
Moon, Mist and Earth

Kira stepped in front of Adien at the last possible moment, saving Vash from his powerful jaws, but forcing them into herself. She yipped and kicked him off. A single stream of blood trickled down her fur. Vashes eyes glared with rage as Kiras white coat was stained. Adien sighed and shook his light grey coat as if Kira made him itch.

"To long Kira have you not enforced discipline and fear, see what it has come to" adien said, speaking as if Kira were a pup. Kira snarled, and looked to Vash who backed away, Adien growled and lunged for him but this time Kira gripped his neck. She struggled with him for a moment then threw him down.

Her jaw was bloodied and her eyes where no longer happy and care free. Her breathing was so much heavier now. " Are you happy Adien? Is this what you want from me?" Adien got up and glared at her. " You are my fea, you best not touch me again". Kira filled with an emotion she had never felt before, not even when the white brute took her away.

Vash Growled and lowered his head as Adien started at him again. This time his legs kept going, but he stopped, Kira was glowing again an Adien was slowly begging lifted in the air. Adien struggled but Kira kept her grip. " I am NOT some fea to be used as your amusement Adien, I am this packs leader, and the way I see it Feas should be the main leaders, and if you don't approve I will fight you for that right now."

Adien smiled and stared at her. Tokijen just stood watching, he and Vash stood along the sides of the battle ground now. Adien looked to Tokijen, and the brown yearling stepped back. " Fighting brought out Vashes power yes?" Adien asked slyly, Kira tilted her head in curiosity. Adien smiled and opend his wings "Then lets see if fighting brings it out in him. With that a heavy mist surrounded them, Kira could only grip what she could see so Adien fell from the air and started towards Tokijen.

Kira released this and wouldn't let Adien push the youngest away like that. She found Tokijen first, thankfully and waited for Adien. She heard Vash stumbling around, she didnt even notice as Adien snuck up behind Tokijen and leaped onto his back.

Tokijen cried out and Kira whirled around. Tokijen tried to crawl away as Adien ripped at his back. Kira enraged at the senseless violence picked them both up, Adien was the main target but Tokijen was trapped in his jaws. With a painful cry Tokijens earth green eyes glared at Adien and a large pointed rock shot up from the flat ground, forcing Tokijen from Adiens jaws.

Kira leaped up and tackled Adien and forced him into the ground, Kira had also let Tokijen down unknowingly and he fell back tot he earth with a thud. His blood stained the ground and his whimpers filled the mists. Kira pinned Adien and no matter how hard he attempted. he could not throw Kira off. He finally gave up his title and Kira took over and number one.

She heard Vash calling for tokijen, the mist hadn't yet cleared, Adien had disappeared into it and didnt want them to see where he had run off to. Kira frantically looked around for Tokijen, the sent of his blood was everywhere but she couldn't pin point it.

Finally she opend her wings and a almost ere glow, one as bright as a full moon filled the mists. Vash was seen in the middle and he spotted what looked like a rock slide. There where thick sheets of rock coming up from the earth forming a cave, but it was completely sealed off. Kira found a small crack and smelt Tokijen.

She softly cooed to him, he finally let down one wall and Kira rushed in to heal him. She sighed and layed on top of him protectively. Vash lay near them his head on his paws. Tokijen stared far away. " Thank you sister" He finally whispered to her, Making her smile.