated as I got up heading towards my room upstairs.

"Going to shoot up? Or your nose this time?" Joe asked me I wanted to rip his head off but instead I flipped him off and continued going up the stairs. I could hear Joe and Matt arguing as I chopped up the coke and made lines.

"Dude do you have to be such a dick to him? He obviously already has enough shit to deal with."

"What the fuck? He shouldn’t be killing himself though. I’m sick of seeing him like that he’s been my best friend since grade five and it kills me to see him this way" I sniffed a line feeling bad to cause my friend pain. I’m just addicted.

"Your right that’s why she’s going to move in." I was on my fifth line at this moment and I was fucked out my mind. I wanted to go to a rave so I got up and headed back down the stairs stumbling a little.

"Where do you think you’re going?"Joe asked trying not to sound concerned but I knew he was.

"Rave" I answered simply and closed the door behind me. I wish I could stop but I really don’t know how.
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for aurora =p