

Vash sat by Tokijens den by the stream. Tokijen hid inside, fearful of the vengeful Adien. Vash looked into the den, Tokijen was quivering. He frowned and set his head on his paws. " you know, he cant hurt you anymore, you can protect yourself from him. After I overthrow him, things will quiet down a bit anyway. Thanks to Kira putting Adien in his place." Vash thought hard, and sighed. To Kira they were all family, and they would never be anything else.

Vash yawned and stood up. Looking around he saw the smoke from Tamaris lightning, and behind her tree, slightly deeper into the woods he saw two very yellow eyes. He smirked, knowing Tamari wad the only one with yellow eyes. It had to be one of the black wolves. He looked over to Tokijen and grinned slyly. " Hey Toki, wanna go have some fun". Vashes 'fun' always cheered Tokijen up. He was out of his den in an instant and ready to play. Vash grinned at himself and set off around the two feas.

They were level with the wolf now, and almost fifteen yards to his right. Vash told tokijen that if he tried to run, make a wall and trap him in. Tokijen nodded and snuck away to see better. Vash grinned and tried to bring his flames out. Nothing worked. He remembered Kira telling him his power was linked with emotion, his rage. Vash sighed and shut his eyes, trying to anger himself.

The resent sight of Adien biting down on Kiras throat was enough to bring his red flames bursting from his scar. This caught the black wofs attention. Instead of turning and running as Vash would have thought the large black brute charged him. Vash growled and scattered some flames, but the brute kept coming. Vash had to jump and dodge him. He kept coming. Finally Vash had to yell to Tokijen " Cage him! Hurry!" Tokijen tried, the first few times he missed, but he finally trapped him, almost crushing the brutes leg.

The yelling forced Kamari and Tamari to come running. When they got there Vash was tossing flames around the brutes cage.Tokijen just looked him over.To the winged wolves, he looked very strange. He did not show it but he was trembling in his cage. Tamari shocked them all and approached first.

" Who are you?" She asked, Vash and tokijen had never even heard her voice before,. it was soft and melodic. The brute stopped and stared at her in awe, then shook himself. as he talked the fur on his back pricked up in threat, not like he could back it up though. " I am none of your business" He growled softly. Tamari snorted and asked again, and again he refused.

Finally Kamari had to blow him around a little bit. " Alright!" He said twirling about his cage. " My name is Shenji, I'm the alpha of the lightning pack, and the wolf you took his kill from." Tamari cocked her head thinking then giggled. " But you didnt kill the deer, and anyway, I wanted to ask you something." Shenji perked his ears up, showing he was listening. " Am I your daughter?" Tamari asked, making everyone stare at her, she kept her eyes on him though, not caring for the others eyes.

Shenji looked her over for a moment then burst out with a short laugh, startling her. " Are you crazy? Do I even look like you?!" "Yes" She said looking over his black coat and yellow eyes. Shenji snorted annoyed with her game." I haven't the wings of a bird, or the power of fire or wing or earth. Also You don't smell like my clan. Thus you cant be mine" Tamari lowered her ears. " But we look alike, and only black wolves can have black pups...right?" Again Shenji laughed. " No!! My mate has had many different colored pups, only one had been black with our yellow eyes, and she left us a while ago..." He stopped looking her over, remembering her name, and quickly stopping himself from bursting the information out.

Tamari nodded and turned away, starting back to her tree. Her interest was lost. Kamari looked the boys over then followed Tamari back. Over her shoulder Tamari heard Vash saying " Now we can have fun with him. Tamari doesn't care" She growled and spun around seeing Vashes flames dangerously close to Shenji. She narrowed her eyes and a thin bolt of lightning struck between Vash and Shenji.

Vash growled and let his flames die, then with a snort started away. Tokijen started to shake and quickly let the cage down, freeing Shenji and ran after Vash, not wanting gTamari to be short with him. Shenji looked over Tamari frozen. She sighed " Go now, Shenji of the Lightning pack, you have no pourpus here but death. Go before Adien sees you." With that Tamari turned and started away again.

Shenji watched her for a moment then said " I will, Tamari, Lightning Storm, Keep safe young one" His words were like a fathers, soft and warm. It made her ears tingle, she looked back but he was already gone. Kamari sighed and walked past her. " Must be nice, to be a father"