

Born into the moon pack, Kira was just a pure white pup with four brothers and sisters, though one night when the moon was full and her pack was defending there lives, a strange wolf entered the den and took her away. She endured horrible pain and when she tried to defend her tiny little body, her attackers went straight through the wolf. Her only choice was to hope the wolf would finish her quickly.

Her wish was not granted, instead a crescent moon shaped scar lay over her left eye, a metal anklet on her front right paw with a thread attached to it. The claw marks of the attacker stained her muzzle as did the crimson stream of blood pouring from the wound. Beside that the only other change was the tiny set of feathered wings on her back.

She layed there and wept until her mother found her, but as her mother looked over the pup, she scowled at it and turned her back to Kira. Kira cryed to her but her mother didnt come back. The wolf had changed her sent, and her look, even her voice was different. Her mother would never see her Kira again.

Kira wandered the land aimlessly, the sent of rival packs frightened her and soon she found a unclaimed territory in the middle of the six packs, she found a small den and slept there for the night. In the morning she heard multiple pups crying for there mothers, she walked out of the den to see a male with scares resembling flames scattered on his body.

((This is a brand new thought, and if you want more tell me!! If I don't get many good responses, this story will be laid to rest SO COMMENT!))