

Kira followed the trail of blood left by vashes wounds. It wasnt serious but she didnt know that. She panically raced off after the trail, soon she saw him, flames still circled around his arm. This shocked Kira and she speed up, her legs burning, her wings helping to force her along.

She caught up to Vash who's eyes stayed forward, searching or Tokijen. Kira stepped in front of him, making him tumble into her and they both skidded along the ground for a few feet. Vash grit his teeth together as his wounds scraped along the ground. Kira stood up and shook herself off.

Vash did the same, his flames still burning. Kira saw his rage and connected it with his flames. Kira nuzzled his nose, that had calmed him down since they first met in the den as pups. Vashes eyes half closed and his breathing calmed. His whole body seemed to relax a little. Just as Kira thought Vashes flames receded into his arm. Kira smiled and threw her head over his neck in a hug.

Vash smiled " Thanks" He mumbled before pulling away and walking on. Kira snickered " No you don't, come here" Kira said spreading her lovely wings wide and jumping over him. She closed her wings around him and she began to dimly glow, just as the moon.

It was only a few seconds before Vash was completely healed. He smiled to her again. " Where are you going Vash?" Kira asked. Vash nodded in front of him to one of Tokijens dens. " Looking for Toki" he said slowly walking with her. Kira looked him over. Tokijen was so alone in the beginning, but Vash stayed by his side as Adien bullied him around, Kamari and Tamari did the same.

Kira nodded " You finally backed up your threats huh" Vash nodded. Kira smiled. " Well", she said with a up beat voice, she was now all up straight and playful, " Lets see if he is there" She said running to the den. Vash smiled to her, though Adien was alpha so he pushed desires away and ran after her.

Kira got there first and sniffed into the small hole. A brown lump moved and came out. tokijen kept his head low to Kira, Kira licked him and he perked up a bit. Vash went over to him with a weak smile. Tokijen scrunched his nose, " whats that smell?" Vash and Kira hadn't noticed the smell the fire had set off. Vash shook his head " Later" He said sitting down.

Tokijen sat across from him and Kira laid down. After Vash explained the whole fight Kira nodded and her mind went to work. " tokijen you did nothing wrong, Tamari was shy and Kamari took that wrong, Vash I don't approve of the fighting, but rank must be established I guess." She said with a sigh and rolled over on her back.

She perked her ears as she heard a growl, she looked up to Adien staring the other males down, they both stood and faced him, they both had been beaten from having their backs to him. Kira smiled to him, he didnt back like he usually did. She rolled over and got up.

" What?" She asked cocking her head. " They attacked the feas" He snarled Kira shook his head " Kamari started it, and I believe that, shes over protective of Tamari. It wasnt so bad Vash found his power from it." She smiled to Vash, Vashes eyes stayed on Adien.

Adien snorted and circled them, Vash and Tokijen watched him, staying facing him. Kira finally stepped in front of them and spread her wings " Enough" She said. She always wanted them to be a peaceful family, he was about power. He looked to Vash and snorted " No" He said and lunged at hm.